Faculty & Staff Fitness is supported through the Balanced Dukes program and offers group fitness classes exclusively for faculty & staff at JMU.
The program will start in January 2025 and will offer YOGA classes that will be held at various locations on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. These classes will be led by qualified instructors, from within our campus and community.
We will offer a total of 30 classes, starting January 21, 2025 and ending on May 8, 2025. The cost of this program is $50 for the entire semester (this equals out to roughly $1.67/class!) Balanced Dukes will provide yoga mats and blocks for participants, if needed.
Space will be limited to keep class sizes manageable. A registration link will be sent out to campus soon, so be sure to register early! The payment information will be included in this email and registration will not be complete until payment is made.
Please see below for some answers to anticipated questions about this program:
Why do we have to pay for the Faculty and Staff Fitness program?
This program will require us to hire and pay qualified instructors; payment has been kept minimal to simply cover our costs.
Do I have an option to participate in group fitness classes, including yoga, at no cost?
Yes! Faculty and staff (and spouses) are able to participate in group fitness classes offered through UREC at no cost. You can sign up for classes at UREC here: https://www.jmu.edu/recreation/activities/group-exercise/index.shtml
Can students participate?
No, this program is exclusively for Faculty and Staff.
Can part-time faculty & staff participate?
Yes! All faculty and staff are welcome to register for this program.
What if I can only do some of the classes, will there be a discount offered?
To participate in the program, you will need to pay the full $50 fee. This will give you access to all 30 classes. Compared to the current drop-in rate for fitness classes offered in the community, this is a great deal, even if you miss a few classes.
Can someone attend a class if they didn’t register?
No, all participants must be registered, sign a waiver, and pay the $50 fee. Instructors will have a list of participants and will not be able to allow any drop-ins for classes.
Do I need to bring my own yoga mat?
You are certainly allowed to bring your own mat! However, if you do not have a yoga mat, you can check one out for the semester from the Balanced Dukes program. We also have a limited supply of yoga blocks that can be checked out as well. If you need to borrow a yoga mat, please email Tara Torkelson - torkeltb@jmu.edu
Where will the classes be?
Classes will either be at Festival or Union – a schedule will be sent to all registered participants.
Will you offer classes at other times?
For Spring 2025, the classes will only be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays | 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. We will not offer classes during the week of spring break.
Will other group fitness classes be offered?
That is certainly our hope, stay tuned!
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Tara Torkelson, Coordinator of Employee Well-Being | torkeltb@jmu.edu | 540-568-5533