Assistant Professor, Ethnogeology & Karst Science
Contact Info
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/angelgarciajr/home
Research Description
- Ethnogeology. Geological knowledge that is culturally informed.
- Karst geology. Paleoclimate reconstruction using stalgmites as proxy.
- Geoscience education. Place-based education and multicultural geoscience education.
- ISCI 100: Physics, Chemistry, and the Human Experience
- GEOL 110: Physical Geology
- GEOL 110L: Physical Geology Lab
- ISCI 104: Scientific Perspectives (Landscapes in the Anthropocene: The Human Contribution to a Fast Changing Planet)
- ISCI 171: Earth and Planetary Science for Teachers
- HON 200: Cuevas del Caribe: Understanding Puerto Rico Caves and Culture Through Geotourism
- GEOL 291: Writing and Communication in the Geosciences
- PhD in Ethnogeology, Arizona State University,
- MS in Geochemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
- BS in Environmental Sciences, Universidad Ana G Mendez, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Select Publications
- Semken, S., & Garcia, Á. A., Jr. (in press). Synergizing standards-based and place-based teaching. Cultural Studies of Science Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-021-10020-4
- David-Chavez DM, Valdez S, Estevez JB, et al. Community-based (rooted) research for regeneration: understanding benefits, barriers, and resources for Indigenous education and research. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. 2020;16(3):220-232. doi:10.1177/1177180120952896
- Garcia, A.A., Semken, S. & Brandt, E. The Construction of Cultural Consensus Models to Characterize Ethnogeological Knowledge. Geoheritage 12, 59 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-020-00480-5