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Assistant Professor
Contact Info
Pronouns: she/her/hers/ella

Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities

Academic Degrees: 
B.B.A., Business Administration, James Madison University 
M.S.Ed., Adult Education/Human Resources, James Madison University 

A native of Colombia, South America, Diana came to the United States as an exchange student during high school. She was recruited to James Madison University as a member of the women’s golf team and earned her Bachelor in Business Administration. After her graduation, Diana worked briefly in the banking industry and returned to her alma mater to pursue a Master’s in Education in Adult Education and Human Resources. After completion of her master’s program, Diana was hired to teach Spanish language, English to adult immigrants and courses in learning theories and diversity in education at James Madison University. In addition, she is the director of the JMU Dual Master’s Degree in Education with the University of Salamanca, Spain in Spanish Language and Culture and is pursuing her PhD in Education at George Mason University. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, playing golf, reading and traveling around the world.


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