The foundation was formed in 1969 for one purpose: to support the university — its students, faculty, staff, programs and facilities. As we enter our 55th year, our purpose has not changed much, but the significance of our role has. Traditional state funding of public universities across the nation has declined as a percentage of total university revenues. As those funds have become less predictable, the need for and the stability of foundation-provided resources has become more and more critical to institutional success. There was a time when foundation support was thought of as the “icing on the cake,” providing a “margin of excellence.” Today, those same funds aren’t for the extras, they are for the basic building blocks of a high-quality program.

The university desires to be the national model of the Engaged University; engaged with ideas and with the world. That vision incorporates three distinct pillars of engagement that JMU has become known for—engaged learning, community engagement and civic engagement.

The foundation’s MISSION is to support and serve the James Madison University community. As we carry out that obligation, our VISION, is to provide an ever-growing and sustainable source of private support for the university community by promoting a prudent investment policy, stewardship and earning the trust of our constituents. As we seek to fulfill our ambitions, we are guided by an abiding commitment to the university, VALUING trust, collaboration, innovation, accountability and excellence in all we do.

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