Karen E. Risch Mott image


Assistant Director, Campaign Communications
Contact Info

Task Force Role:

Co-Chair: Awareness and Communications Working Group


Why I want to serve on the Task Force:

Diversity and inclusion are personal and professional passions, and I would like to contribute to the conversations about and forward movement on issues related, especially, to racial equity at JMU. I am part of an interracial family, completed my M.Ed. in Equity and Cultural Diversity at JMU, and work in University Marketing and Branding, where we have the opportunity to amplify the voices of people in marginalized groups, to tell stories and share histories that have been underappreciated or overlooked, to deal both sensitively and frankly with our institution's own racial history and difficulties in the present moment, and to help shepherd our campus culture forward into a wider embrace of all its constituents.


Top three values I bring to this work:




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