Silvia Garcia-Romero  image


Cultural Diversity Manager, Sentara RMH Medical Center



Task Force Role:

Co-Chair: Awareness and Communications Working Group


Why I want to serve on the Task Force:

Despite university efforts to implement initiatives around diversity, equity and inclusion, there are still many challenges and more work to be done. I believe JMU is committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. I want to learn from the task force, build partnerships, and contribute my knowledge, experience and skills, so together we can advance diversity, equity and inclusion at JMU.


Top three values I bring to this work:

Listening - listening to the stories and experiences of others

Learning/awareness - increasing my awareness about the state of diversity, equity and inclusion at JMU (challenges, opportunities and strengths)

Growing and giving - growing from this experience and being able to contribute to the work to advance efforts and help improve racial equity

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