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Associate Professor, Marketing, MBA Program
Contact Info

Professional Webpage
Teaching & Research Interests
  • Numerical cognition
  • Consumer goals
  • Framing
  • Analytics
  • Experimental design
  • Ph.D, Marketing, University of Rhode Island - 2008
  • M.B.A, Marketing Concentration, University of Tampa - 2002
  • B.S., Business Administration, Mugla University - 1999

Positions Held
  • Associate Professor, Rollins College, 2016-2019
  • Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 2015-2016
  • Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 2008-2015
Select Publications

Ozcan, Timucin, Michael Hair and Kunter Gunasti (2024), “The Effects of Reaching Numerical Roundness on Consumer Subgoals,” Journal of Business Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114617 

Gunasti, Kunter, Timucin Ozcan and Elizabeth Howlett (2023), “The Crucial Role of Reference Numbers on Consumers’ Product Preferences,” Journal of Business Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114249 

Ozcan, Timucin, Michael Hair and Ahmet M. Hattat (2023), “Eric is Bad, but Erica is Worse: Greater Negativity Bias toward Female Brands,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 31 (3), 300-315.

Gunasti, Kunter and Timucin Ozcan (2019), “The Role of Scale-Induced Round Numbers and Goal Specificity on Goal Accomplishment Perceptions,” Marketing Letters, 30 (May), 207-17.

Ozcan, Timucin, Ahmet M. Hattat and Michael Hair (2018), “Effects of Absence Positioning of Unknown Product Ingredients on Consumer Evaluations,” European Journal of Marketing, 52 (9/10), 2128-50.

Awards and Recognitions
  • Dean's Impact Award 2023 -  JMU College of Business
  • Best Paper in Conference Award, 2018 Annual Meeting of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice
  • Best in Track Paper Award, 2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference

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