Information on past sessions of the Forum on Geohazards Impacting Transportation in Appalachia can be found below.
2024 Meeting
The folder linked above contains all presentations organized by session number.
- Session 2: Case Histories of Roadside Rockfall Barrier Applications_Lucas Martins
- Session 3: Preliminary Results of Recent Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Albemarle and Nelson Counties, Virginia_Anne Witt
- Session 4: Overview of the Final Geohazards, Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change Resilience Manual_Khalid Mohammed
- Session 5: The Road to Improving Transportation Resilience_Ben Rivers
- Session 6: Eye in the Sky_Stuart Edwards
- Session 7: Evolution of a System-Wide Landslide Monitoring Program for Pipelines Located in the Appalachian Region of the US_Christopher Markley
- Session 8: Using High Resolution Topographic Data for Automated Mapping of Geohazards in the Valley and Ridge province_Yonathan Admassu
- Session 9: Remote Ground Monitoring of Soil Slope Hazards Along Highways with Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)_Brian Forstshoff
- Session 10: Optical and Acoustic Televiewer Logging in Competent and Unstable Rock_ Nicholas Rebman
- Session 11: The Move from Observations to Active Monitoring: The PROQIO Platform and Modern Data Synthesis_Ritvick Bhalla
- Session 12: Slope Instability Forecasting System Based on Precipitation Data_Atieh Hosseinizadeh
- Session 13: Regional Lidar Change Detection in Western Washington_Alex Brown
- Session 14: Landslide Repair on Top of a Bluff:Reverview Dr._ Jeff Segar
- Session 15: The Multi-team Approach - Site Characterization and Conceptual Mitigation Design for a Landslide on SR32, Cocke County, Tennessee_Jennifer Bauer
- Session 16: Landslide Susceptible Slopes and Tree Ring Pattern, a Case Study from East Tennessee_Megan Palmer
- Session 17: Probabilistic Rock Slope Hazard Assessment in Acid-Producing Roadway Corridors_ Arpita Nandi
- Session 18: US-340 Rockfall Mitigation Project – Wedged between 3 States, the Potomac River and the Blue Ridge Mountains_Bryan Radabaugh
- Session 19: State Route 46 Knowlton Township, New Jersey, and the Manunka Chunk Tunnels: Mitigating a Historic and Recent Mass Movement_Christine Comuso
- Session 20: Geosetta_Ross Cutts
- Session 21: Leveraging Geophysics for Data Driven Decision-making: Geohazard Risk Assessment, Design-build, and Budgeting _ Evan W. Filion
- Session 22: A Multi-Stage Field and Modeling Approach for Inventory and Monitoring of Active Soil Slope Geotechnical Assets Along Tennessee Highways_Robert McSweeney
- Session 23: The Development of ASTM D8512-23, “Standard Practice for Preliminary Karst Terrain Assessment for Land Development” _Robert K. Denton Jr.
- Session 24: Identifying and Mitigating Subsidence Risk to Infrastructure from Abandoned, Underground Coal Mines_ Joshua Zimmermann
- Session 25: Special Session: The Geology of Natural Bridge and Its Unique Engineering Challenges_ Skip Watts
2023 Meeting
Abstracts for all Presentations
Presentation PDFs (divided by date):
- Day 1: April 12 Presentations are organized in folder by presenter's last name.
- Jennifer Bauer; Breaking Down Silos: Understanding Landslide Mapping For Use in Transportation and Emergency Planning
- Mike Bivens; Landslide Stabilization – Elder Mountain Road
- Sue Buchanon; A Multifaceted Approach for Assessing Risks And Managing Aging Transportation Assets
- David Carpenter; Reducing Risk from Geologic Hazards: Geophysical Application Case Studies
- Robert Denton; The Use of Morphologic Character Analysis to Determine Sinkhole Risk for Solar Site Development
- John Klotz and Corey Mislinski; Foundational Resiliency of Electric Infrastructure – Identification And Mitigation of Karst Geohazards
- Hudson Koch; Recent Advances in Landslide Susceptibility and Risk Modeling at The Kentucky Geological Survey
- Bob Lyne; Shallow Landslides Characteristics and Solutions
- Dru Miller; Innovative, Emergency Response to Geohazard Mitigation Methods and Technologies
- Ryan Tinsley; Maintaining Route 199 Infrastructure: Aging Sheet Pile Walls, High Traffic Volumes, and Utilities – No Problem
- Aaron Wallace; Us 421 in Harlan County Kentucky, Slope Stabilization on Pine Mountain Using a Tieback Wall
- Shawn Coombs; Lessons in Culvert and Drainage System Resiliency, Why Some Roadways Washout and Others Resist Major Flooding [PDF of Presentation Unavailable].
- Day 2: April 13 Presentations are organized in folder by presenter's last name.
- Darren Beckstrand; Decision Support Tools For a Geotechnical Asset Management Program
- Kendra Bolen; Rock Mass Characterization of Road Cuts of Corridor H Between MP 97.5 and 96.0 Near Forman, WV Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Ross Cutts; Geosetta: The Importance of Extracting Value From Our Historic Geotechnical Data
- Patrick Finnerty; Developing a Geologic Map Database of Karst Geology Along a Portion of the I-81 Corridor, Virginia
- Brian Forsthoff; Automated Slope Monitoring for Highways and Other Critical Infrastructure
- Matt Heller; Geologic Resources for Geohazards Investigations in Virginia
- Kate McKinley; The Challenges of Large Scale Terrain Conductivity Mapping and Inversion for Shallow Bedrock Determination.
- Ben Rivers; Characterizing Geohazards: Bring Your A-GaME!
- Jesus Treto; Erosion-Induced Mountain Road Slope Stabilization
- Brent Waters; Keys To Successfully Using Geophysics to Detect Mine Voids and Covered Sinkholes
- James Young; Mapping Corridor H Between MP 105.3 and 102.6 Near Moorefield, West Virginia Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
Opening Session: Environmental Issues
Chair: Eric Dougherty, Maryland State Highway Administration
( PDF 880 KB)
- The Remediation and Subsequent Redevelopment of a Chromium Processing Site with Extensive Chromium Contamination of Groundwater and Soil
Edward M. Dexter, P.G., Administrator, Solid Waste Program, Maryland Department of the Environment
(PDF 17.3 MB) - Characterization of Acid Sulfate Soils Along the I-95 Corridor in Northern Virginia
Jesse N. Darden, P.E., Geotechnical Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
(PDF 3.0 MB) - Road Salt Impacts on Groundwater Quality in the Maryland Piedmont
Donald Koch, P.E., Gannett Fleming Inc. Joyce Rebar, Maryland Transportation Authority
(PDF 950 KB)
Session 2: Lessons Learned ‐ Case Studies
Chair: Ann Beaver, Tennessee Department of Transportation
- Addressing Uncertainty in Geohazard Mitigation
Roch S. V. Player, PE, PMP, Chief Engineer, GeoStabilization International - U.S. Route 11/15 Rock Slope Safety Improvement Project, Marysville, Pennsylvania
Jonathan Relyea, P.G., American Engineers Group
( PDF 27.5 MB) - Update Ground Motion Parameters in the State of South Carolina
Emad Gheibi, Ph.D., Geotechnical Professional, South Carolina Department of Transportation - The Development of a Karst Assessment and Mitigation Standard Practice for the State of Virginia.
Robert Denton Jr., K. C.P.G., LPSS, Senior Geologist, Terracon
( PDF 12.6 MB)
Session 3. Instrumentation
Chair: Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation
- Landslide and Rockery Wall Monitoring System for Residential Area
Laura Y. Coiffe, Staff Engineer, KANE GeoTech, Inc.
William F. Kane, Principal Engineer, KANE GeoTech, Inc.
( PDF 24 MB) - Automated Sentinel 1 InSAR Monitoring Maryland’s Geohazards Online
Carl Pucci, Datel AS
Eric Dougherty, Deputy Director Material Engineering MDOT
( PPSX 207 MB) - When is Karst not Karst? Geophysical Explorations Examining Pavement Settlement in Southeastern Tennessee.
Marie A. Maher, P.G., Regional Exploration Manager,Terracon Consultants, Inc.
( PDF 2.7 MB) - Variable Piedmont rock conditions in a Washington, DC Water Shaft
Steve Mogilnicki, WRA
( PDF 3.1 MB) - Advanced Geotechnical Methods in Exploration (A-GaME): Enhanced, Effective Site Characterization
Ben Rivers, The Federal Highway Administration
Session 4: UAV Applications
Chair: Alan Johnson, Norfolk Southern
- Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Platforms in the Landslide Repair Process
Matthew Reihl, PE, Southeastern Regional Director, GeoStabilization International - Inventorying Geohazards of Ohio’s first Public-Private Partnership Roadway Project
Stewart Abrams, G.I.T.; Field Geologist, Terracon
( PDF 4.8 MB) - UAS Technology for Rock Slope Characterization and Remediation
Krystle Pelham, Engineering Geologist, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
( PDF 7 MB) - Natural Bridge, Virginia: UAV and Terrestrial Optical Data Collection
Brian S. Bruckno, Ph.D., P.G., Virginia Department of Transportation
( PDF 7 MB) - Unmanned Aerial System Data Collection – An Increasingly Valuable Tool
Ryan Preston, Peter Ingraham, and Alex Brown; Golder
Session 5: Issues Impacting Transportation Infrastructure
Chair: Ben Rivers, Federal Highway Administration
- Colluvium in the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province
Richard E. Gray, PG, Principal Consultant, Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences
( PDF 1.9 MB) - Effects of Drainage on Landslide Movement at Interstate 40 across the Cumberland Plateau Escarpment
Courtney Vissman, PE, Senior Project Engineer, Golder Associates Inc.
W. Randall Sullivan, PE, Principal and Senior Practice Leader, Golder Associates Inc.
( PDF 8.1 MB) - Coastal Area Dynamics: The Movement Trend Table, Velocity and Inverse Velocity Levels of Slope Risk Matrix -- Supporting Operations and Creating Sectoral Change.
John S. Metzger, IDS GeoRadar NA, Inc.
( PDF 11 MB) - Yeager Airport, Completion of the Dismantling of a 240 feet High Reinforced Slope and Restoring the RSA
Allen Cadden, PE, D.GE, Principal, Schnabel Engineering LLC
( PDF 7.8 MB)
Session 6: Rock Slopes
Chair: Kirk Beach, Terracon
- Reducing Rockfall Hazard at the I-68 Sideling Hill Road Cut, Hancock, Maryland
Brian K. Banks, PG, Principal, Schnabel Engineering, LLC
( PDF 8 MB, Video 210 MB) - Rock Slope Investigation Along US 340, Near Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia
Lawrence J. Artman, II, P.G., Geotechnical Section Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
( PDF 17.6 MB) - Emergency Rock Slope Remediation – US 52 Lawrence County, Ohio
Ryan S. Tinsley, P.G., Geotechnical Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
( PDF 23 MB) - Working Against Gravity: Mitigating Rock Slopes and Landslides in Westernport, MD
Matthew B. Morris, P.G., Gannett Fleming, Inc.
( PDF 6.6 MB)
Opening Session: Slope Stability
Chair: Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation
- Rock Slope Stability Analysis of the Smart Road Rock Cut in Blacksburg, Virginia
Robin E. Reed, Project Geologist, Schnabel Engineering - Low Energy Cost Effective Rockfall Solutions
Bob Lyne, Regional Manager, SE USA, Geobrugg North America LLC - Design Built Semi-Rigid Rock Fall Fence on SR 11 in Perry County, Pennsylvania
Petersen, William K., Schnabel Engineering
Lucas Maben, J.D Eckman Inc.
Giorgio Giacchetti, OFFICINE MACCAFERRI S.p.A.
Ghislain Brunet, Maccaferri, Inc.
Session 2: UAVs and Remote Sensing
Chair: Alan Johnson, Norfolk Southern Railway Company
- Planning and Executing UAS Missions for Geohazards Investigations and Emergency Response
Chester Watts, Radford University Geohazards Research Center
Stephenson, George, Radford University Geohazards Research Center
Robert Huber, GeoStabilization International & South Dakota School Mines
Ethan Truman, Draper Aden Associates - Rockfall and Geohazard Site Characterization Using UAV Photogrammetry and LiDAR.
Randy Post, Golder Associates Inc, Tucson AZ
Ryan Preston, Golder Associates Ltd., Calgary, Alberta - Detect, Monitor, React – Practical Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Geohazard
CAPT David A. Culler, Jr. USN (ret.), CEO
Edward T. Hine, Director of Drone Capability Development - Monitoring of I-77 Slopes Using Satellite Remote Sensing.
Edward Hoppe, Virginia Department of Transportation
Session 3. GIS Applications
Chair: Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation
- How to Create a GIS Rock Slope Inventory Without Ever Leaving Your Office (Almost).
Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation - Using LAHARZ to determine potential inundation associated with a surface mining-related debris flow in the Appalachian coalfields of southwestern Virginia
Anne Carter Witt, Geohazards Geologist, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, & Energy - USGS National Geospatial Program Activities Related to Geological Hazards
Craig Neidig, U.S. Geological Survey - Geohazards as Assets that Must Be Managed
Robert Bachus, Geosyntec Consultants
Jerry DiMaggio, Applied Research Associates
Session 4: Panel Discussion
Title: Integrating Geohazard, Asset and Highway System Performance Management
Chair: Benjamin Rivers, Federal Highway Administration
Panel Participants:
- Scott Anderson, BGC Engineering (slides)
- Khalid Mohamed, FHWA (slides)
- Ann Beaver, Tennessee DOT
- Bob Bachus, Geosyntec
- Erik Loehr, University of Missouri
Session 5: Geo-Technology
Chair: Ann Beaver, Tennessee Department of Transportation.
- Aquastowing - An effective means of choking down large karstic inflows.
Eric Smith, Engineer, Sub-Technical Inc. - Geophysical Applications to Subsurface Investigations
Warren T. “Ted” Dean, Draper Aden Associates - Innovations in Rehabilitation of Aging Bridge Abutments
Justin Anderson, Senior Product Development Engineer, GeoStabilization International - Mine Closures in New Jersey
Joseph J. Fischer, Joseph A. Fischer, Geoscience Services
Session 6: Rock Reinforcement
Chair: Steve Brewster, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Large Landslide Repair in an Area of Limited Data
Jonathan Brown, Geotechnical Engineer, Virginia Department of Transportation - Route 220 Rockfall Mitigation Project: Mitigation of a Rock Slope that Leads to a 5-star Resort
Martin J. Woodard, Rockfall Division Engineer GeoStabilization International
Brian Bruckno, Staunton District Geologist, Virginia Department of Transportation - Condition Assessment, Durability and Corrosion of Rock Reinforcements
Ken Fishman, President, Earth Reinforcement Testing, Inc. - Informing of Expected Geotechnical Conditions Before We Get On Site
Benjamin W. Taylor, P., Senior Associate, Terracon
Opening Session: UAVs and Remote Sensing
- An introduction to the use of unmanned vehicle systems for mapping geohazards: background, capabilities and regulations
Skip Watts, Ph.D., PG, Radford University - The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) and Structure-From-Motion (SFM) Software for Geohazard Mapping and Kinematic Analysis.
Ethan T. Truman, ATS International, Inc. - Automated Use of InSAR for Transportation Infrastructure Monitoring and Maintenance
Brian S. Bruckno, P.G., Ph.D., Virginia Department of Transportation
Session 2: Rockfalls
- Use of Polyurethane Resin to Mitigate Rockfall
Ann Beaver, EI, Transportation Project Specialist, TDOT
Dr. Martin Woodard, PhD PG PE, Rockfall Division Engineer, Geostabilization International
Scott Embry, PE, Regional Engineer, Geostabilization International
Matt Birchmier, ME PE, Eastern Division Deputy Director, Geostabilization Internationa - Blockslide/Rockfall on I-75 in Campbell County, Tennessee
David Barker, PE, Civil Engineering Manager, Geotechnical Engineering Section, TDOT - Emergency Response to Rockfall on Tennessee’s Interstate 75
Marty Woodard, PhD, PG, PE, Rockfall Division Engineer, GeoStabilization International
Bob Lyne, Regional Sales Manager, Geobrugg North America. - Attenuators for controlling rockfall: first results of a state-of-the-art full-scale testing program
Tim Shevlin, PG Geobrugg North America, LLC
Session 3: Protecting Railroad Assets
- Three Geology-Based Approaches to Repairing Rock Slopes Along A Rail Corridor
Peter C. Ingraham, PE, Senior Geological Engineer and Principal, Golder Associates Inc. - Stabilization of Slopes along Railroad Tracks Using the Soil Nailing Method
Daryl Wurster, PE, President, Wurster Engineering & Construction Inc. - Mt. Washington Landslide, Emergency Response Engineering, and Design
Trey Walker, PE, Geo‐Structural Engineer, Amec Foster Wheeler - Anchored Reaction Blocks Stabilize Double Mainline Tracks above the Scioto River
Neill A. Belk, PhD, PE, Project Engineer, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.
Alan Johnson, PE, Asst. Chief Engineer, Norfolk Southern Railway
Session 4: Resilience in Design
- The Innovative Use of Compaction Grouting For Ground Improvement and Structure Rehabilitation
Tom Szynakiewicz, PE, D.GE, Director, Grouting & Foundation Division, GeoStabilization International - Stormwater Culvert and Manhole Repairs Using High Density Polyurethane
Andy Derenski, P.E., Region Manager, Ground Works Solutions, Inc.l - Steeper is Cheaper, ‘Danger Falling Rock’!
Eric B. Rehwoldt, PE, PG; Principal/Executive Vice President; Schnabel Engineering, Inc. - Interstate 20 Improvements near Birmingham, Alabama. A Case History in Innovative Teamwork, Project Safety and Final Results.
Peter C. Ingraham, Golder Associates Inc.
Session 5: Forensics
- Dismantling the Tallest Reinforced Fill in North America The Observational Method Applied at Yeager Airport
Gary T. Brill, PE, Senior Associate, Schnabel Engineering, LLC - Dealing with Construction over Subsidence‐Prone Karst Terrain
Gennaro G. Marino, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, President, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. - Emergency Landslide Mitigation and Restoration of US Highway 441 in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Mohammed Elias PE, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, FHWA‐EFLHD - Measuring While Drilling (MWD)
Benjamin S. Rivers, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, FHWA Resource Center
Session 6: Acid Producing Rocks
- Trace-metal concentrations from seeps and springs from acid‐producing rocks at road cuts in Tennessee
Michael Bradley, Tom Byl, and Scott Worland, U.S. Geological Survey, Tennessee Water Science Center - Kinetic Testing Results of Variable Alkaline Addition Rates in Preventing Acid Generation from Pyritic Materials
Ronald H. Mullennex, CPG, CGWP, Senior Principal – Practice Leader, Geology and Hydrogeology Cardno, Inc. - Challenges During A Top Down Design And Construction Approach To Meet Foothills Parkway Bridge No. 8 Requirements
Khalid Mohamed, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, FHWA, Washington, DC
Session 7: Instrumentation
- Monitoring the threat of sinkhole formation under a portion of US 18 in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa.
Kevin M. O’Connor, P.E., GeoTDR, Inc. - Geophysical and Geotechnical Field Correlations of an Active Landslide in Kentucky
M.M. Crawford, University of Kentucky, Kentucky Geological Survey - Fiber Optic Applications for Deformation Monitoring
Polly L. Brown, Southeastern US Business Development, Roctest Ltd - Rockfall Event: Field Deployment Under Urgent and Emergent Conditions – DOT Support for Scaling Team and Basic Alert Management, the Case of Glenwood Canyon (I-70) February, 2016
John S. Metzger, Business Development Technologist, IDSNA, Golden, CO.
Session 8: Geophysics
- Geophysics in Transportation Engineering: Varying Scales, Methods, Applications and Timing
Timothy D. Bechtel, PhD, PG, Principal Geophysicist, Enviroscan, Professor of Geophysics, Franklin & Marshall College - Applications of ground improvement for mitigation of geohazards on transportation/infrastructure projects
Doug Chappell, PE, Vice President, Wurster Engineering & Construction Inc. - Sinkholes: Recognition, Remediation, and The Latest Technology
Matthew A. Dettman, P.E., The James D. Scott Chair of Civil Engineering, Western Kentucky University - Use of Geophysical Methods to Aid in Horizontal Directional Drilling Projects
Warren T. “Ted” Dean, ATS International, Inc.
Plenary Opening Session: Innovative Landslide/Rockfall Mitigation
- Design Matrix for Emergency Landslides
Joe Carte, WVDOT - Santa Clara Pueblo: Challenges in the Design and Installation of Debris Flow Barriers in a Post-Wildfire Landscape
Bill Nieman, Marshall University - High Tensile Ringnet Canopies and the Behavior to „self-cleaning“ Effects Together with Alternative Systems
Bob Lyne, Geobrugg North America - Introduction to Geohazard Standard Specification for Simple Drapery
Ghislain Brunet, Maccaferri, Inc.
Session 2: Transportation Infrastructure
- Innovations in Design, Construction, and Scour Protection for Single-Span Bridges
Scott Embry, GeoStabilization International - Resourceful Bidding: Cherokee County Emergency Bridge Underpinning
Joseph Church, P.E., Uretek Mid-Atlantic - Tipping the Balance: Case Studies in Long-Term Performance of Deep Slope Stability Repair
Daryl Wurster, Wurster Engineering & Construction, Inc. - Assessing Transportation Infrastructure: Foundations and Geotechnical Features
Benjamin S. Rivers, PE, FHWA
Session 3: Impacts of Mining, Oil and Gas
- Profits and Pitfalls of Using of Geophysical Methods for Abandoned Mine Mapping
Kate McKinley, THG Geophysics - Roadway and Bridge Design and Construction Practices Used to Mitigate the Presence of Mine Voids
George Chappell, WVDOT-DOH - Response of Petro Pipelines to Longwall Subsidence
Gennaro Marino, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. - Hydrological Impacts on the Stability of an Old Abandoned Coal Mine
Gennaro Marino, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc.
Session 4: Problem Soils and Soils Improvement
- A Brief Update of FHWA Highway Geohazards Program and Case History for Stabilizing 20-Acres Remote Sliding Material
Khalid Mohamed, FHWA - Limited Equilibrium Analysis including Shear Capacity for Launched Soil Nails
Matt Birchmier, GeoStabilization International - Slope Failure Due to Manmade Causes
John W. Fowler, WVDOH - The Use of Compaction Grouting for Ground Improvement; Karst and Beyond
Tom Szynakiewicz, GeoStabilization International
Session 5: Geohazards Mapping
- Conceptual Framework for Development of a Multiple Geohazard GIS for West Virginia
Jane S. McColloch, WVGES - USGS National Geospatial Program Activities related to Geological Hazards
Craig Neidig, USGS - The Kentucky Geological Survey Landslide Program: An Overview
Matt Crawford, KGS - Lessons Learned: Development of a GIS based Landslide Hazard Management System
Paulus Wahjudi, Marshall University
Session 6: Modelling
- Rock Slope Improvement Project: Kinematic Analysis, Construction Challenges, and Value Engineering Proposals
Martin Woodard, GeoStabilization International - Winfield Locks & Dam: Left Abutment Internal Erosion and Cutoff Wall Remediation
Kevin Butler, Andrew Keffer, Michael Spoor, Alex Neal, Erich Guy, Sean Carter, USACE - Geotechnical Site Characterization – The Essential Start to Every Geotechnical Project
Kirk Beach, Terracon - Sinkhole Mapping & Void Detection in Karst – Electrical Resistivity Case Studies at Carlsbad Caverns and in Tennessee
Eric Cross, Pyramid Environmental & Engineering
Plenary Opening Session
- Geohazards in Kentucky
Bart Asher, P.E., Branch Manager, Kentucky Department of Highways, Division of Structural Design, Geotechnical Branch - 2013 IC 63 ‘Ohio’s Geology in Core and Outcrop - A Field Guide for Citizen and Environmental and Geotechnical Investigators
Brian E. Mott, P.G., Senior Geologist/Environmental Scientist, DLZ - Legacy Geotechnical Data at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet – Applications for Research
Jerry Weisenfluh, Kentucky Geological Survey - The March 22, 2014, Oso Landslide: An Overview of the GEER Response
Jeffrey Keaton, AMEC Associates
Session 1: Scour, Scour Mitigation & Stream Restoration
- Evaluations of Bridge Foundations using Non-destructive Testing Methods to Assess the Scour Potential of Bridges with Unknown Foundations in North Carolina
James Whitt, P.G., Schnabel Engineering
Parker Sprinkle II, Geo Solutions Ltd., Inc.
Brian Radakovic, P.E., North Carolina DOT, Hydraulics Unit - Stream Power and Scour of Weak Rock and Cemented Earth Materials – an Update
Jeffrey R Keaton, Principal Engineering Geologist, AMEC Americas - Assessment of Rock Scour at West Virginia Bridges
William Niemann, Department of Geology, Marshall University - Load Rating of Pile-Supported Bridges Susceptible to Scour
Sayed M. Sayed, P.E., M. ASCE, Principal and Director of Engineering, GCI Inc.
Hisham N. Sunna, P.E., M. ASCE, Vice President, Ayres Associates
Pamela R. Moore, P.E., Senior Project Manager, GCI Inc. - Implications of Sampling Methodology on Contraction Scour Depths in Armored Stream Channels at Bridge Foundations
Anthony Sirna, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Session 2: Impacts of Mining
- Non-invasive Methods for Characterization of Subsurface Karst Features and Mine Voids
Joel Daniel, Schnabel Engineering - Carbon monoxide emissions from the Truman Shepard coal fire
Madison M. Hood, Dunbar High School & University of Kentucky (presenter)
James C. Hower, University of Kentucky, Center for Applied Energy Research
Amirhossein Bagherieh, Department of Mining and Nuclear Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology - Underground Mine Exploration and Void Mapping along I-70 in Muskingum County, Ohio
Kevin M. Ernst, Terracon Consultants, Inc. - Non-conventional Surface Ground Behavior Induced by Underground Mining in Pennsylvania
Bruce Hebblewhite, School of Mining Engineering, University of NSW, Australia
Dick Gray, DiGioia Gray & Associates
Session 3: Design Considerations
- Rock Anchors for Permanent Cut Slope Support, Ohio River Bridges East End Crossing
Stan A. Harris, Principal, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Charles A. Stone, Lead Tunnel Engineer, Jacobs Engineering - Group Behavior of a Deep Foundation in Swelling Rock
Gennaro G. Marino, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc.
Bill Armaghani, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc.
Gabriel F. Posluszny, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. - Evaluating Acid Rock Drainage from Road Cuts in Tennessee
Michael Bradley, U.S. Geological Survey, Tennessee Water Science Center (presenter)
Tom Byl, U.S. Geological Survey, Tennessee Water Science Center
Scott Worland, U.S. Geological Survey, Tennessee Water Science Center - Morphometric Comparison of Karst Depression Catalogues from Mammoth Cave, Kentucky with Implications for Transportation Corridors
John Wall, Dr. DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl & Dr. Karl Wegmann, North Carolina State
University, Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Session 4: Geophysical, Geotechnical Techniques & Instrumentation
- An Application of Interferometric Synthetic Aperature Radar in a Railroad Corridor
Bouali, El Hachemi1; Oommen, Thomas; Escobar-Wolf, Rudiger; Douglas, Samuel C. - Proactive Assessment of Retaining Walls along Transportation Corridors using Optical Remote Sensing
Daniel Cerminaro, Thomas Oommen, Rudiger Escobar, Stan Vitton, Richard Dobson, Colin Brooks and Richard Endres - Instrumentation Systems for Strategic Infrastructure Protection
Ashlen T. McGinnis, KANE GeoTech, Inc.; William F. Kane, KANE GeoTech, Inc. - Electrical Resistivity: A Versatile Tool for Non-Invasive Geologic Characterization
Ted Dean, ATS International, Inc. - Seismicity and Seismic Hazards in the South-Central Appalachians
Seth Carpenter, Seismologist and Zhenming Wang, Seismologist, Kentucky Geological Survey
Edward W. Woolery, Professor of Geophysics, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
Session 5: Innovative Landslide Mitigation & Correction
- Innovative Slide Repair Techniques – A Guidebook for Missouri and Beyond
Michael Lambert, Shannon & Wilson, Inc. - Reverse Battered Piles Use to Stabilize a Slide
Joe Carte, WVDOT - That Could Leave a Mark! Collaborative Design-built Approaches to Roadway Landslide Repair While Minimizing Impact
Doug Chappell, Wurster Engineer - Major Roadway Landslide Repair Along the Rolling Fork River in West-Central Kentucky
Nate Beard, GeoStabilization International.
Session 6: Tunnel Design Aspects
- Geohazards Impacting Design of the Ohio River Bridges, East End Crossing, Section 4 Northbound and Southbound Tunnels
Matthew Grzelak, M. Brethel, Lachel & Associates, Inc. - Fiber Reinforced Concrete to Mitigate Hazards of Tunnel Linings
Kaushal Das, Marco Invernizzi, Maccaferri Inc. - Mining of the OSIS Augmentation and Relief Sewer (OARS) Tunnel
Brian Mott, DLZ. - Liberty University Vehicular Tunnel Project, Lynchburg, Virginia
Jeremiah Jezerski, Brierly Associates.
Session 7: Rock Slope Stabilization
- Slope Stabilization with H-Piles
Kessi Zicko, Paul Lewis, Gannett Fleming, Inc. - Design Theory of Simple Drapery Software for Rockfall Protection
Giorgio Giacchetti, Ghislain Brunet, Maccaferri, Inc. - The Full Scale Mechanics of Slope Stabilization
Bob Lyne, Geobrugg North America. - Using New and Old Technologies for an Economical Approach to Rock Stabilization on TN I-75
Saieb Haddad, Tennessee Department of Transportation
Daniel Journeaux, Geostabilization International
Frank Amend, Geostabilization International
Plenary Session I
- Bringing Innovation to Transportation in Virginia-VDOT’s Research Program
Jose Gomez, VA Center for Transportation Research - Virginia’s Reclamation of Abandoned Mine Lands
Richard Davis, VA Department of Abandoned Underground Mines - The Interstate Technical Group on Abandoned Mines (ITGAUM) – Past, Present and Future
Thomas Lefchik, ODOT
Session 1: Slip-Slide and Rock-n-Roll
- Influence of Weak Pennsylvania System Shales on Appalachian Transportation System
Richard Williams, Eric Kristner, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. - Restorations and Rehabilitation of the Big Slackwater Section of the Historic C&O Canal along the Potomac River
Martin Woodard, Haley & Aldrich, Inc. - Application of Integrated Vessel-based LIDAR, Multibeam Bathymetry, and Geophysical Surveys for Geohazard Assessments and Site Characterization
James Fisher, Engineering Geologist, Fugro Consultants, Inc.
Todd, Mitchell, Survey Manager, Fugro Pelagos - Prioritization of Aging Rock Slope on I-77 in Southwestern Virginia
Ryan Tinsley, HDR Engineering Inc.
Lawrence Artman, HDR Engineering Inc.
David Lee,HDR Engineering Inc.
Wade Pence, HDR Engineering Inc
Travis Higgs, HDR Engineering Inc.
Session 2: Landslides
- A Final Cost Effective and Context Sensitive Design for Stabilization of a 40 Years Old Landslide on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Kahlid Mohamed, FHWA - Development of West Virginia Integrated Landslide Hazard Management System
Wael Zatar, Marshall University
Paulus Wahjudi, Marshall University
Lawrence Douglas, WVDOT
Hussain Elkhansa, WVDOT - WV I-77 Rockfall
Aaron Wentz, WVDOT - Kinematics of the Slumgullion Landslide Revealed by Ground-based InSAR Surveys
Giorgio Barsacchi, IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi
Session 3: Analysis and Design in Geohazards
- Lateral Squeeze
Joe Carte WVDOT - Effect of Slope Stability Evaluation on Highway Bridge Design
Shanzhi Shu, KCI Technologies Inc. - Analysis, Design, and Construction of Flexible Debris Flow Barriers in a Narrow Canyon
Simon Boone, William Wade, KANE GeoTech, Inc. - Innovative Methods of Measuring Discontinuities: Utilizing LiDAR and Smartphone
Applications for Rock Slope Stability on Price Mountain, VA
Nicholas Farny, Fisher and Strickler Rock Engineering, LLC.
Session 4: Geohazards, Solutions and Highway System Performance
- The FHWA Geotechnical Hazards Program
Khalid Mohamed, Benjamin Rivers, FHWA - Assessing Maryland’s Largest Highway Rock Cut: Sideling Hill Rock Slope Hazard Study
Brian Banks, Schnabel Engineering - State Route 28 – Cut Slope Performance in Landslide-Rockfall Prone Pennsylvania Age units – A 20+ Year History
Robert Dodson, Russel Kanith, James Sheahan, HDR Engineering, Inc. - Case Studies in Emergency Geohazard Mitigation in Vermount, Kentucky, Tennessee, and
Nathan Beard, Colby Barrett, Matt Birchmier, GeoStabilization International. - Innovative and Simple Design Theory for Secured Drapery
Ghislain Brunet and Giorgio Giacchetti, Gruppo Industriale Maccaferri
Session 5: Geologic and Geohazard Mapping
- Geospatial tools and techniques for Geologic Mapping in West Virginia Plateaus
Gayle McColloch, Jane McColloch, WVGS. - Development of a landslide hazard mapping project in Page County, Virginia: Preliminary results and methods
Anne Witt, DMME, VA - An Evaluation of Automated GIS Tools for Delineating Karst Sinkhole and Closed Depressions From 1 Meter LIDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Data
Daniel Doctor, John Young, USGS - The National Geologic Map Database – A Resource for Science and Societal Issues
Davis Soller, Nancy Stamm, USGS
Session 6: Integration of Field Methods, Remote Sensing and Digital Mapping.
- Digital Mapping Methods: Modern Technology From Outcrop to Publication
Steven Whitmeyer - Lessons Learned from Application of Ground-based Digital Photogrammetry to Small-scale
Movement on Unstable Rock Slopes: A Case Study from Virginia’s Valley & Ridge
William Niemann, Marshall University, WV - Use of LIDAR for Evaluating Geological Structure Related to Rock Slope Stability and Safety
C. F. Watts, Radford University, VA. - Monitoring the Transportation Infrastructure with Satellite-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
Andrea Vaccari, University of Virginia, VA
Session 1
- Abandoned Underground Mines – Three Problem Areas for Future Highway Construction
in Eastern Kansas
Richard Ryan, Kansas DOT - Issues During the Nelsonville Bypass Project and an update on ODOT’s Underground Mine
Remediation Projects
Brian Logston, ODOT
Session 2
- Ottawa Co., Ohio State Route 2 Pilot Project for the Stabilization of Abandoned Gypsum
Patrick Gallagher, CTL Engineering - Underground Void Inventory and Risk Assessment (UVIRA)
Kirk Beach, ODOT, David Nicklaus, ODOT, Rick Ruegsegger.
Session 3
- Historical and Recent Abandoned Underground Mine Roadway Mitigation in Maryland
Eric Dougherty, Maryland State Highway Administration
Session 4
- Case Histories of Mine Shaft Subsidence of Abandoned Coal Mines in the Richmond
Triassic Basin, Richmond, Virginia
Steven Pond, Schnabel Engineering Consultants, Inc. - Mine Stability and Subsidence of a Retirement Facility
Gennaro Marino, Gabriel Posluszny, Bill Armaghani, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. - Stability Analyses and Remediation of Two Mined-Out Coal Seams Adjacent to a Building
Gennaro Marino, Bill Armaghani, Biraj Gautam, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc.
Plenary Session II
- Mitigation of Abandoned Mine Entries at Swanbank Enterprise Development, Ipswich,
David Knott, Coffey, Ken Grubb, Moreton Geotechnical Services, Ltd, Hugh Taylor,
Taylor Mining Services, John Deans, Investa Property Group, Matthew, Coffey, Australia - Monitoring and Characterization of the Meadowview Lane Landslide, Boyd Co.
Matt Crawford, Kentucky Geological Survey
Opening Session: Innovation in Research
- Determination of the Bearing Resistance of Rock in West Virginia, 2012 Update
Scott D. Zang, P.E., Geotechnical Consultant, Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Joe Carte, P.E., West Virginia Department of Transportation - Landslide Inventory Database and Landslide Rating Research Project
Lonnie Mills, West Virginia Department of Transportation - Initial results in the determination of geotechnical scour numbers for foundation rock at fifteen West Virginia bridge sites
William L. Niemann, Ph.D., P.G., E.I.T., Marshall University - Alternate Slope Cut Profiles for Rock Fall Protection Research Project
Aaron Wentz, West Virginia Department of Transportation
Session 2: Hydrogeology
- Evaluating Pore Pressure in Slopes using Equivalent Uniform Sand Layer Procedures
Richard Olsen, Ph.D., P.E., USACE ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) - Bedrock Dewatering for Construction of Marmet and Soo Lock Projects
Michael Nield, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District - Design Guidelines for Horizontal Drains used for Slope Stabilization
Rosemary W.H. Carroll, Desert Research Institute
Greg M. Pohll, Desert Research Institute
Donald M. Reeves, Desert Research Institute
Tom Badger, WSDOT
Balasingam Muhunthan, Washington State University
Rishi Parashar, Desert Research Institute
Session 3: Landslides
- The Keowee Creeper
Daryl Wurster, Wurster Engineering and Construction - Case Histories: Innovative Roadway Landslide Repair Technologies
Colby Barrett, Soil Nail Launcher
Nathan Beard, Soil Nail Launcher - Analysis of the Geologic Context of Maintenance Costs for Rockfalls, Landslides, and
Sinkholes in Kentucky: Project Summary
B. L. Overfield,Kentucky Geological Survey
D. I. Carey,Kentucky Geological Survey
G.A. Weisenfluh, Kentucky Geological Survey
R. Wang, Kentucky Geological Survey - Using LiDAR to map landslides in Kenton and Campbell Counties, Kentucky
Matt Crawford,Kentucky Geological Survey
Session 4: Risk Assessment
- The Great Impact of Geotechnical Features on System Performance ‐ and the Need for Management
Scott A. Anderson, FHWA
Benjamin S. Rivers, FHWA - The Evolution of a Geohazard Management Program
Kirk D. Beach, ODOT - ODOT Rockfall Inventory – Impact of Rockfall on State Highways in Ohio
Kirk Beach, ODOT
Eric Kistner, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. - Rock Mass Indices as Tools for Management of Rockfall Risk
Brian S. Bruckno, VDOT
Session 5: Investigation Methods in Hazard Prone Areas
- Monitoring of Subsidence Along SR2 Over Exisitng Gypsum Mines, Ottowa County, Ohio,
Kevin O’Conner, GeoTDR, Inc.
Doug A. Rogers, ODOT
Session 6: Karst
- Listric Faulting and Karst Development Along The Yellow Sulphur Transverse fault Zone Near Blacksburg
W.S. Henika, VPI - Case Study: Preliminary Geotechnical and Geohazards Investigation for South Knoxville Boulevard Extension
Lori McDowell, PE, Tennessee Department of Transportation
Session 7: Emergency Response
- Lessons Learned in the Repair of Failed Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) and Pile Walls in the Eastern United States
Colby Barrett, Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
Matthew Birchmier, P.E. GeoStabilization, Inc.
Nate Beard, P.E. Soil Nail Launcher, Inc. - Film: “In Katrina’s Wake: Norfolk Southern Responds and Recovers”, including fielding questions by NS Director – Research and Tests, Brad Kerchof, NSCorp
- Use of Grout Technology for Stabilization of Soft Ground and Sinkholes
James Bass, Hayward-Baker Inc.
Session 8: Rockfalls
- Design Guide for Rockfall Fences
Ghislain Brunet, Maccaferri, Inc. - Case Studies on Rockfall Mitigation and Rock Slope Stabilization in California, Tennessee, and Virginia
Nathan Beard, Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
Justin Petersen, Soil Nail Launcher, Inc. - Rockfall Protection System ‐ Highway Cut Embankment‐US 19‐Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia
Roger Moore, Ameritech Slope Constructors, Inc.
William Kane, Kane GeoTech, Inc. - Digital Photogrammetry Component of an Experimental Project to Monitor Rock Slope Activity at Multiple Sites in the Valley and Ridge, Virginia
William Niemann, Marshall University
Opening Session: Rockfalls and Rock Reinforcement
- Recent Developments in Rockfall Barrier Applications and Testing
Pete Ingraham, Golder - SPIDER Rock Protection System
Joseph Bigger, Geobrugg - Response to Rock Slope Failure at Ocoee#2 diversion Flume
Lindsay Cooper, ARCADIS US, Inc. - Repair of the SR 115 (US 129, Tail of the Dragon) Rockslide, near Maryville, Tennessee
David Barker, TDOT
Session 2: Mines and AMD Issues - Part 1.
- Hazardous Highwalls- Ground Control for Surface Mines
Patrick E. Gallagher, P.E., CPGS, President of CTL Engineering of WV, Inc. - Mine Subsidence Engineering: An Overview
Gennaro G. Marino, Ph.D., P.E. of Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. - Engineering Geophysical Applications to Mine Subsidence Risk Assessment
Kanaan Hanna, Steve Hodges and Jim Pfeiffer of Zapata Incorporated, Blackhawk Division Keith Heasley of West Virginia University
Session 3: Geohazards and Infrastructure
- Mitigation of Shallow Plane Slope Failures and Severe Erosion of Slopes Using Geosynthetic System Technology
Melanie Furman, P.E., and Michael F. Clements of Huesker - An Innovative Approach to Characterizing, Permitting, and Constructing Landfills in Karst Geologic Settings
Robert Bachus,, Ph.D., P.E., Geosyntec Richard B. Tedder, P.E., Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Railroads vs. Earthquakes
John R. Tomlin, P.E., Engineer ‐ Geotechnical Services, Norfolk Southern Railway Company - Heartland Corridor Clearance Improvement Project - Norfolk Southern Railway Company, Walton, Virginia to Columbus, Ohio
Randy Zeiger, P.E, AMEC
Steven A. Riggs, P.E., AMEC
Lunch Speakers: Chester Sutherland; Wes Hughen
Session 4: Flood Inundation Prediction
- Using Geographic Information System Methods to Map and Predict Flood Inundation in Tennessee
David E. Ladd, Hydrologist, USGS Tennessee Water Science Center, Nashville, Tennessee - Inundation Information on the Internet--Flood Forecasting Everybody Can Use
S.G. (Jerry) Gilbert, P.E., DEE., CFM, Engineering Perfection, PLLC, South Charleston, West Virginia John D. Rains, Engineering Perfection, PLLC, South Charleston, West Virginia - A Partnered Flood Inundation Mapping Initiative
Scott E. Morlock, Deputy Director, USGS, Indiana Water Science Center, Indianapolis, Indiana - Forecast-Flood Inundation Maps Using Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling: A Pilot Study for the Snoqualmie River, Washington
Joseph L. Jones, Hydrologist, USGS Washington Water Science Center, Tacoma, Washington
Session 5: Karst Issues
- Geotechnical Roadway Design for Karst Environments
Walter G. Kutschke, PhD, PE, URS Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA - Case Histories of Sinkhole Remediation Using Cap and Compaction Grouting
Michael Bivens, P.E., Rembco Geotechnical Contractors, Inc., Knoxville, TN - Karst Geohazards Along Highways In East Tennessee, Identification and Mitigation
Harry Moore, Golder Associates, Atlanta, GA - Geo-Design Applications In Karst Environments
William D. Spencer, P.G., AMEC Earth & Environmental, Nashville, TN Jaye Richardson, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Nashville, TN Christopher Ramsey, PE, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Nashville, TN
Session 6: Mines and AMD Issues‐Part 2.
- Pandora’s Box: The Skytop Section of Route I-99, Centre County, Pennsylania
David (Duff) P. Gold, P.G., Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University Arnold G. Doden, P.G. of Geologic Mapping and Resource Evaluation, Inc. Lawrence A. Beck, P.E., P.G. - IHI Underground Coal Mine Fire Mitigation: Geophysical Geotechnical Evaluation / Excavation and Quenching Project
Kanaan Hanna, Zapata Incorporated, Blackhawk Division, Golden, CO Steve Hodges, Zapata Incorporated, Blackhawk Division, Golden, CO Jim Pfeiffer, Zapata Incorporated, Blackhawk Division, Golden, CO Adolph Amundson, Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, Denver, CO Tara Tafi, Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, Denver, CO Steve Renner, Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, Denver, CO - Conceptual Alternative Study for the Remediation of Existing Gypsum Mines under SR-2
Andrew Wolpert, P.E. of CH2M HILL Lynn Yuhr P.G. of Technos, Inc. Pat Gallagher, P.E., P.S.,CPGS of CTL Engineering of WV, Inc. Warren Whittaker of Workhorse Technologies, LLC.
Session 7: Instrumentation and Monitoring
- Instrumentation of the I-40 Slide near Rockwood, Tennessee
Lori McDowell, TNDOT - Monitoring of Geohazards Impacting Highway Projects using TDR
Dr. Kevin O'Connor, P.E., Ph.D. of GeoTDR, Inc. - Soo Locks Construction Instrumentation
Ronald J. (Jeff) Rakes U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District - Instrumentation as a Construction Monitoring Tool and the use of Controlled Response Communications
William (Bill) Walker, and Michael Zoccola, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District
Session 8: Geotech Structures
- CSXT Emergency Response for Flood Repairs
Christopher Ramsey, AMEC Earth& Environmental - Wolf Creek Dam Foundation Remediation: An Update on Construction Progress and Associated Lessons Learned
Joshua Bomar, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District - Navigation Lock Foundation Design in Complex Karst Geology at Chickamauga Dam
Mark Elson, US Army Corps of Engineers Juan Payne, US Army Corps of Engineers Dewayne Ponds, US Army Corps of Engineers - Influence of Weak Pennsylvanian System Shales in OH and KY on Transportation Projects
Rich Williams, Stantec
Session 9: Failures and Forensic Geology
- Defining a Role for Geology and Forensic Geology in Site Characterization for LRFD
Robert C. Bachus, Ph.D., P.E., Geosyntec Consultants, Kennesaw, GA Naresh Samtani, Ph.D., P.E., NCS Consultants, Tucson, AZ - Do’s and Don’ts for Geotechnical Investigations in Appalachian Karst
Joseph A. Fischer, P.E., PhD, President Geoscience Service - Digital Photos and 3D Models for Documentation and Visualization of Failed Slopes
Jeffrey R. Keaton, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Los Angeles, CA John C. Mason, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Knoxville, TN Carl D. Tockstein, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Knoxville, TN Stanley L. Hite, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Richmond, VA - A Rock Stress Release Failure and Quarry Flooding Attributed to the May 2010 Nashville Flood
John D. Godfrey, Jr., P.E. (Presenter), K.S. Ware & Associates, LLC Gregory W. Brubaker, P.E, K.S. Ware & Associates, LLC
Session 10: Information Technology and Data Delivery
- Displaying Joint Data via the Kentucky Geological Survey’s Online Map Service
Steven L. Martin, Kentucky Geological Survey, Lexington, KY - Analysis of the Geologic Context of Maintenance Costs for Rockfalls, Landslides, and Sinkholes in Kentucky: Phase II
Overfield, B.L., Weisenfluh, G.A., Carey, D.I., and Wang, Rebecca. of Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY - Tennessee's Geohazard Management Program: Moving from Disaster Recovery towards Asset Management
Vanessa Bateman, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District - Using Geographic Information System Techniques to Identify and Delineate Karst Features in Tennessee
David E. Ladd, Hydrologist, USGS Tennessee Water Science Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Session 11: Landslides
- Mapping Landslide Hazards Using Lessons from Earthquake Insurance
Jeffrey R. Keaton, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Los Angeles, CA Richard J. Roth, Jr., Consulting Actuary, Huntington Beach, CA - Stabilization of a Large Wedge Failure Utilizing a Passive Anchor System, Interstate 40, North Carolina, Pigeon River Gorge Jody C. Kuhne, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Asheville, NC
- Slope Failure and Underlying Geologic/Manmade Causes
Joseph D. Carte, West Virginia Division of Highways, Charleston, WV George A. Chappell Sr., West Virginia Division of Highways, Charleston, WV - Coupled Use of Instrumentation and Geologic History to Assess Movement, Performance, and Stabilization of Large Landslide in Western Pennsylvania
Robert C. Bachus, Geosyntec Consultants, Kennesaw, GA Jill Simons, Geosyntec Consultants, Kennesaw, GA Leslie Griffin, Geosyntec Consultants, Kennesaw, GA
Opening Session: Surface and Underground Mines
- The Influence of Softening on the Mine Floor Bearing Capacity; A Case History
Gennaro G. Marino, Ph.D., P.E., M. ASCE
Abdolreza Osouli, Ph.D., M. ASCE - Abandoned Underground Mine Inventory and Risk Assessment (AUMIRA)
Jim Swindler, Project Engineer, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Eric Kistner, Project Manager, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. - MINE REMEDIATION OPTIONS FOR A NEW HIGHWAY CORRIDOR
Kirk Beach, Ohio Department of Transportationand
Kevin O' Connor, PE, Ph.D., GeoTDR
Nikunj Kadakia, PE, Ohio DOT, District 5
Kirk Beach, Office of Geotechnical Engineering, Ohio DOT
Charles Dowding, PE, Ph.D., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Northwestern University
Session 2: Slope Management Systems
- Dendrogeomorphology – A Means to Assess Past, Present, and Future Landslide Activity
William M. Kappel, Hydrogeologist, USGS-New York Water Science Center - Integrated Geologic Hazard Management System
Kirk D. Beach, Geology Program Manager, Office of Geotechnical Engineering, Ohio DOT - GeoLIMS: A LABORATORY DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SOIL, ROCK AND WATER
Kirk D. Beach, Geology Program Manager, Office of Geotechnical Engineering, Ohio DOT
Sean Mulligan, PE, Geotechnical Lab Manager,Ohio DOT
Robert Liang, PE, Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, University of Akron
Silas C. Nichols, PE, Senior Bridge Engineer - Geotechnical, Federal Highway
Benjamin S. Rivers, PE, Geotechnical Engineer, Federal Highway Administration, Resource Center,
Lunch Speaker: Pat Gallagher, CTL Engineering
Session 3: Flood Hazards in Appalachia
- An Overview of Appalachian Flooding
Dr. Kevin Law, West Virginia State Climatologist, Department of Geography, Marshall University. - Determining and Predicting Flood Magnitudes and Frequencies
Jeff Wiley, USGS West Virginia Water Science Center, Surface Water Specialist - A New USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Initiative
Dr. William Guertal, Director, USGS Indiana and Kentucky Water Science Centers - Flood Alerts and Warnings
John Sikora, National Weather Service, Charleston Forecast Office, Senior Service Hydrologist
Session 4: Karst Issues
- Augmented Karst Mapping in Ohio
Douglas L.Shrake, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey
Donovan M. Powers, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey - Mapping of Karst Hazards Using Remote Sensor Technology
Ronald Green, Institute Scientist Southwest, Research Institute
Ben Abbott, Institute Engineer Southwest, Research Institute
Greg Willden, Senior Research Engineer, Southwest Research Institute
Donald Poole, Research Engineer, Southwest Research Institute - Center Hill Seepage and Remediation
Robert Brimm, Geologist, US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville Resident Engineer’s Office - Follow-up on the Morristown, TN “Land-Bridge” at milepost 96.1-A
John R. Tomlin, PE Engineer – Geotechnical Services Norfolk Southern Railway Company
Session 5: Rock Mechanics Aspects
- Tunneling in the Pine Mountain Overthrust, Harlan, Kent
John L. Stanton, Chief Geology Section, Nashville District Corps of Engineers - “Layer Cake Geology” not that simple in Central Ohio for OARS Tunnel
A. James Siebert - Assessing the Slaking Behavior of Clay-Bearing Rocks
Abdul Shakoor,Department of Geology, Kent State University
Tej Gautam, Department of Geology, Kent State University - Using Close-Range Terrestrial Photogrammetry for Geohazard Evaluation on the US 460 Connector Project, Southwestern Virginia
Dr. Jeffery Keaton, P.E., P.G., MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Brian D. Owens, P.E., MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Timothy P. Quigley, P.E., MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Session 6: Structures
- Scour at Bridge Foundations on Rock: Status of NCHRP Project 24-29
Jeffery Keaton P.E., P.G. MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Dr. Su K. Mishra, P.E. HDR, Inc. - A GIS application to collect in-house geologic information for evaluating mine subsidence
James McDonald, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey
Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey
Michael P. Angle, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey - Slope Stabilization using Drilled Shafts: Design and Long-Term Monitoring
Jamal Nusairat, Ph.D., P.E., E.L. Robinson Engineering of Ohio Company
Izzaldin M. Al Mohd, Ph.D., PE., Huesker Synthetic GmbH - Earthquake Disaster Prevention - Lessons From Recent Earthquakes
Zhenming Wang, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
Session 7: Rockfall Mitigation Measures
- Construction of Slope Repairs to the I-40 Landslide Haywood County, North Carolina
Daniel Journeaux, President, Janod Contractors Inc.
Jody Kuhne, LG, PE, Project Geological Engineer, NCDOT
Noel Philippon, North American Operations Director, Janod Contractors Inc.
Jeffrey Lloyd, EIT,Staff Geotechnical Engineer, Golder Associates Inc
Peter Ingraham, PE, Staff Geotechnical Engineer, Golder Associates Inc - Rock Slope Stabilization Utilizing Polyurethane Resin Grout
Dean Dibert, Project Manager, Coastal Drilling East. LLC
Nathan Zeni, Project Manager, Coastal Drilling East, LLC - Evaluating Rock Fall Hazards for the US 460 Connector Project, Southwestern Virginia
Dr. Jeffery Keaton, P.E., P.G., MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Brian D. Owens, P.E., MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Philip W. Kim, MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc. - The Use of Wire Mesh/Cable Net Drapes to Control Rockfall: Case Study and Guidelines
Martin J. Woodard, PhD, PG, Senior Engineering Geologist HALEY & ALDRICH, INC.
Session 8: The Kettle
- How DIGGS Can Help You
Thomas Lefchik, P.E., Structural and Materials Engineer, Federal Highway Administration, Ohio Division Office - Ohio DOT’s Geotechnical Data Management System: Drilling Request to GIS
Gennaro G. Marino Ph.D., P.E., Marino Engineering Associates,Inc.
Biraj Gautam, M.S.C.E, Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. - Emergency Slope Repairs as a Result of the May 2010 Nashville Area Floods
Vanessa Bateman, P.G., P.E., Tennessee DOT, Geotechnical Engineering Section
Session 9: Landslides
- Case Studies in Shallow Landslide Repair and Severe Erosion Mitigation along Roadway Networks in Appalachia
Colby E. Barrett, Soil Nail Launcher, Inc.
Cameron A. Lobato, GeoStabilization, Inc.
Francis X. Ashland, Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey - Geotechnical Aspects of the Rocky Road Embankment Failure and Repair
April Lashley Brenneman, P.E., MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.
Gary W. Rhodes, P.E., F. ASCE, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. - Analysis of the geologic context of maintenance costs for rockfalls and landslides in Kentucky
G.A. Weisenfluh, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky,
Wang Rebecca, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky,
Opening Session: Landslides
- Implementation of the ODOT Landslide Hazard Rating Matrix
Randy Daub - Seismic Refraction Survey near Wolf Creek Pass Along US 160, South Fork, Colorado
Jim Pfeiffer and Kanaan Hanna - Secondary Toppling and Rock Slope Failures in Tennessee
Vanessa Bateman - Tied-back Grade Beams for Stabilization of Route 7 in Jefferson Co. Ohio
Stan A. Harris
Session 2: Seismic Issues: Earthquake Damage Response and Mitigation
- Ground deformation in New Madrid seismic zone great earthquakes: past and future
Roy Van Arsdale - Seismic Hazard and the Kentucky Seismic Strong Motion Network (KSSMN)
Jonathan McIntyre, Zhenming Wang, and Edward W. Woolery - Seismic Hazard Mitigation of Transportation Structures
Issam E. Harik
Lunch Speaker: Dave Harris, Kentucky Geological Survey
Session 3: Instrumentation
- Embankment Load Tests On a Coal Ash Basin
Tom Pace - Wolf Creek and Center Hill Dams: Case Studies in the Value of Instrumentation
Dewayne Ponds - Instrumentation for Transportation Applications
Kenneth M. Berry
Session 4: Mapping and Information Technology
- Incorporation of Seismic and Geotechnical Data Into a 3D Geologic Model of the Ohio River Valley Near Henderson, KY.
William M Andrews Jr. - Building an Enterprise Database of Geotechnical Drillhole Records For Future Planning and Engineering Studies
Gerald A. Weisenfluh and Bill Broyles - GIS Tools and Information Sources to Help Assess the Potential For Geohazards to Transportation
Demetrio Zourarakis - Geology Along Kentucky’s Roads and Parkways
Dan Carey
Session 5: Other Geotechnical Issues in Transportation
- Foundation Problems and Pyrite Oxidation In the Chattanooga Shale, Estill Co. Kentucky
Warren Anderson - Passive Treatment of Metal-Bearing Runoff/Seepage 101: An Overview of the Technologies
James J. Gusek - Problems with Pyrite or All that Glitters is not GOLD
Dan Hurst and William Spencer - Remediation of Pyritic Rock For the Interstate-99 Highway Project In Centre County
Archie Filshill - Practical Solution for a Cave Located on a School Campus in Central Kentucky
Richard Wilson
Session 6: Mine Subsidence
- Investigation of the Long Term Stability of Abandoned Room and Pillar Coal Mines
Gennaro G. Marino - Applied Mine Grouting Technologies
Paul Painter and Kirk Beach - Subsidence Misconceptions and Myths
Richard E. Gray, Robert W. Bruhn, and David L. Knott - Engineering-Geophysical Investigation of Abandoned Coal Mines Along Planned US-69 Pittsburg Bypass, Pittsburg, Kansas
Kanaan Hanna and Jim Pfeiffer
Session 7: Water Issues
- I-40 Toe Scour Protection System
Joseph Bigger - Correlation of Rock Quality Designation and Rock Scour Around Bridge Piers and Abutments Founded on Rock
Tommy C. Hopkins and Tony L. Beckham - Investigations of Karst Hydrogeology as a Technique to Minimize Karst Geohazards Transportation Corridors
Jim Currens - An Un-Natural Disaster – Taum Sauk Upper Reservoir Breach
Nicholas G. Schmitt
Session 8: Rockfalls
- Falling Rocks
Dexter Newman - Rockfall Hazard Rating System for Railroads
Neal McCulloch and Roberto Guardia - Case Study: Widening Dead Man’s Gap
John Tomlin
Opening Session: Hydrological Investigations.
- In the Age of Great Innovation, a Great Oversight: Water and its Control
Benjamin S. Rivers, PE, Geotechnical Engineer, Federal Highway Administration - Details on How Pore Pressures are Generated in Slopes and Cause Landslides
Richard S. Olsen, Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) at ERDC, USCE. - Problems with Acid Rock Drainage at the Skytop Interstate-99 site in Central Pennsylvania
Arthur W. Rose, Dept. of Geosciences, Penn State University, PA
Session 2: Site Characterization for Transportation Infrastructure.
- Regional curves for bankfull stream characteristics in the Appalachian Plateaus, West Virginia
Terence Messinger, U.S. Geological Survey West Virginia Water Science Center - Landslide Problems on Appalachian Colluvial Slopes
Richard Gray, DiGioia, Gray & Associates - Generalized Skews for Calculating Peak Flows of Rural, Unregulated Streams in West Virginia
John T. Atkins, Jr., U.S. Geological Survey West Virginia Water Science Center - Use of Acoustic Televiewer for Exploration,
Pete Ingraham, Golder Associates
Lunch Speaker: Tom Smith, Division Administrator, WV, FHWA
Session 3: Remote Sensing.
- Using LiDAR to Map Sinkholes in Jefferson County, WV
John A. Young, US Geological Survey, Leetown Science Center, Leetown, WV - Image-Object Analysis for Sinkhole Inventory
Lee Stocks, WVGS. - LiDAR for Flood Mapping, Hydraulic Modeling and Stream Restoration Design
Ed Watson, Hydrologist, Canaan Valley Institute, WV - LiDAR, GIS, and Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Assess Landslide Risk, Horseshoe Run Watershed, West Virginia
Kory M. Konsoer, Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University
Session 4: Extreme Geotechnical Construction.
- Pittsburgh Light Rail Project, North Shore Connector, Tunnels and Station Shell
Paul Zick, P.E., North shore Contractors, Obayashi/Trumbull - Marmet Lock Replacement: Geotechnical Design and Construction Challenges
Sean Carter, USACE. - Hydrochemical Cause of Pavement Subsidence in the Cumberland Gap: Tunnel Kentucky & Tennessee
James Dinger, James Currens, Randy Paylor, R. Stephen Fisher, Kentucky Geological Survey - Geotechnical Challenges of the Lewistown Narrows Reconstruction
Brent J. Basom and Daniel S. Ramer GTSTech
Session 5: River Processes & Influence on Geohazards.
- Minersville Riverbank Stabilization A Case History
Lisa Gatens, and Seth Lyle, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District - Effects of Land Use Changes and Channelization on the Stability of Streams: A Case Study from the Shawnee Hill Country of Southern Illinois
L. Scott Eaton, Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science, James Madison University
Session 6: Subsurface Investigation Innovations.
- Cone Penetrometer Testing
Mike Bailey, USACE-SAS - Sonic Drilling for Geotechnical Investigation & Construction
Steve Bratton, Boart Longyear Environment and Infrastructure. - Potential Concrete Growth Resulting from Adverse Reaction Between Cementing Material and Aggregates in Concrete
Melanie Leslie, USACE. - Long-Term Movements of Highway Bridge Approach Embankments and Pavements
Tommy C. Hopkins, Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky
Session 7: Modeling and Simulation
- Landslide Mapping and Research at the Kentucky Geological Survey
Matthew M. Crawford and William M. Andrews Jr, Geologic Mapping Section, Kentucky Geological Survey. - Soil Modeling & Slope Design using PSS Slope
Mohamed A. Ashour Ph. D., PE WVU Tech, Joe Carte PE WVDOT, Larry Douglas PG WVDOT. - 3D Laser Scanning for Modeling/Monitoring Geohazards
Tom Rayburn, E.L. Robinson
Session 8: Seismic Hazard, Risk Assessment & Transportation Infrastructure Management
- Liquefaction Under Embankment Dams: Back-of-the-Envelope Predictions of Deformation
Alan F. Rauch, PhD, PE, Stantec Consulting - Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessments for Bridges and Highways in Kentucky
Zhenming Wang, Issam E. Harik, Edward W. Woolery - May 12, 2008 Sichuan, China Earthquake Reconnaissance
Zhenming Wang - Risk Management in Geotechnical Decision Making
Benjamin S. Rivers, PE, Geotechnical Engineer, Federal Highway Administration
Opening Session: Geotechnical Case Studies of North Carolina.
- Big Slow Movers: A Look At Weathered-Rock Slides in Western North Carolina
Rebecca S. Latham, Richard M. Wooten, Anne C. Witt, Kenneth A. Gillon, Thomas J. Douglas, Stephen J. Fuemmeler, Jennifer B. Bauer, North Carolina Geological Survey - Geohazard and Transportation Aspects of Sulfidic Rock (Acid Rock) in North Carolina
Thomas J. Douglas, Richard M. Wooten, Kenneth A. Gillon, Jennifer B. Bauer, Jody C. Kuhne, Rebecca S. Latham, Anne C. Witt, Stephen J. Fuemmeler: North Carolina Geological Survey; North Carolina Department of Transportation. - A Brief History of Horizontal Drains in Western North Carolina
Michael Hager, North Carolina Department of Transportation. - 2D MASW Surveys To Evaluate Subsurface Stiffness: Investigations of the 2004 I-40 Landslide and Other Projects
Ned Billington, Jeremy Strohmeyer, Alex Rutledge, Schnabel Engineering, Greensboro, NC.
Session 2: Landslides: Past, Present & Future.
- An Integrated Landslide Management System for Highway Applications
Kirk Beach and Gene Geiger, ODOT; Robert Liang, University of Akron, Akron Ohio - A Remediation Cost Database and Web-Based Application for Geologic Hazards
Kirk Beach, ODOT; Patrick Fox and Paul Sivilotti, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. - Drilled Shafts for Bridge Foundation Stability Improvement Ohio 833 Bridge over the Ohio River Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio: An Update
Stan A. Harris, P.E., Geotechnical Program Manager and Eric M. Kistner, P.E., Senior Project Engineer; Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May Engineers, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio - Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Data Exchange
Scot D. Weaver, EarthSoft, Inc.; Thomas Lefchik, FHWA
Lunch Speaker : Chester Watts, Radford University.
Session 3: Cost Benefits of Geoscience Information.
- Valuation of Services from Natural Systems in Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Changes in the Appalachian Development Highway System: The Role of USGS Data
Gregory A. Bischak, Senior Economist, Appalachian Regional Commission, Washington DC - The Value of Geologic Maps for Transportation Planning in Kentucky
James C. Cobb, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY - Integrating Geoscience and Socioeconomic Information Reduces Uncertainty in Societal Decision Making
Carl Shapiro, USGS, Geography Discipline, Reston, VA and Richard Bernknopf, USGS, Western Geographic Science Center, Menlo Park, CA.
Session 4: Economic Impact of Geological Hazards.
- Perceived Risk Versus Cost In Karst Remediation A Case History
Sam Vance, AMEC, Nashville, TN - West Virginia Route 2 Rock Fall Hazards at “The Narrows” Using a Rock Fence Catchment System for Remediation
Aaron L. Wentz, West Virginia DOT - Wolf Creek Dam, Balancing Extreme Consequences of Failure and Extreme Economic Impacts in the Uncertain World of Karst
Jody Stanton, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville, TN - Current Results of Landslides Hazard Mapping in Western Carolina
Kenneth Gillion, Richard Wooten; Rebecca Latham, Anne Witt, Thomas Douglas, Stephen Fuemmeler, Jennifer Bauer; John Nickerson, North Carolina Geological Survey.
Session 5: Geological Mapping
- Geohazards in the Kope Formation, Northern Kentucky
John Kiefer, Warren Anderson, Kentucky Geological Survey - Geological Maps for Land-Use Planning
Daniel I. Carey, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky, Lexington. - New Geologic mapping for Landslide Mitigation in Eastern Kentucky
William M. Andrews Jr., John D. Kiefer, Matthew M. Crawford, Kentucky Geological Survey - Foundation Problems and Pyrite Oxidation in the Chattanooga (Ohio) Shale Estill County, Kentucky
John Kiefer, Warren H. Anderson, Kentucky Geological Survey
Session 6: Innovations in Real-Time Monitoring
- Design of Instrumentation Systems for Monitoring Geo-Hazards in Transportation
Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E., Christopher Consultants, Roswell, GA - Advancements and Innovations in Instrumentation Systems for Real-Time Monitoring of Geo- Hazards in Transportation
W. Allen Marr, Ph.D., P.E., Geocomp Corporation, Boxborough, MA; Thomas A Tye, P.E., Geocomp Corporation, Atlanta, GA - Value of Instrumentation Systems and Real-Time Monitoring: An Owner’s Perspective
Silas C. Nichols, P.E., Federal Highway Administration, Atlanta, GA
Session 7: Rock Slope Problems and Stabilization
- Slope Stabilization at the Canon Del Pato Hydroelectric Project, Peru. Part 1: Background and Site Studies
Malcolm Schaefer, Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc., Charlotte, NC - Slope Stabilization at the Canon Del Pato Hydroelectric Project, Peru. Part 2: Design and Construction
Malcolm Schaefer, Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc., Charlotte, NC - Emergency Project Maui DOT
Renee Reccord, Janod of Companies, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC - Slope Stabilization with High Tensile Wire Mesh
Frank Ahmend, Geobrugg
Session 8: Karst and Mine subsidence Hazards in Transportation
- On the Time-Frame of Cover Collapse Sinkhole Development
Barry F. Beck and Wanfang Zhou, P.E. LaMoreaux & Associates, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN. - The Nelsonville Bypass: A Hitchhiker’s Journey through the Galaxy of Mine Hazards
Stan A. Harris, Eric M. Kistner, Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May Engineers, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; Alan Craig, P.E., Ohio Department of Transportation, District 10, Marietta, Ohio - Ohio’s Underground Mine Hazards—Getting Out of the Pits
Christopher P. Gordon, ODNR, Division of Geological Survey; Tim Jackson, ODNR, Division of Mineral Resources Management
Opening Session: Mapping Utilizing GIS & GPS
- Cataloging Geotechnical Projects Information on the Web
Williams Broyles (KTC) - Accessing Geotechnical Information for Geotechnical Studies in Kentucky
Matt Crawford (KGS) - Karst Potential and Development indices: Tools for mapping Karst Hazard Regions Using GIS
Randy Paylor, James Currens, Mathew Crawford (KGS) - Using Digital Technology to Collect, Manage, Interpret and Deliver Geologic Mapping Data in Kentucky
W.Andrews, Jr., S. Martin, R. Counts, M. Crawford, G. Weisenfluh (KGS)
Session 1: Geotechnical Databases
- Development of an XML Schema for Geo-data
Marc Hoit (University of Florida) - How DIGGS May Benefit Geotechnical Data Collection and Use Efforts
Scot D. Weaver (Earthsoft) - Practical Considerations in Working with Data Interchange Standards(presentation,paper)
S. Caronna (gINT Software) - Resource and Asset Management through Web-Enabled GIS Database System
Robert Liang (University of Akron); Gene Geiger; Kirk Beach (ODOT).
Session 2: Water Issues
- Avoiding Geohazards in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands by Using ‘Natural Stream’ Principles
Steve Kite (WVU), Neal Carte (DOH), William Harman (Buck Eng.), Donald Gray (WVU) - Debris Flow Hazards in Western North Carolina – Some Geological, Meteorlogic and Hydrologic Survey
Richard Wooten, R. Latham, A. Witt (NCGS) - U.S. Geological Survey Field Investigations of Bridge Scour
Dave Mueller, Stephen T. Benedict (USGS) - Stream Gages: An Essential Tool for Avoiding Transportation Hazards
Doug Kirk (WVDOH)
Session 3: Landslides: Prediction, Prevention and Remediation
- A Sinkhole Induced Landslide Along SR 111, Dunlap Tennessee: A Case Study
V. Bateman, Len Oliver (TDOT) - Slope Stability Along the North Carolina Section of the Blue Ridge Parkway
Rebecca Latham, R. Wooten (NCGS) - Innovations in Landslide and Erosion Repair
Bob Barrett (Soil Nail Launcher) - Characterization and Remediation of a Creeping Slope
Todd Swackhamer (McMahon & Mann); Donald McMahon; James Zimmerman (NS Corp)
Session 4: Rock Reinforcement & Anchoring
- Engineering Geology Challenges During Design and Construction of the Marmet Lock Project
Michael Nield (USACE) - WV 2 Follansbee to Weirton Road: Evaluation of Rockfall Protection Measures and Design of Landslide Correction Measures
Robert L. Dodson (HDR) - Hurricane Related Landslide Repair on the Blue Ridge Parkway
Don W. Dotson (AMEC); Chris Ramsey (Richard Geottle, Inc)
Session 5: Risk & Reliability Assessment
- Engineering Risk and Reliability: Application to Civil Works Infrastructure
Robert Patev (USACE) - That Slope Shouldn’t Have Failed
Pete Nix (DLZ) - Managing Risk and Reliability of an Inventory of Large and, Potentially Dangerous Civil Works Projects
Jeffrey Schaefer, Andy Harkness (USACE)
Session 6: Site Caracterization: Over Karst & AML
- Replacement of Rt. 33 Bridges in Active sinkhole Environment
Silas Nichols (FHWA) - An Overview of Geophysics Use in Transportation Projects, and Geophysical Choices Specifically for Karst and Mine Investigations
Rick Hoover (SAIC) - The Maple Ridge Wind Farm Access road Design Over Unstable Soils on the Tug Hill Plateau
Martin Derby (Malcolm Pirnie); Patrick O’Rourke (Contech) - Geophysical Manual: A Practical Engineering Solution for Highway Related Problems
Khamis Haramy (FHWA); Kanaan Hanna - Delineation of Karst Groundwater Basins Along the Proposed I-66 Corridor, Pulaski County
James C. Currens, Randall Paylor (KGS)
Opening Speakers
- Kentucky Geohazards In Transportation
Sam Beverage, Katrina Bradley: Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Opening Session
- GIS-Based Coal Resources Maps as Infrastructure Development Planning Tools
Nick Fedorko, WV Geological and Economic Survey - Surficial Geologic Maps for Geotechnical Audiences
William M. Andrews, Kentucky Geological Survey
Session 1
- Difficulties and Suggestions When Drilling And Blasting In A KARST Environment
James T. Ludwiczak, Blasting and Mining Consultants - A New Era of Tunnel Blasting: Electronic Initiators and Geohazard Reduction
Doug Anderson: Parsons Brinckerhoff
Session 2
- Geotechnical Management Systems: Data Standards
Thomas Leftchik, FHWA; Kirk Beach - Geohazard Assessment for Highway Planning: The Karst Factor
Dominick Amari, AGE Designs, Inc.; Daniel Hurst, AMEC Earth and Environmental Inc,; Harry Moore, TDOT - Rockfall Hazard Inventory Development and Maintenance: A 20 year Perspective
Michael Vierling, New York State Thruway Authority; Richard Cross & Peter Ingram, Golder Associates, Inc - Development of Landslide Susceptibility Map for the County of Summit, OH
Joseph Troxell, Michael Krokonko, Gannett Fleming; David Gilbert, Geodecisions
Session 3
- The Earthquake Hazard in Kentucky: the Problems, Research, Current Assessment, and On-line Seismic Readings from the KSSMN
John Kiefer and Zhenming Wang, Geologic Hazards Section Kentucky Geological Survey - Soft Ground Tunneling through Contaminated Groundwater
Nasri Munfah and Subal Sarkar, Parsons Brinckeroff
Session 4
- Glenwood Canyon Rockfall
Barry D. Siel, FHWA - Public-Private partnerships: The WV Experience
Yuvonne Cantrell, Henry Compton & Ron Krofcheck, FHWA - Old Mines Require New Thinking
Thomas E. Leftchik, FHWA
Session 5
- Use of Launched Soil Nails to Stabilize Landslides in Summit County, OH
Mitchell Weber, Gannet Fleming Engineers and Architects; Greg Bachman, Summit County; Robert Barrett, Soil Nail Launcher, Inc. - Landslide Stabilization Using Micropiles, State Route 837 in Washington County, PA.
James R. James, Gannet Fleming, Inc. - A Design Model for Pile Walls Used to Stabilized Landslides
Tia Maria Richardson, Fairmont State University, WV
Session 6
- The Industrial Parkway: So You Want to Build a Road in Mine Spoils
Scott Murray & Mark Litkenhus, Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott & May Engineers, Inc. - Geotechnical Design and Construction of the Pittsburgh Mills Interchange: Ancient Landslides, Rock Bolts, Soil Nails, and Geogrids, Oh My!
Paul Hale, Brian Heinzl, Gannett Fleming, Inc. - Drilled Shafts for Bridge Foundation Drilled Shafts for Bridge Foundation Stability Improvement: Ohio 833 Stability Improvement: Ohio 833 Bridge over the Ohio River
Stan Harris, Eric Kistner: Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May Engineers,Inc. - Abutment Site Evaluation for Proposed Corridor H Bridge
Kamal Shaar, Bob Barclay, Doug Voegele, James Wang: H.C. Nutting Company
Session 1
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