Information you enter here will be available to anyone with a JMU email address at Search Engagement. In addition, information from entries will be used to support various initiatives across campus, such as applications for university engagement awards and faculty research.
Please address only one entry per form; we suggest including your most high-profile or biggest impact engagement, but multiple entries are welcomed. During the 2017-18 year, information from the JMU-STAR tool and other sources will be imported so you don't need to duplicate entries here. You can Search Engagement to see if your engagement is already included, but please be aware that your entry will not post immediately.
You can view examples of completed forms here.
What is the name of the engagement activity, event, course, program, or center?
Who would an interested party contact for more information about this? Please include your name and contact information.
Include as much detail as needed to describe the engagement. When others search the database words in this description will be searched, so include a full description of the engagement and key words for which others might be searching. View a sample entry here.
Tell us when this occurs; include the beginning year and specific dates if applicable. For example, this is a course I teach every Fall semester since 2015, this is an ongoing collaboration which began in 2010, this happens once a month starting in Fall 2017, the center was established in 2005, the conference is April 5-7, 2018.
We regularly receive outstanding examples of engagement that we would like to expand upon and include in other forums. May we reach out to the contact for more information on this entry?
If you would like to provide more information not requested on this form, or want to attach related files (reports, publications, images, video), please email .
We're happy to field questions about the engagement database! Please contact Cindy Chiarello () for inquiries.
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