
The JMU Parents Council provides an opportunity to participate in the university’s dynamic programs. Formed in 1978, the council involves parents in JMU affairs and provides a forum for exchanging information about JMU activities and programs.

The Council consists of around 200 members. Council members represent each of the four classes and are eligible to serve until their students are no longer enrolled at JMU. Parents, guardians, couples and singles are encouraged to apply. The Parents Council serves as a liaison between the university and parents, provides advice and guidance on programs related to parents/families, and serves as an effective spokesperson and advocate for the university.

Our Members

Find a Parents Council member near your area here: Current Members Alumni Members

Parents Council


The JMU Parents Council serves as liaisons between parents/families and the university, working hand-in-hand with the Office of Family Engagement for the benefit of both the students and the university. The mission of the JMU Parents Council is to:

  • Encourage mutual understanding and facilitate communication between parents/families and the university,
  • Collaborate with the university in developing programs and activities that promote parent and family involvement in the life of the university and create opportunities for participation in their student’s experience,
  • Assist in promoting and enhancing the university both nationally and internationally, and
  • Promote the development of the university and its students by supporting the Parents Council Endowment for Scholarships or any JMU fund of choice.
Member Responsibilities
  • Giving to JMU. Parents Council members must participate in the Parents Council Endowment for Scholarships or any JMU fund of choice.
  • Attending spring and fall meetings. Members must attend the meetings held during Family Weekend in the fall and the spring meeting. During these meetings, parents participate in informative group presentations and break-out sessions to learn about and discuss various aspects of university life including academics, enrollment, finance and physical development, resource development and student life.
  • Assisting/hosting of First-Year Send Off events. Parents Council members serve as hosts at their regional First-Year Send Off event. Held each year in July and August, the events are an opportunity for the council members to meet JMU’s newest Dukes and to answer any last-minute questions from the first-year families.
Support Our Cause

The Parents Council Endowment for Scholarships will provide funds annually to outstanding students, including both students entering college for the first time and students already enrolled in college. The appointment of a student as a Parents Council Scholar shall be made by the University's Office of Financial Aid and shall follow the University's guidelines for the awarding of scholarships; provided, however, the following specific conditions: A Parents Council Scholar must be a full-time student and in good standing at JMU and must demonstrate a need for financial assistance, as determined by the University's Office of Financial Aid. Once a student receives this Scholarship for the first time, it may be renewed for up to three academic years, at the sole discretion of the University's Office of Financial Aid. Each year, when the University's Office of Financial Aid makes the appointment of Parents Council Scholars, it shall do so in a manner that reflects the overall student body ratio of in-state and out-of-state students.

Support the Parents Council Endowment

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