Understand that at its core, leadership concerns change and that the leader's primary role is to encourage people in the organization to progress, growing closer to the organization's mission and vision.


Effectively communicates by actively sharing information with others; clarifies and synthesizes complex messages and information, reduces information overload, welcomes, and listens actively. JMU leaders must present ideas, information, and values effectively whether in writing, in person or in group settings. In addition, they must know when to communicate and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the context and culture in which they communicate. Leaders at JMU should help people feel informed.


Values differences and demonstrates respect for all persons. Utilizes and honors attributes of organization members and constituents to most effectively fulfill the mission of the university. Solicits ideas from people including their diverse perspectives, ideas and experiences, in addition to creating a team who shares these attributes.


The leader is a person who gets things done, both through a strong personal work ethic as well as the ability to motivate others toward significant accomplishment. Produces, performs, improves, achieves.


Demonstrates technical and professional expertise. Maintains appropriate credentialing and pursues advanced learning. Has the ability to identify internal and external constituencies, understand their value, work effectively with them, seek input from them and appropriately involve them in decision-making.


Values people as critical to the university and expresses that value clearly. Respects, engenders trust, mentors, counsels, demonstrates empathy, and promotes a balance between personal and professional life.


Works collaboratively to envision the ideal future in support of the organization's mission and then actively enlists the support of others to realize the vision.


Maintains cohesive and mutually supportive teams, fosters an open and honest working environment, and encourages collaboration across organizational divisions so that the unique talents of individuals are combined to result in synergy that promotes organizational success.

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