Important Note
  • When donating online, type "TRIO Programs" in the "Special Gift Instructions."
  • If donating by phone, just tell the representative it's for "TRIO Programs."
  • For check donations, make checks payable to the JMU Foundation and include "TRIO Programs" in the memo line.

Now more than ever, JMU TRIO Programs needs you

You’re helping students who need it most. In just the first two years, JMU TRIO Programs has provided 16,866 hours of contact to 656 students! With your help, you can contribute to the lasting impact on the lives of more students working hard to build a brighter future. Through your contributions you will help students get additional tutoring, academic and career advising, college application assistance, cultural activities and field trips, and more — ensuring they have more opportunities to succeed! 

How Donations Are Used

Your donations will...

  • Provide extra support for student academic success.
  • Cover dual enrollment fees, college exam fees, and test prep to make higher education possible for every student.
  • Fund additional cultural activities, field trips, and workshops to inspire students and expand their horizons.
Why Your Help Counts

JMU TRIO Programs make sure every student has the chance to dream big and achieve more. Your support doesn’t just help one student—it creates a ripple effect, transforming families and communities.

Your Support Will Change a Life

“TRIO has shown me that college is possible. I got a better understanding and prospective on attending the college. With TRIO's help, I know I can make it.”

— Student testimonial

 “College tours helped me to prepare for my future.”

— Student testimonial

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