Director of On-Campus and Paraprofessional Teaching Fellows
Contact Info
Academic Degrees:
B.S., Psychology, Missouri State University
M.Ed., Curriculum & Instruction, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Ph.D., Teacher Educational Studies, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Professional Interests:
Pre-service and in-service professional development
Elementary Literacy
Teacher Research
Professional Involvement:
Association of Teacher Educators
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Virginia Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators
Professional Experience:
Dr. Joy Myers spent 7 years in North Carolina as a first, fourth, and sixth-grade teacher as well as an assistant principal. While at JMU, Joy has served as a faculty member, an Academic Unit Head, and is excited to now lead the Teaching Fellows program.
Courses taught at JMU:
LED 300: Reading Instruction and Assessment for Diverse Learners PK-6
ELED 490: Special Studies in Elementary Education
IS 498: Individualized Study Project