Associate Professor, ISAT
Contact Info
Website: https://sites.lib.jmu.edu/stsfutureslab/
- Ph.D. in Communication (Science Studies), University of California-San Diego
- M.S. in Computer Science, University of Chicago
- B.A. with Honors, English Language & Literature, University of Chicago
- Associate Editor, Engaging STS
- Advisory Editor, Engineering Studies
- 10 years of industry experience in software development, database programming, and project management
- 2014 Visiting Fellow, Innovation Society Today, Technical University Berlin
- 2013 Visiting Scholar, Science and Justice Research Center, University of California-Santa Cruz
Scholarly Interests/Research Topics
- Critical pedagogy, STS pedagogy, Science and engineering pedagogy for critically engaged practitioners
- Ethics, responsibility, and social justice in science, technology, and innovation
- The political economy of high-tech innovation & higher education
- Anticipatory governance
- Interdisciplinarity, expertise, and collaboration
- Learning analytics
- Popular science & science communication
- Science Fiction, Design Fiction
Courses Taught
- The Future of Learning at JMU
- Cultural, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Computing
- Holistic Problem Solving Workshop: Privacy in a Connected World
- Technology, Science and Society
- Governance of Sociotechnical Systems
- Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Biotechnology
- Design Fiction
- STS Futures Lab
Emily York. "Interspecies Ethics and the Limits of Epistemic Authority in Karen Joy Fowler's We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves." Configurations 30, no. 1 (2022): 77-104. doi:10.1353/con.2022.0003.
Emily York, Wilcox, D., Stewart, J., McCarthy, S., Barron, K. (2022). Transforming Emergency into Opportunity: Unleashing the Creative Potential of Student-Faculty Collaborations to Prototype Better Educational Futures in Response to Crisis. In: Dennen, V., Dickson-Deane, C., Ge, X., Ifenthaler, D., Murthy, S., Richardson, J.C. (eds) Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations. Educational Communications and Technology: Issues and Innovations. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99634-5_21
Shannon N. Conley, Emily York. 2020. “Public engagement in contested political contexts: reflections on the role of recursive reflexivity in responsible innovation.” Journal of Responsible Innovation. 7:sup1, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/23299460.2020.1848335
Emily York, Shannon N. Conley. 2020. “Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning with Scenario Analysis and Design Fiction.” Science and Engineering Ethics. 26, 2985-3016. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-020-00253-x
Emily York, et al. 2019. “Co-Imagining the Futures of Implementation Precision Medicine Using Scenario Analysis and Design Fiction.” OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. 2019: 23 (7).
Emily York, Ahmad Salman. 2019. “Privacy in a Connected World: Integrating Ethical Reasoning into an Applied Science Curriculum Through Holistic Problem Solving.” Teaching Ethics. 10:2. Fall 2019. https://doi.org/10.5840/tej202091480
Emily York, Shannon N. Conley. 2019. “Critical Imagination at the Intersection of STS Pedagogy and Research.” Invited blog post for the Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing. Platypus: The CASTAC Blog. 2019. http://blog.castac.org/2019/11/critical-imagination-at-the-intersection-of-sts-pedagogy-and-research/
Emily York, Shannon N. Conley, Samuel Kodua. 2019. "The STS Futures Lab at James Madison University: Integrating Design Fiction, Experimental Pedagogy, and Anticipatory Research into STEM Education and Outreach”. Circe Magazine: STEAM Edition, 2019, pp 81-85. http://online.anyflip.com/mbnj/nkhc/mobile/index.html
Emily York. 2018. “Doing STS in STEM Spaces: Experiments in Critical Participation.” Engineering Studies, pp 1–19. Web
Emily York. 2015. “Smaller is Better? Learning an Ethos and Worldview in Nanoengineering Education.” NanoEthics http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11569-015-0232-3 August 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp 109-122.
Emily York. 2015. “Nanodreams and Nanoworlds: Fantastic Voyage as a Fantastic Origin Story.” Configurations. https://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/configurations/v023/23.3.york.html Fall 2015, Volume 23, Number 3, pp. 263-299.
Selected Awards, Fellowships, Grants
- National Science Foundation Grant (PI), Collaborative Research and Education Architecture for Transformative Engagement with STS (CREATE STS) ($305K) 2021
- Madison Trust grant, “Collaborative Pedagogies Across the Curriculum: Imagining Justice” 2021
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory Collegiate Wind Competition (Co-PI) 2020, 2021
- National Science Foundation Grant (Co-PI), STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop 2019
- Colonial Academic Alliance Innovation/Collaboration Grant (PI), “Ethical Reasoning in STEM Through
- Mutli-Disciplinary Collaborative Teaching” with Drexel University 2019
- Accelerating Creative Teaching (ACT) grant, Libraries and Educational Technologies, JMU 2019
- College of Integrated Science and Engineering Faculty Development Grant 2019
- Excellence in Teaching & Learning with Technology Award, JMU 2018
- Accelerating Creative Teaching (ACT) grant, Libraries and Educational Technologies, JMU 2018
- NNCI Workshop on Responsible Innovation (Competitive, Funded) 2017
- Engaged Teacher-Scholar Program (Competitive, Funded), Center for Faculty Innovation, JMU 2017-2018
- Object Lessons Institute (Competitive, NEH Funded) 2017
Selected Presentations
- Presenter, “Envisioning Just Futures: Weaving Together Science and the Humanities.”Poster. Co-Presenters Daisy Breneman, Shannon N. Conley, Cindy Klevickis, Christine May, Holly Yanacek. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Virginia Tech, Virginia, United States
- Invited Workshop, “Ethics+Tech Pedagogy.” Co-Facilitator Shannon N. Conley. NYU Tandem School of Engineering. Virtual.
- Invited Plenary, “STS Gardening in Virginia.” STS Across the Commonwealth. University of Virginia, Virginia, United States.
- Invited Roundtable Participant, “Critical Participation in Engineering/STEM Education: Extending Critique Through Practices of Knowledge Expression and Travel.”American Society of Engineering Education. Virtual.
- Invited Roundtable Participant, “Engineering Studies Editorial Staff: Who We Are, What Do We Do Work On, Who Are We Missing.” International Network of Engineering Studies Meeting. Virtual.
- Invited Panelist, “Let’s Talk About It: Semi-Structured Discussions for Engaging Students in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Computing,” in the panel “How We Build.” International Network of Engineering Studies Meeting. Virtual.
- Invited Workshop, “STS Pedagogies Workshop.” Co-Facilitator Shannon N. Conley. STGlobal. Virtual.
- Invited Feature Panel, “Seeding cultures of research-focused and inclusive innovation in higher education.” With Seàn McCarthy, Diane Wilcox, Kenn Barron, Jonathan Stewart. International Joint Conference on Information, Media, and Engineering (IJCIME). Virtual.
- Invited Talk, “Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning (CAER) in Context.” Co-Author Shannon N. Conley. Colorado School of Mines.
- Invited Keynote Speaker, NSF-funded symposium on the “Futures of STS in Engineering and Polytechnic Universities” Missouri S&T. Rolla, Missouri. (Postponed, will occur Fall 2021).
- “Scenario Analysis as Pedagogy, Research, and Expert Engagement: Using Scenarios and Design Fiction to Imagine and Critique Climate Futures” Co-Author Shannon Conley. Scenarios and the Politics of the Future at the Climate-Security Nexus. Funded. Hamburg, Germany.
- “The STS Futures Laboratory: Experimental Engagements at the Intersection of Science Fiction and Science Fact” Co-Author Shannon Conley. Society for Science, Literature, and the Arts. Irvine, California.
- “The STS Futures Lab at the Intersection of Research and Pedagogy” Co-Author Shannon Conley. Innovating STS Digital Exhibit. Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S). https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/sts-futures-lab-intersection-research-and-pedagogy/essay New Orleans, Louisiana.
- “Cultivating Interdisciplinary Trading Zones and Building Interactional Competence: An Experiment in Co-Imagining Sociotechnical Futures with Contributory Experts” Co-Author Shannon Conley, Sam Kodua (undergrad). Studies of Expertise and Experience Workshop. Funded. Helsinki, Finland.
- “Ecology, Difference, and Boundary-Crossing: Toward Radical Interdisciplinarity”Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. Davis, California.
- “Le Guin in STEM Pedagogies: Bridging Science and Literature to Engage Undergraduate STEM Students in Critically Interrogating Plausible Futures” Legacies of Ursula K. Le Guin: Science, Fiction and Ethics for the Anthropocene. Paris, France.
- “Envisioning Futures Across Disciplines” Co-Author Shannon Conley. Institute for Creative Inquiry, JMU. Harrisonburg, VA.
- “Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning” Co-Author Shannon Conley. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, Virginia.