Information on past sessions of the Forum on Geohazards Impacting Transportation in Appalachia can be found below.

2024 Meeting

Presentations PDFs

The folder linked above contains all presentations organized by session number.

  • Session 2: Case Histories of Roadside Rockfall Barrier Applications_Lucas Martins
  • Session 3: Preliminary Results of Recent Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Albemarle and Nelson Counties, Virginia_Anne Witt
  • Session 4: Overview of the Final Geohazards, Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change Resilience Manual_Khalid Mohammed
  • Session 5: The Road to Improving Transportation Resilience_Ben Rivers
  • Session 6: Eye in the Sky_Stuart Edwards
  • Session 7: Evolution of a System-Wide Landslide Monitoring Program for Pipelines Located in the Appalachian Region of the US_Christopher Markley
  • Session 8: Using High Resolution Topographic Data for Automated Mapping of Geohazards in the Valley and Ridge province_Yonathan Admassu
  • Session 9: Remote Ground Monitoring of Soil Slope Hazards Along Highways with Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)_Brian Forstshoff
  • Session 10: Optical and Acoustic Televiewer Logging in Competent and Unstable Rock_ Nicholas Rebman
  • Session 11: The Move from Observations to Active Monitoring: The PROQIO Platform and Modern Data Synthesis_Ritvick Bhalla
  • Session 12: Slope Instability Forecasting System Based on Precipitation Data_Atieh Hosseinizadeh
  • Session 13: Regional Lidar Change Detection in Western Washington_Alex Brown
  • Session 14: Landslide Repair on Top of a Bluff:Reverview Dr._ Jeff Segar
  • Session 15: The Multi-team Approach - Site Characterization and Conceptual Mitigation Design for a Landslide on SR32, Cocke County, Tennessee_Jennifer Bauer
  • Session 16: Landslide Susceptible Slopes and Tree Ring Pattern, a Case Study from East Tennessee_Megan Palmer
  • Session 17: Probabilistic Rock Slope Hazard Assessment in Acid-Producing Roadway Corridors_ Arpita Nandi
  • Session 18: US-340 Rockfall Mitigation Project – Wedged between 3 States, the Potomac River and the Blue Ridge Mountains_Bryan Radabaugh
  • Session 19: State Route 46 Knowlton Township, New Jersey, and the Manunka Chunk Tunnels: Mitigating a Historic and Recent Mass Movement_Christine Comuso
  • Session 20: Geosetta_Ross Cutts
  • Session 21: Leveraging Geophysics for Data Driven Decision-making: Geohazard Risk Assessment, Design-build, and Budgeting _ Evan W. Filion
  • Session 22: A Multi-Stage Field and Modeling Approach for Inventory and Monitoring of Active Soil Slope Geotechnical Assets Along Tennessee Highways_Robert McSweeney
  • Session 23: The Development of ASTM D8512-23, “Standard Practice for Preliminary Karst Terrain Assessment for Land Development” _Robert K. Denton Jr.
  • Session 24: Identifying and Mitigating Subsidence Risk to Infrastructure from Abandoned, Underground Coal Mines_ Joshua Zimmermann
  • Session 25: Special Session: The Geology of Natural Bridge and Its Unique Engineering Challenges_ Skip Watts

2023 Meeting


Abstracts for all Presentations

Presentation PDFs (divided by date): 

  • Day 1: April 12 Presentations are organized in folder by presenter's last name.
    • Jennifer Bauer; Breaking Down Silos: Understanding Landslide Mapping For Use in Transportation and Emergency Planning
    • Mike Bivens; Landslide Stabilization – Elder Mountain Road
    • Sue Buchanon; A Multifaceted Approach for Assessing Risks And Managing Aging Transportation Assets
    • David Carpenter; Reducing Risk from Geologic Hazards: Geophysical Application Case Studies
    • Robert Denton; The Use of Morphologic Character Analysis to Determine Sinkhole Risk for Solar Site Development
    • John Klotz and Corey Mislinski; Foundational Resiliency of Electric Infrastructure – Identification And Mitigation of Karst Geohazards
    • Hudson Koch; Recent Advances in Landslide Susceptibility and Risk Modeling at The Kentucky Geological Survey
    • Bob Lyne; Shallow Landslides Characteristics and Solutions
    • Dru Miller; Innovative, Emergency Response to Geohazard Mitigation Methods and Technologies
    • Ryan Tinsley; Maintaining Route 199 Infrastructure: Aging Sheet Pile Walls, High Traffic Volumes, and Utilities – No Problem
    • Aaron Wallace; Us 421 in Harlan County Kentucky, Slope Stabilization on Pine Mountain Using a Tieback Wall
    • Shawn Coombs; Lessons in Culvert and Drainage System Resiliency, Why Some Roadways Washout and Others Resist Major Flooding [PDF of Presentation Unavailable]. 
  • Day 2: April 13 Presentations are organized in folder by presenter's last name.
    • Darren Beckstrand; Decision Support Tools For a Geotechnical Asset Management Program
    • Kendra Bolen; Rock Mass Characterization of Road Cuts of Corridor H Between MP 97.5 and 96.0 Near Forman, WV Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
    • Ross Cutts; Geosetta: The Importance of Extracting Value From Our Historic Geotechnical Data
    • Patrick Finnerty; Developing a Geologic Map Database of Karst Geology Along a Portion of the I-81 Corridor, Virginia
    • Brian Forsthoff; Automated Slope Monitoring for Highways and Other Critical Infrastructure
    • Matt Heller; Geologic Resources for Geohazards Investigations in Virginia
    • Kate McKinley; The Challenges of Large Scale Terrain Conductivity Mapping and Inversion for Shallow Bedrock Determination.
    • Ben Rivers; Characterizing Geohazards: Bring Your A-GaME!
    • Jesus Treto; Erosion-Induced Mountain Road Slope Stabilization
    • Brent Waters; Keys To Successfully Using Geophysics to Detect Mine Voids and Covered Sinkholes
    • James Young; Mapping Corridor H Between MP 105.3 and 102.6 Near Moorefield, West Virginia Using Unmanned Aerial Systems

Opening Session: Environmental Issues

Chair: Eric Dougherty, Maryland State Highway Administration
PDF 880 KB)

  • The Remediation and Subsequent Redevelopment of a Chromium Processing Site with Extensive Chromium Contamination of Groundwater and Soil
    Edward M. Dexter, P.G., Administrator, Solid Waste Program, Maryland Department of the Environment
    (PDF 17.3 MB)
  • Characterization of Acid Sulfate Soils Along the I-95 Corridor in Northern Virginia
    Jesse N. Darden, P.E., Geotechnical Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
    (PDF 3.0 MB)
  • Road Salt Impacts on Groundwater Quality in the Maryland Piedmont
    Donald Koch, P.E., Gannett Fleming Inc. Joyce Rebar, Maryland Transportation Authority
    (PDF 950 KB)

Session 2: Lessons Learned ‐ Case Studies

Chair: Ann Beaver, Tennessee Department of Transportation

  • Addressing Uncertainty in Geohazard Mitigation
    Roch S. V. Player, PE, PMP, Chief Engineer, GeoStabilization International
  • U.S. Route 11/15 Rock Slope Safety Improvement Project, Marysville, Pennsylvania
    Jonathan Relyea, P.G., American Engineers Group
    ( PDF 27.5 MB)
  • Update Ground Motion Parameters in the State of South Carolina
    Emad Gheibi, Ph.D., Geotechnical Professional, South Carolina Department of Transportation
  • The Development of a Karst Assessment and Mitigation Standard Practice for the State of Virginia.
    Robert Denton Jr., K. C.P.G., LPSS, Senior Geologist, Terracon
    ( PDF 12.6 MB)

Session 3. Instrumentation

Chair: Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation

  • Landslide and Rockery Wall Monitoring System for Residential Area
    Laura Y. Coiffe, Staff Engineer, KANE GeoTech, Inc.
    William F. Kane, Principal Engineer, KANE GeoTech, Inc.
    ( PDF 24 MB)
  • Automated Sentinel 1 InSAR Monitoring Maryland’s Geohazards Online
    Carl Pucci, Datel AS
    Eric Dougherty, Deputy Director Material Engineering MDOT
    ( PPSX 207 MB)
  • When is Karst not Karst? Geophysical Explorations Examining Pavement Settlement in Southeastern Tennessee.
    Marie A. Maher, P.G., Regional Exploration Manager,Terracon Consultants, Inc.
    ( PDF 2.7 MB)
  • Variable Piedmont rock conditions in a Washington, DC Water Shaft
    Steve Mogilnicki, WRA
    ( PDF 3.1 MB)
  • Advanced Geotechnical Methods in Exploration (A-GaME): Enhanced, Effective Site Characterization
    Ben Rivers, The Federal Highway Administration

Session 4: UAV Applications

Chair: Alan Johnson, Norfolk Southern

  • Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Platforms in the Landslide Repair Process
    Matthew Reihl, PE, Southeastern Regional Director, GeoStabilization International
  • Inventorying Geohazards of Ohio’s first Public-Private Partnership Roadway Project
    Stewart Abrams, G.I.T.; Field Geologist, Terracon
    ( PDF 4.8 MB)
  • UAS Technology for Rock Slope Characterization and Remediation
    Krystle Pelham, Engineering Geologist, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
    ( PDF 7 MB)
  • Natural Bridge, Virginia: UAV and Terrestrial Optical Data Collection
    Brian S. Bruckno, Ph.D., P.G., Virginia Department of Transportation
    ( PDF 7 MB)
  • Unmanned Aerial System Data Collection – An Increasingly Valuable Tool
    Ryan Preston, Peter Ingraham, and Alex Brown; Golder

Session 5: Issues Impacting Transportation Infrastructure

Chair: Ben Rivers, Federal Highway Administration

  • Colluvium in the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province
    Richard E. Gray, PG, Principal Consultant, Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences
    ( PDF 1.9 MB)
  • Effects of Drainage on Landslide Movement at Interstate 40 across the Cumberland Plateau Escarpment
    Courtney Vissman, PE, Senior Project Engineer, Golder Associates Inc.
    W. Randall Sullivan, PE, Principal and Senior Practice Leader, Golder Associates Inc.
    ( PDF 8.1 MB)
  • Coastal Area Dynamics: The Movement Trend Table, Velocity and Inverse Velocity Levels of Slope Risk Matrix -- Supporting Operations and Creating Sectoral Change.
    John S. Metzger, IDS GeoRadar NA, Inc.
    ( PDF 11 MB)
  • Yeager Airport, Completion of the Dismantling of a 240 feet High Reinforced Slope and Restoring the RSA
    Allen Cadden, PE, D.GE, Principal, Schnabel Engineering LLC
    ( PDF 7.8 MB)

Session 6: Rock Slopes

Chair: Kirk Beach, Terracon

  • Reducing Rockfall Hazard at the I-68 Sideling Hill Road Cut, Hancock, Maryland
    Brian K. Banks, PG, Principal, Schnabel Engineering, LLC
    ( PDF 8 MB, Video 210 MB)
  • Rock Slope Investigation Along US 340, Near Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia
    Lawrence J. Artman, II, P.G., Geotechnical Section Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
    ( PDF 17.6 MB)
  • Emergency Rock Slope Remediation – US 52 Lawrence County, Ohio
    Ryan S. Tinsley, P.G., Geotechnical Project Manager, HDR Engineering, Inc.
    ( PDF 23 MB)
  • Working Against Gravity: Mitigating Rock Slopes and Landslides in Westernport, MD
    Matthew B. Morris, P.G., Gannett Fleming, Inc.
    ( PDF 6.6 MB)

Opening Session: Slope Stability

Chair: Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation

  • Rock Slope Stability Analysis of the Smart Road Rock Cut in Blacksburg, Virginia
    Robin E. Reed, Project Geologist, Schnabel Engineering
  • Low Energy Cost Effective Rockfall Solutions
    Bob Lyne, Regional Manager, SE USA, Geobrugg North America LLC
  • Design Built Semi-Rigid Rock Fall Fence on SR 11 in Perry County, Pennsylvania
    Petersen, William K., Schnabel Engineering
    Lucas Maben, J.D Eckman Inc.
    Giorgio Giacchetti, OFFICINE MACCAFERRI S.p.A.
    Ghislain Brunet, Maccaferri, Inc.

Session 2: UAVs and Remote Sensing

Chair: Alan Johnson, Norfolk Southern Railway Company

Session 3. GIS Applications

Chair: Brian Bruckno, Virginia Department of Transportation

Session 4: Panel Discussion

Title: Integrating Geohazard, Asset and Highway System Performance Management
Chair: Benjamin Rivers, Federal Highway Administration

Panel Participants:

  • Scott Anderson, BGC Engineering (slides)
  • Khalid Mohamed, FHWA (slides)
  • Ann Beaver, Tennessee DOT
  • Bob Bachus, Geosyntec
  • Erik Loehr, University of Missouri

Session 5: Geo-Technology

Chair: Ann Beaver, Tennessee Department of Transportation.

Session 6: Rock Reinforcement

Chair: Steve Brewster, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Opening Session: UAVs and Remote Sensing

Session 2: Rockfalls

Session 3: Protecting Railroad Assets       

Session 4: Resilience in Design

Session 5: Forensics 

Session 6: Acid Producing Rocks

Session 7: Instrumentation   

Session 8: Geophysics   

Plenary Opening Session: Innovative Landslide/Rockfall Mitigation

Session 2: Transportation Infrastructure

Session 3: Impacts of Mining, Oil and Gas     

Session 4: Problem Soils and Soils Improvement

Session 5: Geohazards Mapping

Session 6: Modelling    

Plenary Opening Session  

Session 1: Scour, Scour Mitigation & Stream Restoration

Session 2: Impacts of Mining

Session 3: Design Considerations

Session 4: Geophysical, Geotechnical Techniques & Instrumentation

Session 5: Innovative Landslide Mitigation & Correction

Session 6: Tunnel Design Aspects

Session 7: Rock Slope Stabilization

  • Slope Stabilization with H-Piles
    Kessi Zicko, Paul Lewis, Gannett Fleming, Inc.
  • Design Theory of Simple Drapery Software for Rockfall Protection
    Giorgio Giacchetti, Ghislain Brunet, Maccaferri, Inc.
  • The Full Scale Mechanics of Slope Stabilization
    Bob Lyne, Geobrugg North America.
  • Using New and Old Technologies for an Economical Approach to Rock Stabilization on TN I-75
    Saieb Haddad, Tennessee Department of Transportation
    Daniel Journeaux, Geostabilization International
    Frank Amend, Geostabilization International

Plenary Session I  

Session 1: Slip-Slide and Rock-n-Roll

Session 2: Landslides

Session 3: Analysis and Design in Geohazards

Session 4: Geohazards, Solutions and Highway System Performance

Session 5: Geologic and Geohazard Mapping

Session 6: Integration of Field Methods, Remote Sensing and Digital Mapping.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Plenary Session II  

Opening Session: Innovation in Research  

Session 2: Hydrogeology    

Session 3: Landslides       

Session 4: Risk Assessment        

Session 5: Investigation Methods in Hazard Prone Areas

Session 6: Karst      

Session 7: Emergency Response   

Session 8: Rockfalls       

Opening Session: Rockfalls and Rock Reinforcement

Session 2: Mines and AMD Issues - Part 1.

Session 3: Geohazards and Infrastructure

Lunch Speakers: Chester Sutherland; Wes Hughen


Session 4: Flood Inundation Prediction

Session 5: Karst Issues

Session 6: Mines and AMD Issues‐Part 2.

Session 7: Instrumentation and Monitoring

Session 8: Geotech Structures

Session 9: Failures and Forensic Geology

Session 10: Information Technology and Data Delivery

Session 11: Landslides

Opening Session: Surface and Underground Mines

Session 2: Slope Management Systems

Lunch Speaker: Pat Gallagher, CTL Engineering


Session 3: Flood Hazards in Appalachia

Session 4: Karst Issues

Session 5: Rock Mechanics Aspects

Session 6: Structures

Session 7: Rockfall Mitigation Measures

Session 8: The Kettle

Session 9: Landslides

Opening Session: Landslides

Session 2: Seismic Issues: Earthquake Damage Response and Mitigation

Lunch Speaker: Dave Harris, Kentucky Geological Survey

Session 3: Instrumentation

Session 4: Mapping and Information Technology

Session 5: Other Geotechnical Issues in Transportation

Session 6: Mine Subsidence

Session 7: Water Issues

Session 8: Rockfalls

Opening Session: Hydrological Investigations.

Session 2: Site Characterization for Transportation Infrastructure.

Lunch Speaker: Tom Smith, Division Administrator, WV, FHWA

Session 3: Remote Sensing.

Session 4: Extreme Geotechnical Construction.

Session 5: River Processes & Influence on Geohazards.

Session 6: Subsurface Investigation Innovations.

Session 7: Modeling and Simulation

Session 8: Seismic Hazard, Risk Assessment & Transportation Infrastructure Management

Opening Session: Geotechnical Case Studies of North Carolina.

Session 2: Landslides: Past, Present & Future.

Lunch Speaker : Chester Watts, Radford University.

Session 3: Cost Benefits of Geoscience Information.

Session 4: Economic Impact of Geological Hazards.

Session 5: Geological Mapping

Session 6: Innovations in Real-Time Monitoring

Session 7: Rock Slope Problems and Stabilization

Session 8: Karst and Mine subsidence Hazards in Transportation

Opening Session: Mapping Utilizing GIS & GPS

Session 1: Geotechnical Databases

Session 2: Water Issues

Session 3: Landslides: Prediction, Prevention and Remediation

Session 4: Rock Reinforcement & Anchoring

Session 5: Risk & Reliability Assessment

Session 6: Site Caracterization: Over Karst & AML

Opening Speakers

Opening Session

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

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