Professor, Geomorphology
Year Started at JMU: 1998
Contact Info
Website: http://bit.ly/LS_Eaton
Research Description
- Frequency of landslides and catastrophic storms in the Appalachians
- Sediment transport in river systems
- Role of geology in controlling the availability of groundwater resources
- GEOL 110: Physical Geology
- GEOL 210: Applied Physical Geology
- GEOL 340: Environmental Soil Science
- GEOL 377: Earth Surface Processes
- GEOL 399: Field Geology
- PhD in Environmental Sciences, 1999, University of Virginia
- MS in Geology, 1991, Southern Illinois University
- BS in Geology, 1988, James Madison University
Select Publications
- Sherwood, W.C., Hartshorn, A., and Eaton, L.S., 2010, Geology, Soils, and Land Use in the Eastern Blue Ridge and Western Piedmont of Central Virginia, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.
- Wieczorek, G.F., Eaton, L.S., Morgan, B.A., Wooten, R.M., and Morrissey, M., 2009, An examination of selected historical rainfall-induced debris-flow events within the central and southern Appalachian Mountains of the Eastern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1155, 25 p.
- Kochel, R.C., Nickelsen, R.P., and Eaton, L.S., 2009, Catastrophic Middle Pleistocene Jökulhlaups in the Upper Susquehanna River: Distinctive Landforms from Breakout Floods in the Central Appalachians, Geomorphology, v. 110, p. 80-95.