Professor, Marketing, Int. Business, MBA Program; Global Supply Chain Management Minor, Program Co-coordinator; Kenneth R. Bartee Endowed Professor
Contact Info
Professional Webpage
Teaching & Research Interests
- Interfirm relationships along the Value-Creation Chain
- Strategic issues in international marketing channels and logistics
- Ph.D., The University of Alabama
- M.B.A., University of Arkansas, Little Rock
- B.B.A., University of Istanbul
Select Publications
Morgan, Tyler R., Mert Tokman, Robert Glenn Richey, and Cliff Defee, (2018) "Resource commitment and sustainability: a reverse logistics performance process model", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(2), 164-182.
Tokman, Mert, R. Glenn Richey, and George D. Deitz (2016), “A Strategic Choice Theory Taxonomy of Retailers' Strategic Orientations” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice – 24(2): 186-208.
Tokman, Mert, George D. Deitz, and R. Glenn Richey (2015), “An Empirically Derived Taxonomy of Manufacturer-Retailer Channel Structures” Journal of Marketing Channels – 22(4): 279-298.
Bahn, Kenneth, Kent Granzin, and Mert Tokman (2015), “End-user contribution to logistics value co-creation: A series of exploratory studies” Journal of Marketing Channels, 22(1): 3-26. (Lead article in this issue)
Tokman, Mert, R. Glenn Richey, Louis D. Marino, and Pat Dickson (2013), “SME Supply Chain Portfolios: Firm Satisfaction and Organization Resources,” International Journal of Logistics Management, 24(2): 271-300. (Recipient of Emerald Publishing 2013 Highly Commanded Paper Award)
Awards and Recognitions
- SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award Nominee, 2018-2019
- SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award Nominee, 2017-2018
- James Madison University, Provosts Award for Excellence in International Education, 2016-2017
- JMU-College of Business, Madison Scholar Award, 2015-2016
- AMS-Retailing Track – Best Paper Award, 2010
- JMU-College of Business, Distinguished Service Award, 2009-2010
- JMU-College of Business, Community Service Award, 2008
- Editorial Review Board Member, Industrial Marketing Management
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Marketing Channels
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Business Logistics
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Supply Chain Management
- Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management