Professor & Assistant AUH
Contact Info
Website: https://www.kristinadoubet.com
Professor, College of Education
Department of Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Education
About Dr. Kristina Doubet
Kristi is a Professor in the Department of Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Education at James Madison University, where she has received the College of Education’s “Distinguished Teacher Award,” “Madison Scholar Award,” and the "Sarah Miller Luck ’14, '15 Endowed Professorship for Excellence in Education." Kristi has partnered with over 80 schools, districts, and organizations around initiatives related to differentiated instruction, Understanding by Design, and classroom assessment. She has also engaged in sustained work with the Commonwealth of Virginia in pursuit of standards and assessment reform. In addition to numerous journal articles and book chapters, she has co-authored the ASCD book Differentiation in Middle and High School: Strategies to Engage All Learners (with Jessica Hockett), the Corwin Press book The Differentiated Flipped Classroom (with Eric Carbaugh), and the AMLE book Smart in the Middle: Classrooms that Work for Bright Middle-Schoolers (with Carol Tomlinson). Kristi taught secondary English and language arts for ten years, and has also served as an instructional coach in elementary and middle school classrooms.
University of Virginia, Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction
University of Virginia, M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Eastern Illinois University, B.A. in English and Communications
Selected Media-Accessible Publications
Carbaugh, E.M. & Doubet, K.J. (August 25, 2016). "Setting the Tone for Technology Use." ASCD Express, 11, 24. http://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol11/1124-carbaugh.aspx
Doubet, K.J. & Hockett, J.A. “5 Ways to Engage Reluctant Learners.”TeachThought. http://tinyurl.com/ReluctantLearners
Doubet, K.J. & Hockett, J.A. “5 Tips for Making Group Work Manageable.” Edutopia. http://tinyurl.com/GroupWorkTips
Doubet, K.J. “Assessments for Today’s Students.” Ed Week’s Classroom Q&A with Larry Ferlazzo. http://tinyurl.com/EdWeekBlogAssessment
Doubet, K.J., Hockett, J.A., & Brighton, C.M. (2015). A teaching makeover improves learning for diverse students. Kappan http://www.kappancommoncore.org/a-teaching-makeover-improves-learning-for-diverse-students/
Doubet, K.J. & Carbaugh, E.M. (2015). “Differentiation using mobile technology tools” ASCD Express, 10 (17): http://www.ascd.org/ascdexpress/vol10/1017-carbaugh.aspx
Doubet, K.J. (March 11, 2015). “My Journey Toward a Differentiated Classroom.” Guest Blog: ASCD Inservice Blog. http://inservice.ascd.org/my-journey-toward-a-differentiated-classroom/
Tomlinson, C.A., Doubet, K.J., & Hockett, J.A. (February 5, 2015). ASCD Whole Child Podcast: “Differentiated Instruction Works: How and Why to Do DI.” http://www.wholechildeducation.org/podcast/differentiated-instruction-works-how-and-why-to-do-di