Creating Pathways to Professions 

The Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership - Valley Internship Experience Workgroup (VTOP-VIEW) is made possible by a grant from the State Council for Higher Education (SCHEV) and is part of a state-wide Virginia Talent and Opportunities Pathways initiative to expand paid and credit-bearing student internships and other work-based learning opportunities in collaboration with Virginia employers.  V-TOP facilitates the readiness of students, employers and institutions of higher education to participate in internship and work-based learning.




The V-TOP VIEW is developing strategies to significantly increase the number of internship and work-based learning programs currently available in the Shenandoah Valley (GO Virginia Region 8).


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Why this Initiative? 

Simply put, the data shows that we are not doing enough to encourage students to live and work in Virginia after they graduate. This is where the V-TOP initiative helps by giving students deep roots in Virginia’s business community prior to graduation. 

Less than 50% of Virginia graduates completed undergraduate internships.

- SCHEV, October 2021

The top concern of Virginia businesses surveyed is access to necessary talent.

- Blueprint Virginia 2025,
Virginia Chamber of Commerce

More than 50% of Virginia graduates who completed an internship said it helped them receive a better job offer.

- SCHEV, October 2021

Upcoming Featured Events


VTOP-VIEW Internship Hour Webinars: 
Internships – Getting Started

Third Wednesday of Every Month | 12-1pm | Online

Learn more and register

VTOP-VIEW Tap into Talent Working Sessions

Upcoming Sessions:

March 17 | 1-3pm
Shenandoah University HIVE, Winchester

April 18 | 9-11am
Blue Ridge Community College Houff Student Center, Weyers Cave

Learn more and register

Valley Internship Connect

March 26 | 5-7pm
Harrisonburg Innovation Hub, Harrisonburg

Learn more and register for Employers

Learn more and register for Students

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