Balanced Dukes is the employee wellness and well-being program for James Madison University.  We offer resources, initiatives, and campaigns designed to support and enhance the overall well-being of our faculty and staff.

Our Mission:

Partnering and engaging with employees to work towards personal satisfaction among the core dimensions of well-being: environmental, health, relationships, security, purpose, and learning in pursuit of a meaningful quality of life.

JMU defines well-being as an optimal and dynamic state that allows us to flourish now and in the future. It depends on several connected areas of life – environment, health, relationships, security, purpose, and learning. At JMU, student, faculty, and staff well-being is created through an active and ongoing process at a variety of levels. By focusing on the whole – the whole person, the whole experience, the whole community, the whole planet – well-being becomes a comprehensive goal and a shared responsibility for all.

For more information regarding Balanced Dukes, please contact:

  • Tara Torkelson, Coordinator of Employee Well-Being, | 540-568-5533
  • Kaila Breeden, Balanced Dukes Assistant, | 540-568-6165 


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8 Dimensions of Wellness

Balanced Dukes focuses on providing resources and tools to enhance the 8 dimensions of wellness: Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

Additional Resources

Balanced Dukes is the home for the Awards & Recognition programs for faculty and staff. This includes our peer recognition program, Duke2Duke, the Service Recognition Program, and more.

We also work to promote initiatives from CommonHealth, which is the wellness program for state employees working in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Departmental Resources

Balanced Dukes would love to bring wellness and well-being to your department! We are happy to present at your team meetings with an informational session about Balanced Dukes or a session on a specific wellness topic. You can also opt to have your department/college participate in our Healthy Department / College program.

Balanced Dukes is also very proud to offer specific resources for our JMU Police Department. Many of these resources are specific to addressing the unique wellness needs for law enforcement/first responders.

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