For information on LANGUAGE, ART and COOKING SCHOOLS in Italy please visit:
- Language Schools
- Art Schools
- Fashion Design Schools
- Cooking Schools
- Graphic Design Schools
- Tourism Schools
- Garden and landscape Schools
- Photography Scools
- Music Schools
Castiglione, 4
I-40124 Bologna
tel. ++39 051228003 (8.30 am - 7.00 pm M-F)
tel. ++39 051228011
tel. ++39 051227166
fax ++39 051227675
e-mail: info@culturaitaliana.it
Manciano - Maremma
Via XX Settembre, 79
I-58014 Manciano GR
tel. ++039 0564629382 (10.00 am - 1.00 pm
only during the period of courses)
fax ++39 051227675
e-mail: info@culturaitaliana.it
Via Roma, 2
I-52100 Arezzo
tel. ++39 0575355755 (8.30 am - 9.00 am and 12.00 am - 1.30 pm)
fax ++39 0575409298
e-mail: info@culturaitaliana.it
Progetto Lingua I.L.C.I.S.
Istituto di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Stranieri
Viale Trieste 91 - 01100 - Viterbo - Italia
Tel./Fax: 00 39 0761 324091
e-mail: info@scuolaprogettolingua.it
Nuova Scuola Perugina
Via C. Colombo 19/C, Ferro di Cavallo
06100, Perugia - Italia
e-mail: nuovascuolaperugina@gmail.com
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri
Piazza della Repubblica, 5
50123 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 210808, (f) (055) 287828
E-mail: study@clida.it
Accademia di Italiano
Via P. Paleocapa, 1
20121 Milano MI
Tel. +39 02 87388760
Fax +39 02 87388891
E-mail: info@aimilano.it
OMNILINGUA - Centro Linguistico e Culturale
Via Roma 14,
18038 Sanremo (Imperia), Italy
(t) (0184) 599828, (f) (0184) 591708
E-Mail: infos@OMNILINGUA.net
SORRENTOLINGUE - Centro Linguistico Internazionale
Via San Francesco, 8
80067 Sorrento (NA), Italy
(t) (081) 807 5599, (f) (081) 532 4140
E-mail: info@sorrentolingue.it
Accademia del Giglio
Via Ghibellina 116
50122, Firenze, Italy (t,f) (055) 2302467
E-mail: giglio@mail.cosmos.it
Scuola Insieme
Via Leopardi, 37
34073, Grado (GO), Italy
(t) (0431) 876-311
(f) (0431) 876-591
Scuola Insieme - USA Office
P.O. BOx 200731
New Haven, CT 06520
USA(t) (203) 776-9118
(f) (203) 772-0310
E-mail: info@ScuolaInsieme.com
Centro Fiorenza
Via S. Spirito 14
50125, Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 2398274, (f) (055) 287148
Centro Giacomo Leopardi
Centro Di Lingua E Cultura Italiana per Stranieri
Via E. Mattei, 75
62022 Castelraimondo(MC), Italy
(t) (0737) 641299, (f) (0737) 642182 or 641114
Centro Di Lingua E Cultura
Italiana Per Stranieri
Via Del Castello
61020 Belforte Isauro(PS), Italy
(t) (0722) 721622, (f) (0722) 721845
Italian for Foreigners
Via del Corso 12
50122 Firenze, Italy (t) (055) 2831029, (f) (055) 217985
Via de'Benci, 23
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t,f) (055) 244583
Lorenzo de' Medici
Via Faenza,43
50123, Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 287360, (f) (055) 2398920
Centro Linguistico Sperimentale
1 Via del Corso
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 210592, (f) (055) 289817
Studio Fiorentino
Via dell'Oriuolo, 43
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 213346 , (f) (055) 213346
Istituto Europeo
Piazza del Pallottole, 1
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 289145, (f) (055) 289145
Istituto Michelangelo
Via Ghibellina, 88
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 240975, (f) (055) 240997
Accademia di Giglio
Viale E. Duse, 32
50137 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 878301, (f) (055) 8729620
Istituto Parola
Borgo Santa Croce, 4
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 210592, (f) (055) 55241914
Centro PonteVecchio
Piazza del Mercato Nuovo,1
50123 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 294511, (f) (055) 2396887
Email: info@cpv.it
Universita' degli Studi
Centro Linguistico
Via degli Alfani angolo Via del Castellaccio
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 2345866, (f) (055) 2342622
The British Institute of Florence
Palazzo Lanfredini Lungarno Guicciardini, 9
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 284031, (f) (055) 289557
Galileo Galilei
Via degli Alfani, 68
50121 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 294680, (f) (055) 283481
E-mail: info@galilei.it
ABC Centro di Lingua e Cultura
Via dei Rustici, 7
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 212001, (f) (055) 212112
EuroPass Italian Language and Culture Center
Via . Egidio, 12
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 2345802, (f) (055) 2479995
Piazza S. Spirito, 9
50125 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 213030, (f) (055) 216497
Dante Alighieri
Via dei Bardi, 12
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 2342984, (f) (055) 2342766
Piazza Bolgona, 1
00185 Roma, Italy
(t) (06) 44231400, (f) (06) 44231007
Comitato Dante Alighieri di Mondavio
Piazza Matteotti, 3
61040 Mondavio (Pesaro), Italy
(t,f) (0721) 978230 or 895244
(t) (335) 6562691
http:// www.scuoladantealighieri.it
E-mail: dantealighieri.mondavio@provincia.ps.it
Institute of Italian Studies
Dr. Mario Soria P.O Box 23007
Des Moines, Iowa 50325-9406
Florence and Rome
Centro Lingua Italiana Calvino
V. Fratelli Rosselli, 74
50123 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 288081, (f) (055) 288125
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci
Marketing Office
(t) (055) 290305, (f) (055) 290396
E-mail: scuolaleonardo@scuolaleonardo.com
Via Bufalini, 3
50122 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 261181, (f) (055) 294820
E-mail: florence@scuolaleonardo.com
Corso di Porta Vigentina, 35
20122 Milano, Italy
(t) (02) 83241002
E-mail: milan@scuolaleonardo.com
Piazza dell'Orologio, 7
00186 Roma, Italy
(t) (06) 688925136, (f) (06) 68219084
E-mail: rome@scuolaleonardo.com
Via Alfonso Lamarmora, 31
10128 Torino
(t) (011) 593872
E-mail: turin@scuolaleonardo.com
Via Amerigo Vespucci, 173
55049 Viareggio
(t) (0584) 430253
E-mail: viareggio@scuolaleonardo.com
Via S. Spirito, 14
50125 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 2398274, (f) (055) 287148
Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Via Adriatica, 12 Lecce, Italy
(t,f) (0832) 387015
http:// web.tin.it/apulia
E-mail: inapulia@tin.it
Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana Napoli
vico S. Maria dell'Aiuto,17
80134 Napoli, Italy
(t) (081) 5524331, (f) (081) 5523023
" Open Road" Istituto Linguistico
Via Altinate, 33
35121 Padova, Italy
(t) (049) 656880, (f) (049) 656727
Scuola di Italiano Bertrand Russell
Via E. Filiberto, 6 35122 Padova, Italy
(t) (049) 654051, (f) (049) 8754133
http:// www.bertrand-russell.it
E-mail: school@bertrand-russell.it
Università per Stranieri
Palazzo Gallenga Piazza Fortebraccio,4
06122 Perugia, Italy
(t) (075) 5746211, (f) (075) 5746213
Tiberius International
Corso D'Augusto, 213
47900 Rimini, Italy
(t) (0541) 708211, (f) (0541) 23292
e-mail: info@tiberius-international.com
Rimini Academy
Via Q. Sella, 31
47037 Rimini, Italy
(t) (0541) 26665, (f) (0541) 25355
e-mail: academy@tin.it
Torre di Babele
Via Bixio, 74
00185 Roma, Italy
(t) (06) 7008434, (f) (06) 70497150
Università per Stranieri
Ufficio Assistenza
Piazzetta Grassi, 2
53100 Siena, Italy
(t) (0577) 49260,
(f) (0577) 283163
Soc. Dante Alighieri - Siena
Via T. Pendola, 37
53100 Siena, Italy
(t) (0577) 49533, (f) (0577) 270646
Saena Iulia
Via Monna Agnese, 20
53100 Siena, Italy
(t) (0577) 44155, (f) (0577) 283162
http:// www.saenaiulia.it
E-mail: info@saenaiulia.it
LIN.VEN.TUR (LINgua VENezia TURismo)
San Marco, 3901/A
30124 Venezia, Italy
(t) (041) 2413629, (f) (041) 5212123
E-Mail: linventur@virgilio.it
Istituto Venezia
Dorsoduro 3116/a
30123 Venezia, Italy
(t) (041) 5224331, (f) (041) 5285628
http:// www.istitutovenezia.com
E-Mail: veninst@tin.it
Lingua Scuola di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri
Via della Marina, 8
57024 Marina di Castagneto Carducci (LI), Italy
(t,f) (0565) 744546
http:// www.lingua.it
E-mail: scuola.lingua@etruscan.li.it
Solemar - Sicilia
Imparare l'italiano al mare (Learn Italian by the Sea)
Via F. Perez, 85a
90010 Aspra (PALERMO), Italy
(t) (0338) 7372833
http:// www.solemar-sicilia.it
E-mail: info@solemar-sicilia.it
Solemar Academy
Via M.C Tomasini 5
90015, Cefalù
0039/0921921029 - 0039/339 60 97 076
e-mail: info@solemar-academy.com
Istituto di lingua e cultura Italiana "Porta d'Oriente"
Via A. Primaldo, 70
73028 OTRANTO (LECCE), Italy
(t) (338) 4562722
(t,f) (0836) 804431
E-mail: porta.doriente@libero.it
Villa Dante School - Italian Language and Culture Centre
Via Aragona, 3
89861 - Tropea (VV), Italy
(t,f) (0963) 607248
E-mail: villadante.school@infinito.it
Marco Polo - Italian Language and Culture Centre
Viale Pasteur, 25
31100 - Treviso, Italy
(t) (0422) 321984 (f) (0422)
DemiSchool - Istituto di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Via Fratelli Cervi, 44
47814 Bellaria (RN), Italy
(t,f) (0541) 345271
(t) (347) 5289205
(t) (0541) 340979
E-mail: segreteria@demischool.com
NAUSICAA - Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Vico Dedalo, 3 - CP 79
89812 Pizzo Calabro (VV), Italy
(t,f) (0963) 531153
E-mail: info@nausicaaclub.it
ORBITLINGUA - Scuola di Lingua Italiana per Stranieri
(t) (0564) 865557
(f) (0564) 866301
E-mail: info@orbitlingua.com
Accademia della Lingua Italiana - Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Stranieri
Via del Casaletto, 35
00151 Roma, Italy
(t) (06) 58204695
E-mail: linguaitaliana@virgilio.it
Lingua it - Istituto di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Via Anfiteatro, 10
37121 Verona, Italy
(t) (045) 597975
(f) (045) 8048728
E-mail: info@linguait.it
Lingua Si' - Istituto di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Via Soliana, 2
05018 Orvieto (TR), Italy
(t) (f) (0763) 342633
E-mail: linguasi@tin.it
Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini - Italian Language School
Via Vespucci, 173
55049 Viareggio, (LU), Italy
(t) (0584) 430253 (f) (0584) 961275
E-mail: info@centropuccini.it
Centro Studi Italiani
Polo Univeritario Internazionale
Via Boscarini, 1
61049 Urbania, (Pesaro e Urbino), Italy
(t) (0722) 318950 or 317054
(f) (0722) 317286
e-mail: urbania@centrostuditaliani.org
Centro Culturale Conero
Via Loretana, 115
60021 Camerano (Ancona), Italy
(t,f) (071) 732452
e-mail: info@linguaitaliana.com
Accademia Leonardo
Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Piazza Umberto I, 1
84121 Salerno, Italy
(t) (089) 2582544(f) (089) 255990
e-mail: info@accademialeonardo.it
Istituto Italiano
Via Martelli, 4
50129 Firenze, Italy
(t) (055) 2654510
(f) (055) 2728390
e-mail: info@istitutoitaliano.it
Piccola Universita' Italiana
Largo Antonio Pandullo, 5
89861 Tropea, Italy
(t) (0963) 603284
(f) (0963) 61786
e-mail: info@caffeitalianoclub.net
Istituto Linguistico Meditarraneo
Via C. Battisti, 3
56100 Pisa, Italy
(t) (050) 500399
(f) (050) 48157
e-mail: info@ilm.it
A TU PER TU - QuickItalian
Via Quintino Sella, 31
47900 Rimini, Italy
(t) (0541) 26665
(f) (0541) 25355
e-mail: info@quickitalian.com
Istituto Linguistico e Culturale
Piazza A. La Marmora
35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy
(t)(f) (0498) 830912
e-mail: scuolamulino@hotmail.com
Discover Friuli - Scuola di Lingua e di Cultura Italiana
Via Manzoni, 28
33043 Cividale del Friuli (UD), Italy
(t) (0432) 732882
(f) (0432) 734396
e-mail: info@discoverfriuli.com
Otranto nel Mondo - Istituto Linguistico e Culturale
Via Punta, 5
Otranto (LE), Italy
(t) (0836) 802003
e-mail: buchs@libero.it
La Lingua La Vita - Istituto Linguistico e Culturale
Via Mazzini, 18
06059 Todi (PG), Italy
(t) (075) 8948364
(f) (075) 8949049
e-mail: info@lalingualavita.com
ILS - Istituto Linguistico
Traversa Sforza, 18
73028 Otranto - Italy
(t) (083) 6801552(f) (083) 6805350
e-mail: carlo@ilsonline.it
Open all year round for students of every age, level and nationality, with a friendly and informal atmosphere. The school is placed in a new building of a lovely residential area, 30 mt from the sea, 5 minutes from the city center and the railway station afoot.
Via Fiume 17
50123 Firenze - ITALY
Tel ++39 055 29 43 59/ 055 28 00 16
Fax ++ 39 055 28 36 67
ARCI-Pasolini - Language School
Castello Pasquini - Piazza Vittoria
57012 Castiglioncello - ITALY
Tel ++39 0586759907
Fax ++ 39 0586753683
BABILONIA - Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana - Center for Italian Studies
Via del Ginnasio, 20
98039 Taormina , ITALY
Tel / Fax ++ 39 0942 23441
POLIEDRO - Italian Language Courses by the Sea
Piazza Magnolie, 4
18016 San Bartolomeo al Mare (IM) T
el +39 0183 402644
Fax +39 0183 404798
IL SILLABO - School of Italian Language and Culture
Via Alberti, 31
52027 San Giovanni Valdarno (AR) - Italy
Tel +39 055 9123238
Fax +39 055 942439
Elle: Due - Language Training Center
Via della Capponcina, 39
Firenze - Italy
Tel +39 055 697050
Mondo Lingua Pisa - Italian Language School
Via del Berignolo, 40
50141 Firenze - Italy
Tel. +39-055-4369760
Fax. +39-055-4369737
Sito Web: http://www.italiancoursesflorence.com
E-mail: italiano@pixel-online.net
Istituto Dante Alighieri
Centro Culturale Linguistico Douglas
V.le Repubblica, 100
Tel. +39 0541-38.18.51
Fax. +39 0541-393493
e-mail info@vdouglas.com
Scuola Toscana
Via dei Benci 23
50122 FirenzeT
el/Fax: 0039-055-24 45 83
e-mail: scuola.toscana@firenze.net
Centro Lingue Mediterranee
Fermo - Marche
Via Cefalonia 70
63023 Fermo
tel. ++39 338 828 5052 (10.00 am - 7.00 pm )
tel. ++49 59794736 (09.00 am - 6.00 pm )
tel. ++49 59794756fax ++49 707 82 79
e-mail: info@centro-ffm.de
Accademia di Italiano
Via P.Paleocape 1
20121 Milano
tel/fax.:+39 02 87388760
e-mail: info@aimilano.it
In Florence, Italy:
NECA Daemen College Italy Program
Viale Giovanni Amendola, 24
50121 Florence, Italy
(Ph.) 3403567661,
(Ph./Fax) 0552001767
E-mail: neca@necaflorence.com
In the USA:
Daemen College NECA
Florence Program - Office of Global Programs
4380 Main Street Amherst, NY 14226
(t) 716-566-7835
(f) 716-566-7838
E-mail: international@daemen.edu
For further information: Italian Language Schools Association Study Abroad in Italy
Accademia Italiana
Piazza Pitti, 15
50125, Firenze
+39 (055) 284616 or (055) 211619(t) (055)284486(f)
Homepage: www.accademiaitaliana.com
e-mail: modaita@tin.it
Design, Drawing, painting, illustration
Offers academic and master courses all year round
Domus Academy and Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Design Summer Courses - Milan, Italy
Information and Registration Center
Via C.Darwin 20
20143 Milano - Italy
Tel. ++39 - 02 - 42414052
Fax ++39 - 02 - 4222525
Email: info@design-summer-courses.com
Accademia Riaci - Scuola di Arte, Arigianato, Cucina e Lingua Italiana
Via De' Conti, 4 -
50123 Firenze
(055) 289831(t) (055) 212791(f)
Please contact school for scheduling.
Arco Arte società cooperativa
Via Carriona di Colonna, 10 -
54033 Carrara MS
(0585) 777000(t&f)
International School of Painting, Drawing & Sculpture
06057 Montecastello di Vibio (PG) Italy
Tel/Fax +39 0758780072
US Voicemail/Fax toll-free (866) 449-3604
Istituto Statale D'Arte per la Ceramica
C.so Baccarini, 17
48018 Faenza
(0546) 21091(t), (0546) 680093(f)
Please contact school for scheduling.
Istituto Italiano
Via Merulana, 139
00185 Roma
(06) 70452138(t) (06) 7085122(f)
This institute offers courses all year round: beginners every 4 weeks,
other levels every Monday. Art History/Cooking/Literature.
The Art Institute of Florence
Via Dell' Alloro, 14/r
50123 Firenze
(055) 283142(t) (055) 2398920 (f)
Institute offers an academic year as well as summer courses.
Studio d' Arte
Via del Corso,1
50122 Firenze
(055) 290767(t)
1 month courses are offered in June, Sept, Jan, and April.
Scuola di Arti Visive
Via Borgo Allegri 43
50122 Firenze
(055) 2478510(t & f)
Please contact school for scheduling.
Università Internazionale dell' Arte
Villa Il Ventaglio
Via delle Forbici, 24/26 50133 Firenze
La Cantoria - School of Restoration
Via Italo Piccagli 5 - 50015
Grassina - Firenze
Email: info@cantoria.it
Homepage: http://www.cantoria.it
From October to June Academic and Specialisation Restoration Courses of Ceramic, Painting, Woods or Metal.
Summer Courses from 2 weeks up to 3 months: Introductory Restoration Courses (Paintings, Ceramics, Wood, Paper), Artistic Drawing, Modelling Techniques, Interiors Decoration, Introduction to Smithery.
Istituto per l'Arte e il Restauro
Palazzo Spinelli Borgo Santa Croce 10
50122 Firenze
(055) 246001(t)
(055) 240709(f)
e-mail: ps-info@spinelli.it
internet: www.spinelli.it
Summer courses: language, museology, antiques, goldsmithery, interior design, graphics, fashion design
From October to June school offers courses to a restricted number of students. During the summer months, courses are more open.
Florence Academy of Art
Via delle Casine, 21/r
50122 Florence
(055) 245444(t)
Fall: Oct. 2-Dec. 15 Winter: Jan. 8-Mar. 22 Spring: Apr. 15- June 28
Summer courses are also offered
Studio Art Centers International
Via San Gallo 30
50129 Florence
(055) 486164(t)
(055) 486230(f)
US University level study through Bowling Green University in Ohio
Year or semester programs, 2 year diploma program as well as masters programs.
Le Arti Orafe - Jewelry School
Via dei Serragli, 124
50124 Firenze
(055) 2280163(t & f)
e-mail: leartiorafe@tin.it
There are 3 month, 6 month, 12 month and 2 and 3 year courses offered.
Scuola Restauro
Viale di Porta Ardeatina, 108/a
00154 Roma
(06) 5757185 (t)
Contact school for course scheduling.
Oro e Colore - Carlo Martelli - School of Restoration
Via della Chiesa, 25
50125 Firenze
Telephone: (055) 229040
Homepage: http://www.oroecolore.com
Contact school for course scheduling.
Centro Studi ItalianiPolo Univeritario Internazionale
Via Boscarini, 1
61049 Urbania, (Pesaro e Urbino), Italy
(t) (0722) 318950 or 317054
(f) (0722) 317286
e-mail: urbania@centrostuditaliani.org
The Art School - Art Under One Roof
Via Pandolfini, 46R
50122 Firenze
Tel/Fax: (055) 2478867
Homepage: http://www.arteuropa.org
e-mail: arte1@arteurope.it
Year Founded 1989
Courses: Fine Arts and Design
Contact school for course scheduling.
Associazione d'Arte e Cultura "Laborarte"
Poggio Imperiale, 6
50124 Firenze
Tel.: (055) 223-128
Fax: (055) 229-207
Homepage: http://www.laborarte.20m.com
La Romita School of Art
U.S Contact Information
1712 Old Town Road, NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104
Tel.: (800) 519-2297 ext. 03
Fax: (505) 243-1924
Homepage: http://www.LAROMITA.ORG
Deruta School of Ceramics Romano Ranieri
Via Tiberina Sud, 330
06053 Deruta (PG), Italy
Tel. & Fax: (075) 972383
E-mail: info@schoolofceramics.org
Homepage: www.schoolofceramics.org
Perseo Scuola per l'Arte della Gioielleria Italiana
Via dei Rustici, 10
50122 Firenze, Italy
Tel. & Fax: (055) 284996
E-mail: perseo@fol.it
Homepage: www.perseoschool.it
L'Atelier - School of Fashion, and Interior Design in Florence
Via de' Bardi 46
50125 Firenze
tel 055 2657962
fax 055 2728074
School of Design, Art and Photography
Via delle Conce, 14 rosso
50122 Firenze
Libera Accademia di Belle Arti
Florence Academy of Fine Arts
Piazza di Badia a Ripoli, 1/A
50126 Firenze
tel 0340 777 4541
fax 02 66 95713
Homepage: www.labaflorence.com
E-mail: info@labaflorence.com
The Academy Of Fine Arts is located in Florence, Italy's Art Capital par excellence. Our registrations are open for one-month or three-month courses, as well as Master courses in Visual Art, Sculpture, Interior Design, Photography, Modern Art Restoration, and more... Visit our web site for further information and a warm welcome to the world of Italian Fine Arts.
Firenze Arti Visive
Palazzo Antinori Corsini
50122 Firenze
Firenze Arti Visive is a special and unique contemporary studio arts and art history program with an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. To be here is to live and breath in the culture that is Italian. Our class sizes are small, often with individualized attention and field study is an integral part of the curriculum. Student's study and make-work in one of the most important and beautiful Renaissance palazzi in Florence.
Semester, Year Abroad and Summer Studies
Florence, Italy:
Daemen College Italy Program
Viale Giovanni Amendola, 24
50121 Florence, Italy
(Ph.) 3403567661, (Ph./Fax) 0552001767
E-mail: neca@necaflorence.com
In the USA:
Daemen College
NECA Florence Program - Office of Global Programs
4380 Main Street
Amherst, NY 14226
(t) 716-566-7835
(f) 716-566-7838
E-mail: international@daemen.edu
Florence Institute of Design Intl.
Borgo Ognissanti 9
50123 Florence, ITALY
E: registrar@Florence-Institute.com
Accademia Italiana, Art Fashion and Design
Piazza Pitti, 15
50125, Firenze
(055) 284616 or (055) 211619(t)
(055) 284486(f)
Homepage: www.accademiaitaliana.com
e-mail: modaita@tin.it
language, drawing, painting, fashion, illustration
Offers courses all year round
Uptodate Fashion Management
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 15
20122 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39027626791
Fax: +390276267929
Homepage: www.fashionuptodate.com
e-mail: info@fashionuptodate.com
L'Atelier - Fashion and Design Studies in Florence
Via de' Bardi 46
50125 Firenze
tel 055 2657962
fax 055 2728074
Homepage: www.atelierfirenze.it
Arte Moda
Via Martelli, 8
50129 Firenze
(055) 298626(t)
Each term is divided into 15 weeks
Design School for the Clothing Industry
Piazza Beccaria, 6
50121 Firenze
(055) 246261(t) (055) 572125(f)
Courses last for 2 years.
Fashion Institute of Technology
Villa Strozzi Via Pisana, 77
50143 Firenze
(055) 700296/7(t) (055) 700287(f)
The Fashion Design Program is comprised of two two- year courses.
Villa Strozzi
Via Pisana, 77
50143 Firenze
(055) 739961(t) (055) 700287(f)
Homepages: www.polimoda.com
Classes are 30 hours per week per semester.
Istituto Marangoni
+39 (02) 86463555(t)
+39 (02) 89010611(f)
e-mail: info@istitutomarangoni.com
+44 (20) 73779347(t)
+44 (20) 73779314(f)
e-mail: p.agostini@istitutomarangoni.com
New York Marangoni Information Center
1 Union Square WestSuite 813
New York, NY 10003
+1 (212) 6755599(t)
+1 (212) 6751321(f)
e-mail: info.usa@istitutomarangoni.com
Homepages: http://www.istitutomarangoni.com
Domus Academy DA
Via Watt 2720143 Milano
Tel. 02 42414001
Fax 02 4222525
email: info@domusacademy.it
web site: www.domusacademy.it
NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Via Darwin 20
20143 Milano
Tel. 02 973721
Fax 02 97372280
email: int.info@naba.it
Web site: www.naba.it
Domus Academy and Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Design Summer Courses - Milan, Italy
Information and Registration Centre
Via Watt 27
20143 Milano - Italy
Tel. ++39 - 02 - 42414052
Fax ++39 - 02 - 4222525
Email: info@design-summer-courses.com
Istituto di Moda Sede Centrale
Viale Abruzzi, 48
20131 Milano
(02) 29521071(t) (02) 29518859(f)
Most courses run 2 years
Scuola Superiore della Moda
Via Paola Bassi 3
20159 Milano
(02) 6686867(t)
(02) 6684413(f)
School offers a variety of different courses, most of which last one year.
Istituto Secoli
Via G.Prina 5
20154 Milano
(02) 314541(t)
(02) 312333(f)
Milan, Bologna, Empoli, Padova, and Ancona
Contact school to learn about course scheduling.
Istituto Europeo di Design
Via A Sciesa, 4
20135 Milano
(02) 55194802(t)
(02) 5469410(f)
Milan, Turin, Rome, Cagliari
School has courses ranging from interior design to photography. Most courses last up to 4 years
Costume and Fashion Academy
Via della Rondinella, 2
00186 Rome
(06) 6864132(t)
(06) 6874867(f)
jewelry design, art direction, pattern design 1-4 year courses depending on the area of study.
Scuola dell' Abbigliamento Ida Ferri
Via Volturno, 58
00185 Roma
(06) 4941009(t)
(06) 4457167(f)
Courses last from 2-7 months.
ECBS College
Via Cimone, 110
00141 Roma
(06) 898605(t)
offers classes in Italian language and art. 2 year course
Courses of Fashion Design and Marketing, Fashion Management
Via Guizzelmi, 6
59100 Prato (PO)
(057)421859 (t and f)
Homepage: www.fashionart.it/fashion/english.html
Email: fashion@fashionart.it
Italian language, art, design and fashion courses in Italy in the most important cities: http://www.art-courses-italy.com
Sorrento Cooking School
Viale dei Pini 52
80065 Sant'Agnello
Sorrento Napoli - Italia
Tel. (+39) +081 8783255
Fax (+39) +081 8785022
Mangia Firenze "A Taste of Florence"
Via Taddea, 31
I-50123, Florence Italy
(055) 292578(t)
(055) 292578(f), i
custom culinary adventures combining Florentine food, art and culture
The Villa Table
Badia a Coltibuono
53013 Gaiole in Chianti (FI)
(0577) 744832(t)
(0577) 744839(f)
www. coltibuono.com
in the USA
7830 Ridgemar Drive
Dallas, TX 75231
e-mail: DebOrrill@usa.net
fax: (214) 343-1227
tel.: (214) 343-0124
One week courses
Centro Fiorenza
Via S. Spirito 14
50125, Firenze
(055) 2398274(t)
(055) 287148(f)
language, art, history, literature Courses are offered every 2 weeks throughout the year starting Jan. 9
Istituto Italiano
Via Merulana, 139
00185 Roma
(06) 70452138(t)
(06) 7085122(f)
This institute offers courses all year round: beginners every 4 weeks, other levels every Monday. Art History/Cooking/Literature.
Istituto Europeo
Piazza del Pallottole, 1
50122 Firenze
(055) 289145(t)
history, literature, language, theater, music, journalism, and opera Courses are in 4 week blocks.
Istituto Parola
Borgo Santa Croce, 4
50122 Firenze
(055) 210592(t)
(055) 55241914(f)
literature, language, art history, weekend outings There are 4 week and 2 week courses.
ABC Centro di Lingua e Cultura
Via dei Rustici, 7
50122 Firenze
(055) 212001(t)
(055) 212112(f)
art history, theater, arts and crafts 4 and 2 week courses.
Dante Alighieri
Via Dei Bardi, 12
50122 Firenze
(055) 2342984(t)
(055) 2342766(f)
language, art, culture Students decided how long or short they want their program to be.
Chianti in Tuscany
Podere Le Rose Paggio S. Polo Lecchi, Gaiole(SI)
(0577) 746152(t)
(055) 296887(f)
Gaiole (Siena)
Italian language, gardening, painting Lessons are held from Monday to Friday
Torre di Babele
via Bixio, 74
00185, Rome
(06) 7008434(t)
(06) 70497150(f)
language, architecture and cinema School offers 2,4,6,8,10,12 week courses
La Cucina Italiana
One Prudential Plaza
130 East Randolph Dr.
Chicago, IL 60601
Verona, Sicily, and Milan
Classes are held twice a year in the spring and fall.
Alla Trota
Via Santa Susanna, 33
Rivodotri, (RI)
(0746) 698351 (t)
Homepage: www.italytur.it
e-mail: info@italytur.it
Beginner, Intermediate and Professional Cooking Courses throughout the year.
Florence Institute of Design Intl.
Borgo Ognissanti 9
50123 Florence, ITALY
E: registrar@Florence-Institute.com
Il Bisonte
International School of Graphic Arts
Via S. Niccolò, 24r
(055) 2342585(t)
(055) 2346768(f)
special seminars: woodcut, lithography, mezzotint, and paper conservation.
Full time student enters a 2 year program, there are special and summer
seminars as well.
Accademia Cappiello
Via della Fornace, 33
50125 Firenze
(055) 6813211(t & f)
2 year programs offered.
Accademia Italiana Design
Piazza Pitti, 15
50125, Firenze
(055) 284616 or (055) 211619(t) (055) 284486(f)
Homepage: www.accademiaitaliana.com
e-mail: modaita@tin.it
Scuola Politecnica di Design
via Ventura, 15 (MM2 Lambrate)
20134 Milano - terzo piano
(02) 21597590/26413083(t)
(02) 21597613(f)
Homepage: www.scuoladesign.com
1 and 2 year programs.
Istituto Europeo di Design
Via Giardino,1
20123 Milano
(02) 875130(t) (02) 864347(f)
3 and 4 year programs.
Domus Academy
Via Watt, 27
20143 Milano
(02) 42414043(t)
(02) 4222525(f)
Homepage: www.domusacademy.it
e-mail: info@domusacademy.it
Classes are held all year, with special summer sessions as well.
Istituto Superiore di Architettura e Design
Via della Commenda 37
20122, Milano
(02) 5512240(t) (02) 5512374(f)
Please contact school for information and scheduling.
The International College of Arts and Sciences
Centro Superiore di Architettura e Design
Via Olmetto 5
20123 MILANO - Italy
tel. 02 89095618 - fax 02 89098633
Homepage: www.internationalcollege.it
e-mail: info@internationalcollege.it
2 year program
Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia
Calle della Regina - S. Croce 2213
30135 Venezia
(041) 721950(t) (041) 5242374(f)
The schedule depends on what the student wants to study
Istituto Internazionale di Scienze Turistiche
Villa Montalto Via del Salviatino 6
50137 Firenze
(055) 613634(t) (055) 602751(f)
Italian language courses
The academic year begins the 6th of November and ends the 7th of June.
Istituto di Scienze Turistiche e Sociali
Via Maremonti, 6
Piazza S. Oronzo
(0832) 244856(t)
Please contact school for scheduling.
European School of Garden and Landscape Architecture
Villa Montalto Via del Salviatino,6
50137 Firenze
(055) 613634(t) (055) 602751(f)
Italian language courses
3 year program to earn a degree, other programs are shorter.
Accademia Italiana
Piazza Pitti, 15
50125, Firenze
(055) 284616 or (055) 211619(t)
Homepage: www.accademiaitaliana.com
e-mail: modaita@tin.it
Photography, Fashion photography courses
Offers academic and master courses all year round
Scuola Internazionale di Design e Fotografia
Via Borgo Allegri, 43/A
(055) 2478510
interior design, industrial design, jewelry design
Student has the option of different schedules, depends on the students interest.
Click - Scuola Professionale di Fotografia
Via S. Francesco di Paola 15
50124 Firenze
(055) 2298548(t) (055) 2298430(f)
School offers a masters program. Please contact school for schedules.
Istituto Europeo
Via Lapini 1
50136 Firenze
(055) 572534(t) (055) 670369(f)
language courses 4 week courses
Scuola Superiore di Musica
Via Roma, 18
66020 Sambuceto (CH)
(085) 4463363/2(t)
(085) 4460880(f)
Sambuceto (Small town in the near the city of Chieti)
Please contact the school for scheduling.
International Music Summer Courses
Via Alessandro III
15100 Alessandria
(0131) 260780(t)
(0131) 260788(f)
2 week course starting August 1-14.
Sermoneta - Campus Internazionale di Musica
presso Universita' Pontina Viale Le Corbusier, 379
04100 Latina
(0773) 605551(t)
(0773) 605548(f)
Courses are held during summer months.
Centro Studi Italiani
Polo Univeritario Internazionale
Via Boscarini, 16
1049 Urbania, (Pesaro e Urbino), Italy
(t) (0722) 318950 or 317054
(f) (0722) 317286
e-mail: urbania@centrostuditaliani.org
The Art School - Art Under One Roof
Via Pandolfini, 46R
50122 Firenze
Tel/Fax: (055) 2478867
Homepage: http://www.arteuropa.org
e-mail: arte1@arteurope.it
Year Founded 1989
Courses: Fine Arts, Music and Design
Contact school for course scheduling.
Accademia Musicale Chigiana
Via di Citta, 89
53100 Siena
(0577) 46152(t) (0577) 288124(f)
Depending on area of study