Selected Examples of Student-Faculty Collaborative Work

Students participating in the REU program have had various opportunities to showcase the work they have done. Some students have had the opportunity to publish co-authored work, while others have traveled to present their work at national conferences or locally at JMU. Selected examples are provided below.


Isabella Roman (student), Dr. William C. Wood (adviser), and Scott Niederjohn “Higher Education and Economic Mobility: Who Punches Above Their Weight?” Atlantic Economic Journal, 49: 317-319.

Dr. David C. Hayes (adviser), Dr. James H. Irving, and Michael P. Johnson (student) “Christian’s College Fund Store—A Forensic Data Analytics Case Study Using IDEA Software.” Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 12(3): 506-516.

Brianna Cifelli (student), Dr. Jill Kurp (Maher), Dr. Theresa B. Clarke (adviser), and Dr. Irvine Clarke III “A comparative exploration of celebrity chef influence on millennials.” Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Online 6/20/2020.

Dr. Laura Leduc, Leigh Mulligan (student), and Dr. Matt Rutherford “Can Ethics Be Taught? Examining the Impact of Distributed Ethical Training and Individual Characteristics on Ethical Decision Making.” Academy of Management Learning & Education, Online 3/26/2020.

Danielle Bragale (student) and Dr. Joshua Pate (adviser). “Challenges of an established amateur sport: Exploring how wheelchair basketball grows and thrives through a sport development lense.” Journal of Amateur Sport, 5(1), 50-75. See JMU’s eNews article.

Jennifer Freebus (student) and Dr. William C. Wood (adviser). “Common Stock-Related Recusals on the Roberts Court: Financial Implications and a Low-Cost Solution,” Virginia Policy Review (submission completed). 2019.

Devin M. Boehmer (student) and Dr. William C. Wood (adviser). “Student vs. faculty perspectives on quality instruction: Gender bias, “hotness,” and “easiness” in evaluating teaching.” Journal of Education for Business, 92(4). 2017.

Dr. Theresa B. Clarke (adviser), Dr. Jamie Murphy, and Jami Adler (student) “Celebrity chef adoption and implementation of social media, particularly Pinterest: A diffusion of innovations approach.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 57(August), 84-92. 2016.


Callie Smith (student) and Dr. Elham Torabi (adviser) conducted research with Mary Washington Hospital.


Everett Wood (student), Lena Caffall (student), and Dr. William Wood (adviser) presented to the Bridgewater Little League. survey results

Charlie Stimpson (student) under advisement of Mr. Miguel Baltazar and Dr. Reg Foucar-Szocki video presentation.

Charlie Stimpson (student) with Foucar-Szocki, R. (adviser), Baltazar, M. (adviser). (2021, March). VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) Response for Hospitality Education: On-Campus Hotels. Refereed Paper Presentation at the 8th Annual 2021 Virtual Spring North East North American Federation of International CHRIE.

Molly Ellor (student) under advisement of Dr. C.K. Lee accepted for the International SEE conference in February 2020 and the 2020 AOM conference.

Noah Salvato (student) and Dr. William Ritchie presented “Teaching the Impact of Supply Chain on Project Management: An Experiential Exercise at a Vintage Porsche Restoration Shop” at the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute 2020 in Charleston, SC.

Jacob Decker (student) and Dr. William Ritchie presented “Linking Blockchain, Supply Chain, and Student Learning: A Classroom Exercise” at the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute 2020 in Charleston, SC.

Qian Zhao (student) and Jinxia Chen (student) under advisement of Dr. John Guo presented “Running a Distributed Ledger: An Overview of the Implementation of Blockchain” at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of Undergraduate Scholarship at Randolph College in 2019.

Kenny Nguyen (student) under advisement of Dr. Michel Mitri presented “ Natural Language Processing for Wisualizing the Mueller Report” at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of Undergraduate Scholarship at Randolph College in 2019.

Mary Margaret Anthony and Lauren Calderaro (students) under advisement of Dr. Theresa Clarke presented work at the ACME conference in March 2019 in Houston, TX

Jami Adler and Brianna Cifelli (students) under advisement of Dr. Theresa Clarke (adviser) presented at the ACME conference in June 2017

Danielle Bragale (student) and Dr. Joshua Pate (adviser) at the 2018 Spring Honors Symposium. Barriers to Wheelchair Basketball: A Comprehensive Literature Review

Jami Adler, Devin Boehmer, Kerry Joyce, Emily Ringer, and Ryan Williams presented their collaborative work at the 2017 JMU CoB Board of Advisors Meeting.

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