For 25 years, Alison had been a dedicated JMU alumna. She always took time to share her experiences and knowledge with the geology department, provided many opportunities for active students, and emphasized the importance of research. An endowed student research scholarship was established in Ali’s name by her husband, Michael, and her family. The scholarship provides funds to outstanding undergraduate scholars conducting research in the fields of Geology and Environmental Science.
Past Awardees
2024: Zach Kupus, Sam Peterman, Victor Petrov, Maria Petrova, and Holly Wageley
2023: Sherrie Gies, Joslyn Herold, and Kali Neydon
2022: David Hoppe
2021: Joshua Bateman, Emily Marsch, and Jacob Whitlock
2020: Kevin Andrade and Jonathan Jacobson
2019: Lindsey Monito and Amanda Simal
2018: Marissa Dudek and Angel Wood
2017: Michelle Proulx and Michael Stone
2016: Mercer Parker
2015: Julie Nawiesniak and Elle Derwent
2014: Thomas Farrell and April Kelly
2013: Jillian Browning, Tim Kropp, and Kathryn McConahy
2012: Adriane Lam and Michael Bulas
2011: Selina Cole, Timothy Charlton, Meghan Flynn, Casey Marshall, and Gina Cappiello
2009: Christopher Sutherland and Kevin Cabaniss
2008: Laura Robinett
2007: Corey Ramstad
Give to the Doherty Geology Student Research Endowment.