Working Group Purpose Statement:
To advise the president and administration of James Madison University regarding issues of racial equity, receive and provide feedback on information related to current and planned initiatives, focused on outreach to PreK-12 schools, students, and educators to ensure the development of pathways to JMU are equitable and inclusive.
Chris Carlberg
Assistant Director of Admissions
Joanne Gabbin
Executive Director of the Furious Flower Poetry Center, Professor of English
Amanda Randall
Co-Director of the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistant Center at JMU
Diane Strawbridge
Executive Director, Student Access & Inclusion
Working Group Members:
William Carlton Banks - Community Member
Ruthie Bosch - Associate Professor, College of Education
Brianna Bugg - Student
Oris Griffin - Professor, Learning, Technology & Leadership Education, College of Education
Kelsey Holtz - Student
Kimberley Hundley - Alumna
Sheary D. Johnson - Alumna
Terra Jones - Student
Danny M. Little - Alumnus
Joi Merritt - Associate Professor, Early, Elementary & Reading Education, College of Education
Diana Meza - Instructor, Learning, Technology & Leadership, College of Education
Sheena Ramirez - Director of Recruitment, College of Visual & Performing Arts
Deanna Reed - Mayor of Harrisonburg
Kyel Towler - Student
Tiffany V. Woolley – Admissions