In this issue...
  • SSLS News
  • December 2022 Graduate - Dr. Kathleen Johnson
  • Departmental Updates
Congratulations, Dr. Johnson!

Congratulations to our December 2022 graduate, Dr. Kathleen Johnson!

Dr. Johnson successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Activist, Entrepreneur, Leader: The Influence of Social Justice Advocacy and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Leader Self-Efficacy."

Members of her committee included SSLS faculty Drs. Margaret Sloan and Nara Yoon and SSLS faculty emeriti Dr. Karen Ford. 

Upcoming Events

Giving Day & Reaching New Heights Campaign

February 19th-24th, 2023

This year, Giving Day is all about JMU Reaching New Heights! The themed flash campaign will take place from February 19th-24th, with Giving Day happening on February 21st. More information to come.

Leading Change Conference

February 24th-25th, 2023 | COB Learning Complex

The last day to register for the 2023 Leading Change Conference is Friday, February 3rd. Experience two days of high-quality presentations from graduate and professional scholars along with a keynote address from Dr. Felecia Commodore. 

leading change homepage

SSLS Applications Close

March 1st, 2023

Applications for the SSLS Fall 2023 cohort are being accepted until March 1st, 2023! Email Kira Lambert at lambe2ks@jmu.edu with any questions regarding applications or to set up an informational session.

Apply Now

2022 Giving Report

Financial stability and ongoing support are essential to providing high-impact professional development experiences to our students. It costs...

  • $17,474 to fund one full-year assistantship stipend.
  • $3,753 to cover one 3-credit course at the out-of-state rate.
  • $1,587 to cover one 3-credit course at the in-state rate.
  • $250 to support gathering data for a dissertation proposal.
  • $200 for student registration at one conference.

2022 has been a wonderful year for giving, with SSLS raising $2,960 from 29 individual donors on Giving Day alone! With Reaching New Heights on the horizon, we hope to demonstrate the ways in which your charitable contributions make a difference in the experience of our students at JMU.


With the funds received in 2022, SSLS has provided travel support to 14 students attending domestic and international conferences such as: International Leadership Association, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Academy of Management, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and International Society for Third Sector Research. The experience of attending and presenting at high-profile conferences is integral to the development of students' scholarly and professional identity.

These experiences, along with many others, couldn't happen without the generosity of our donors. With so many exciting opportunities on the horizon, we hope you'll consider SSLS in your 2023 giving!

Donate to SSLS

Did you know...

The online donation portal isn't the only way to make your contribution to JMU! The JMU Foundation provides many different avenues for giving. Visit the JMU "Ways to Give" webpage or contact the Foundation directly at jmuf@jmufoundation.org

Ways to give

2022 Donors

We are delighted to share that 37 individual and household donors supported SSLS during the 2022 calendar year!

Your financial contributions directly support our mission of developing scholar-practitioners by providing summer research stipends, dissertation research incentives, and SSLS programming that advances the scholarly and professional development of our program participants. SSLS faculty and students are grateful for your support in making high-impact opportunities possible for our future leaders!

Move to Hartman Hall

On September 29th, SSLS officially made the move into Hartman Hall! The SSLS office suite, located on the third floor across from the Dean's suite, holds 7 office spaces, a kitchen, a group study space, and a lounge. SSLS also has a dedicated conference room, Doctoral Assistant office suite, and classroom space.

Thank you to everyone who came to visit our new space at our Back-to-School Open House! It's always a pleasure to see familiar faces, and meet new folks interested in the program. If you missed the open house, feel free to drop by Hartman 3043 during business hours to see the beautiful area provided by the College of Business.  

About Hartman Hall

Community Veterans' Leadership Course

bootsngrinds.pngThe Community Veterans' Leadership Course is a grant-funded project designed to connect veterans both at JMU and in the larger Harrisonburg/Rockingham area. With support from SSLS, the CLCV pilot course launched in August 2022 and included three participants who learned concepts relating to community engagement and project design. The culmination of their efforts was the Boots + Grinds initiative, a program designed to provide a third-space for veterans of all ages to enjoy local coffee and local hikes!

Three participants were awarded certificates of completion following the Fall 2022 CLCV Pilot Course: Mark Sackett, Daly Simon, and Jamie Sackett (photographed left to right). 

We are currently recruiting for the Spring 2023 cohort of CLCV participants! Please share this opportunity with your network and encourage those interested to email Kira Lambert at lambe2ks@jmu.edu to learn more.

BOOTS + Grinds in the news

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