Professor, Business Management, International Business, MBA Program
Contact Info
Professional Webpage
- Ph.D. - The University of Iowa - Business Administration, 2007
- M.I.B.S. - The University of South Carolina - International Business, 1995
- B.A. - Florida State University - French; Minor in International Affairs, 1992
- A.A. - St. Petersburg Junior College, 1990
Positions Held
- Professor, James Madison University, 2019-Present
- Department Head, Management, James Madison University, 2018-2021
- Associate Professor, James Madison University, 2013-2019
- Assistant Professor, James Madison University, 2007-2013
Select Publications
Parks-Leduc, L., Dustin, S., Parks, T.W., & Wang, G. Team Values and Team Performance: A Two-Study Investigation. (2024). In press at Applied Psychology: An International Review. DOI: 10.1111/apps.12553
Parks-Leduc, L., Mulligan, L. M., & Rutherford, M. (2021). Can Ethics Be Taught? Examining the Impact of Distributed Ethical Training and Individual Characteristics on Ethical Decision Making. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 20, 30-49.
Barrick, M.R. & Parks-Leduc, L. (2019). "Selection for Fit", Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Vol. 6, pp. 171-193.
Parks-Leduc, L., Feldman, G., & Bardi, A. (2015). Personality and Values: A Meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 19: 3-29.
Rutherford, M., Parks, L., Cavazos, D., & White, C.D. (2012). Business Ethics as a required course: Investigating the factors impacting the decision to require Ethics in the undergraduate business core curriculum. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11: 174-186.
Awards and Recognitions
- Madison Scholar Award, 2019
- CoB Foundation Faculty Fellow, 2018-2020
- Teaching & Learning Scholarship Award, 2nd place, 2018
- Paul Bierly Best Publication Award, Management Department, 2015 & 2017
- Dean’s Impact Award, JMU College of Business, 2014-present
- Madison Collaborative Research Grant, JMU, 2014-15; 2015-2016
- Best Education Publication, JMU College of Business, 2013
- Iowa Presidential Fellowship, University of Iowa
- Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Theta Kappa, and Golden Key