Professor, Geochemistry; IDLS Coordinator: Math, Science, & Technology
Year Started at JMU: 1998
Contact Info
Website: http://bit.ly/Baedke
Research Description
- Geochemistry of Natural Waters
- Karst hydrogeology
- Lake Level and Shoreline History (LLASH) Global Climate Change Program
- Computer modeling of groundwater systems
- Computer applications in geoscience education
- GEOL 110: Physical Geology
- GEOL 200: Evolutionary Systems
- GEOL 355: Geochemistry of Natural Waters
- GEOL 390: Laboratory Techniques in Geology
- GEOL 398: Applied Groundwater Flow Modeling
- GEOL 399: Field Geology
- PhD, Indiana University
- MS, Indiana University
- BS, University of Northern Iowa
Select Publications
- Johnston, J.W., Baedke, S.J., Thompson, T.A., Argyilan, E.P., Wilcox, D.A., 2008, How do ancient shorelines help in regulation efforts of the upper Great Lakes?, International Association for Great Lakes Research, May 19-23, Peterborough, ON.
- Johnston, J.W, Thompson, T.A., Wilcox, D.A., and Baedke, S.J., 2007, Geomorphic and sedimentologic evidence for the separation of Lake Superior from Lake Michigan and Huron. Journal of Paleolimnology, v.37, p.349-364.
- Hodges, A.L., Degrazia, L.C., Baedke, S.J., Thompson, T.A., and Wilcox, D.A., 2007, The use of aqueous geochemistry as an indicator of flow system interaction within a beach-ridge complex of Lake Huron. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 319.