February 13-14, 2025
Hartman Hall Forum, room 2021
Harrisonburg, VA
Submission Guidelines and Review Timeline
Emphasis Areas
Given the interdisciplinary nature of LEADCC, proposals can be disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and/or transdisciplinary with an emphasis on one or more area(s) of leadership. Specifically, we encourage submissions in the following areas of emphasis:
- Leadership Theory / Theory-to-Practice
- Postsecondary Educational Leadership
- Non-Profit, Volunteer, and/or Community-Leadership
- Organizational Sciences/For-Profit Sector Leadership
- Other Leadership Emphasis Area
Submissions will require selection of an emphasis area.
- Friday Dec. 13th at 11:59 P.M. EST: (Deadline has been extended) All submissions due.
- Friday Dec. 13th: All reviewers assigned
- Monday, Jan. 6th: Notifications sent
- Friday, Jan 31st: Final papers due
LEADCC 25 will consider both in-progress research proposals and finished or nearly-finished research papers. These can include empirical papers employing quantitative, qualitative, mixed-, and/or multiple methodologies as well as papers focused more on theory and/or theory-to-practice applications.
Proposals should address the following in 1000 words or less:
- Relevance to leadership studies
- Problem or issue that will be addressed in the presentation
- Topic’s relation to the state of knowledge in the field/area (including relevant literature and theory)
- Methodological approach (including, as applicable, analytical strategy and data sources)
- A brief account of conclusion and its significance to an interdisciplinary audience
Note: Submissions will ask respondents to also indicate methodology that will be used for the in-progress research proposals or methodology that is used for finished or nearly-finished research paper (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methodology, non-empirical/conceptual, other).
Conference Proceedings
Presenters will have the option to have the finalized version of their papers considered for electronic publication in the conference proceedings through the JMU Scholarly Commons, an open repository for research and scholarship.
Full papers will be accepted through March 31st, 2025 via email to the conference chair, Dr. Nara Yoon at yoonnx@jmu.edu
While submitting a full paper is optional, being featured on Scholarly Commons can make your work more broadly accessible. For example, one Leading Change paper has been downloaded over 2,000 times across 26 countries in the past two years.