Details for Parking in Atlantic Union Bank Center

Printable Parking Information

 Commencement Parking Map


This May will be our first series of consecutive commencement ceremonies over a three-day period ever in our new Atlantic Union Bank Center (AUBC.) Although our commencement planning team has done everything possible to plan and mitigate potential problems, traffic related to parking near the AUBC and the adjoining Ballard Parking Deck is our single biggest concern.  We are reasonably sure that, even in the best-case scenario, all JMU and city roads near the AUBC will be highly congested.

We suggest that you allow for extra travel time. Therefore, to save you and your family time, frustration, fuel, and potential delays, we strongly encourage you to park closer to central/west/bluestone campus and walk to AUBC if you are physically able to do so.  The Champions deck and the Godwin lots are great choices. In addition to easing some of the congestion, it will give you and your family/friends much greater certainly in your planning, and could save you from spending a long time stuck in traffic.

Another option if you’re concerned about walking from the western side of Rt. 81, would be to park in the lots near the Festival Center, but accessing them from western campus, crossing over Rt. 81 on Carrier Dr.  We recommend lots: D2, C10, R4 and C12.  You may easily enter campus from S. Main Street or MLK, Jr. Way. This route will avoid the heavy traffic on University Blvd and Reservoir Street.  There will also be shuttle service from the Convocation Center parking lot, so this is a good option, if you arrive at least one hour prior to the ceremony start time. Shuttles from the Convocation Center are ADA accessible.

If you need accessible parking in the Ballard Parking Deck, we suggest two options:  if you are attending the first ceremonies on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, you should plan to arrive 90 minutes prior to the ceremony start time.  If, however, you are attending the second or third ceremonies each day, you should plan to arrive NO earlier than one hour prior to the ceremony start time to secure a parking spot, because the deck will need to be cleared from the previous ceremony. You may access Ballard Parking Deck from University Blvd. If the deck is full and you require accessible parking spaces, lots D3 and C12 may be accessed from Carrier Drive or Evelyn Bryd Avenue.


Parking with a short walking distance to Atlantic Union Bank Center:

Ballard Parking Deck (accessible)

Lot C12 

Lot D3

Lot R4

Parking with a short walking distance to Atlantic Union Bank Center:

Lot C10

Lot D2


Parking with continuous shuttle service:

Convo Lots - shuttle will pick up in between lots Convo A and Convo B/E.
Please look for signs to board the shuttle. 

You may park in the following lots: Convo A Lot, Convo B Lot, Convo E Lot


Campus Parking Map 





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