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Jenda Krauklis is originally from Clay, West Virginia, where her parents were both Elementary School teachers. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from West Virginia State College. While at WVSC, she served as editor-in-chief of the college newspaper and was part of a team that collaborated on a project with a film school in Russia. Jenda received her Master’s Degree from Indiana State University, also in Communication.
Jenda began teaching while she was in graduate school in 1997, and continued teaching after finishing her Master’s Degree, first as an adjunct at Indiana State. In 2001 she was hired by James Madison University and has been teaching in JMU’s School of Communication Studies since then. She primarily teaches GCOM, but has also taught Presentational Speaking and Small Group Communication.
Jenda prefers teaching evening classes, so her coworkers are often shocked when they see her during the day. She enjoys the challenge of finding new ways to approach GCOM, and looks forward to the ways the course will change as the field of communication rapidly evolves in the coming years. Jenda enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching TV, and going to the movies. As a general rule, she would really rather be at the beach.