This list is not all-inclusive. Travelers should use prudent judgment and remember that all travel expense accounts are open to the public and must be able to sustain the test of public review.
First Class Airline Tickets
Memberships in clubs for pleasure or recreation
Airline club memberships
Annual fees for personal credit cards
Auto repairs for personal vehicles
Baby sitting
Barbers and hair salons
Golf fees, ski lift tickets, etc.
Frequent flyer upgrades
Health club facilities
Limousines (unless cost effective and for business purpose)
Theft of personal property or funds
Movies (in flight or room)
Mini bar refreshments
“No show charges” for hotel or car rental
Personal entertainment
Pet care fees
Insurance fees such as LDW, PAI, and CDW for employees
Optional travel insurance including flight insurance or additional costs for refundable tickets
Books for classes (unless they remain property of State)
Snacks or refreshments unless they meet requirements in (Food & Beverages Procedures)
Non-business related newspapers or magazine subscriptions
Tuxedos or other formal wear
Clothing (non-uniform) or repairs to clothing damaged in the workplace
All expenses related to personal negligence of the employee, such as parking tickets or traffic fines
Holiday decorations
Alcoholic beverages
Charitable contributions
Meals or travel for family members
Navigation systems