Julie Sorge Way image

Office: Keezell 412

Spring 2025 Office Hours: 
TuTh 11:10AM m- 12:10PM, and by appointment as needed. Students can sign up for a timeslot via the link in their syllabus.

Ph.D., Technology and Media Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies (English), Old Dominion University, May 2024. Dissertation: "Inviting Submission: Isabella Beeton at the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 1856-1865." Available open-access. 

M.A. (Honors), English, University of Kansas, May 2006. Thesis: "Grey Matters: Negative Capability from Keats to Eliot."

B.A., summa cum laude, English, MidAmerica Nazarene University, 2003. Minor: World History

Biographical Information and Research Interests:

Julie Sorge Way is an instructor of literature, composition, technical writing, and WGSS, who has taught at JMU since 2008. Her research interests include British literature and culture from 1800 to the present, with foci on the digital humanities, women's domestic literature and the Victorian periodical press. She has been honored with several research and teaching awards and grants, including the Patrick Leary Field Development Grant, an RSVP Curran Fellowship, and the Carlin Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching, awarded annually to the top 2 out of over 1,000 such instructors at The University of Kansas, and the Maxwell Knight Award for writing. More about her research is available at https://juliesorgeway.com/ and https://jmsw.github.io/diss/

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