Contact Info
Karan Deengar is an adjunct lecturer at JMU that primarily teaches Fundamental Human Communication focused primarily on group communication (SCOM 123). His goals are for students to learn professional communication skills to work collaboratively in future team settings, demonstrate competent interpersonal communication skills to future instructors and employers, and have the necessary communication skills to succeed in the world of work. Karan also teaches an equivalent communication course at Blue Ridge Community College and works full time as a Call Center Manager for Blue Ridge Financial Aid and Student Financial Services Call Center. In the upcoming year, he will be one of the points of contact at Blue Ridge to answer financial aid and payment questions for JMU Bridge students coming to JMU in their second year of college after successfully completing their first year at Blue Ridge Community College. His goal in working at both colleges is to make a difference in students' lives by providing the best customer and instructional support possible to impact students and his community positively.