This track explores issues of justice in global context. Most prominent among them are questions of security, equity and equality. Courses in this track address the individual, group and state dimensions of these and related issues in a diverse set of policy areas including democratization, cultural identity, developmental, environmental protection, conflict resolution and human rights.
Students selecting the Global Justice track/concentration will take two foundation courses in their track; starting in the 2018-2019 catalog year, these courses are JUST 235: Justice in the Global Community and JUST 237: Dilemmas in Global Justice
and one of the following (out of track foundation):
JUST 210 Introduction to Criminal Justice, JUST 212 Theories of Crime and Criminal Justice, JUST 221 Social Justice Theories, or JUST 223 Social Justice Interventions and Policies
Students select six additional track elective courses from the approved list in the catalog. At least four of the six elective courses must have a JUST identifier.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: JUST 301 Special Topic courses and JUST 401 Internships must be relevant to your track.
Please refer to the current JMU catalog for course descriptions. Please note that not all JUST courses are offered every semester. For requirements, students should refer to the catalog that aligns with their catalog requirement year (listed in Academic Requirements on MyMadison).