Associate Professor, Accounting; Calibre Faculty Scholar
Contact Info
Research and Teaching Interests
- Accounting Education
- Auditing
- Fraud Detection and Prevention
- Information Systems
- Ph.D. in Business Administration, Accounting, May 1998, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Master of Accountancy, May 1998, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- B.S. in Accounting, May 1988, Clemson University
Positions Held
- KPMG, Consultant and Facilitator Observer 2022-present
- KPMG, Master Instructor, Road to In-charge, 2006 – 2020
- Senior Mine Action Managers’ Course, Instructor, United Nations Development Program, 2007, 2010-2013
- KPMG Instructor, Audit Foundations, 2005-2007, 2017 - 2019
- AICPA CPA Examination (2006), Writer for Auditing questions
- BeckerConviser Instructor, Summer 2005
- Audit Senior-Staff, Elliott Davis and Company, Greenville, S.C., 1988-1991
Select Publications
"Geographic Information Systems—A Scavenger Hunt for Accounting and Auditing," with W.J. Ritchie. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (2024) 21 (2): 123-131. https://doi.org/10.2308/JETA-2022-029
“Recruiting the best: What CPAs could learn from college coaches,” with Alex Gabbin, August 2016, Journal of Accountancy.
Using Computerized Audit Software to Learn Statistical Sampling: An Instructional Resource, with T.J. Louwers, 2010, Issues in Accounting Education, Special Issue, 553-567.
“Criminal Investigations of Taxpayer Fraud,” with Nancy Nichols, Journal of Legal Tax Research, 2006, Volume 4.
“Thinking Outside of the Box (of wine that is): An Exercise in Independence,” by Robert C. Richardson. Issues in Accounting Education, August 2004, Volume 19, Issue No. 3.
Awards and Recognitions
- Kenneth R. Bartee Award for Teaching Innovation, 2017
- Dr. Otto C. Brenner Memorial Award, Outstanding Undergraduate Professor, 2004, 2006, 2012, 2014
- Mengebier Professorship for Teaching Excellence, 2013-2015
- College of Business Distinguished Teacher Award, 2007
- Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Faculty Member, University of Houston, 2000
- Pauline Corn Outstanding Graduate Assistant Teacher, Virginia Tech, 1993