Employees like YOU make an IMPACT
87% of employee donors made modest and meaningful gifts, providing immediate support for their favorite JMU causes.
Median gift per pay period
1 in 4
Employees give
Given by employees in 2023-2024*
*FY24 (July 1,2023 - June 30, 2024) total includes all charitable gifts, including those pledged and paid in full.

Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is the simplest way to support our Dukes and campus community. Even small amounts from each paycheck add up to make a big difference!
Amount per paycheck |
Total fiscal year amount (24 paychecks) |
$1.25 | $30 |
$2.50 | $60 |
$5.00 | $120 |
Give Now

“JMU is more than my employer; it's my community. And the strength of our community lies in expanding access to a JMU education. As a proud alum, I am committed to supporting scholarships for prospective students so that they too can have a fulfilling Madison Experience.”
— Leigh Ayers (’11), Employee Giving Committee Co-Chair
Frequently Asked Questions
- No other group is closer to understanding the quality of the Madison Experience than the people who work at JMU day to day.
- Those who teach and work here naturally have a special interest in the university’s excellence and in its ability to remain strong financially.
- Your participation will set an example for alumni, students, parents, friends, corporations and foundations.
- Convenient: Set it and forget it.
- Flexible: Contribute to as many as five funds.
- Meaningful: Every contribution adds to the overall university impact generous employees make with their giving. Just like a JMU education, your impact reaches into the community and even across the world.
(Besides, no credit card fees are collected with payroll giving, so more of your money goes straight to the campus cause you care about.)
Amount Given Per Paycheck | # of Paychecks |
Amount Given Per Fiscal Year |
$1.25 | 24 | $30 |
$2.50 | 24 | $60 |
$5.00 | 24 | $120 |
$12.50 | 24 | $300 |
$25.00 | 24 | $600 |
The Employee Giving Program consists of JMU faculty and staff giving back to the university with philanthropic contributions. The campaign promoting Employee Giving runs the entire year from July 1 – June 30.
- Boost employee participation
- Increase the number of scholarships offered each year
- Develop a culture of philanthropy by recognizing faculty members for their time, talent, ties and testimony in addition to their treasure
- Stewarding in a timely manner employees who give (donor recognition/appreciation)
The Employee Giving Campaign is designed to educate our university community about the importance of private philanthropy and to provide a means for individuals to make meaningful contributions to JMU. The emphasis of the Employee Giving Campaign is participation. The more of us who give, the bigger the impact we make together.
- Enhancing the student experience: Donations help scholarships, research opportunities and extracurricular activities, directly benefiting students and enhancing their educational experience.
- Strengthening university programs: Contributions can support academic programs, faculty development and innovative projects, ensuring that JMU maintains a high standard of education.
- Building a stronger community: By contributing, employees demonstrate their commitment to the university's mission and values, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose among faculty, staff and students.
Yes, you can. Here they are: