A Message from Interim Director, Dr. Margaret Sloan

Hello SSLS Friends, 

As we reflect on 2020, it is apparent that as we navigate our changing environment, leadership matters across all facets and levels of society. While 2020 has brought its tremendous difficulties, and for many even tragedies, we have also experienced resilience, creativity, and engagement in our society. These blooms of hope encourage us all to keep striving to create positive change.   

Within SSLS, we are thankful for some of those positive changes in the midst of adversity.  We celebrate with our students who have successfully completed virtual dissertation defenses (from as far away as Kabul, Afghanistan!) and are grateful for the many examples of adaptive leadership and outreach taking place such as faculty transitioning to hybrid courses to help everyone stay healthy with limited disruption to degree progression, students serving in prestigious externships (such as within the World Bank, Association of Governing Boards, etc.),  and our gracious donors coming together to support students in their time of need, to name just a few. 

Another bittersweet change is the retirement of our beloved director and professor, Dr. Karen A. Ford.  Even with Dr. Ford’s transition earlier this year, she is graciously continuing to support the work of SSLS through serving on multiple dissertation committees and joining in our special events. We keep her close and are so thankful for her role in establishing the School and her leadership over the last seven years.  

On the horizon for 2021, we anticipate more change and also continued opportunities in our individual spheres of influence.  I hope you’ll take a few minutes to check out the recent highlights and upcoming events and opportunities in this edition of the SSLS newsletter and celebrate them with us.  

We are grateful for the support of JMU’s College of Business as well as our alumni, advisory group, donors, and all those partners who strengthen our work.  Thank you!  And from all of us in SSLS, we wish you and your loved ones peace, prosperity, and health in the coming year!

May we all lead well.

All the best,

Margaret F. Sloan



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