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Assistant Professor; VAPSP Co-Lead
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Ed.D., East Carolina University, Educational Leadership
MAED, East Carolina Univeristy, Administration and Supervision
B.S., Virginia State University, Secondary Mathematics Education 

Dr. Monica B. Smith-Woofter obtained her Bachelor of Science in Secondary Mathematics Education at Virginia State University and taught high school mathematics for 5 years before moving into administration and serving in this capacity to include middle school, high school, and district office experiences. She earned her Masters in Administration and Supervision and Doctorate in Educational Leadership from East Carolina University. While serving as a North Carolina educator for 34 years, Smith-Woofter shared her expertise as a presenter in a host of North Carolina regional and state conferences, as well as other state and national conferences held in Florida, Mississippi, and California. She also established a three year international exchange program with Skive, Denmark during one of her high school principalships. Smith-Woofter had the opportunity to assist with leading the efforts to establish three NC innovative high schools, two of which enrolled students as early as 8thgrade. Before her retirement, Dr. Smith-Woofter served as the Northampton County Schools Superintendent from 2014 – 2019. During her tenure as superintendent, she received the 2018 Brad Sneeden Leadership Award in honor and recognition of a superintendent who demonstrated a strong commitment to life-long learning, unwavering integrity in leadership, and a visionary leader who embraced transformational change. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor for Educational Leadership in the Learning, Technology & Leadership Education Department. Her professional and research interests include mentoring and coaching educational leaders, conducting equity audits for continuous improvement, navigating and dealing with microaggressions, and investigating transformational changes within low-performing schools resulting in school success. 

Favorite Quote:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”― Charles Darwin

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