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Graduate Student
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Haylee Edwards considers herself to be from Northern Virginia despite moving around most of her younger years, as she spent most of her teen and early adult years in Stafford, Virginia.  She graduated from James Madison University in December 2022 with a BA in English Literature and a minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.  Her passion for literature drives both her academic and her extracurricular lives!  Haylee has been involved with the English Student Ambassador program on campus, as well as Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society.

She loves all things British literature--from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Faerie Queene to J. R. R. Tolkien and Neil Gaiman.  Her specific passion for literature of the olden times revolves around making connections between the distant historical context of an author and their world to our modern understanding of the era.  Whether it be in the classroom or a book club, she loves to take any opportunity to discuss author mindsets and motives.

Haylee is an aspiring writer and educator who plans to continue her ventures into greater academia with the ultimate goal of obtaining a Ph.D. in English someday.

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