
Selznick, B. S., & Greene, S. (2024). Jewish on campus: Complexity and tikkun. New Directions for Higher Education2024(206), 27-39.

Jach, E., Trolian, T., & Selznick, B. (2024). Applied Learning as Essential to the Continued Viability of Higher Education.

Selznick, B. S., Goodman, M. A., McCready, A. M., & Duran, A. (2024). Developing Relational Leaders Through Sorority Engagement: A Quantitative Approach. Innovative Higher Education49(2), 319-347.

Charles, C. & Sloan, M. (2024).  Financial Leadership for the Arts: Sustainable Strategies for Creative OrganizationsUniversity of North Carolina Press.

Duran, A., McCready, A. M., Goodman, M. A., & Selznick, B. S. (2024). A quantitative examination of social justice orientation among members of a historically white sorority. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Selznick, B. S., Hathcoat, J. D., & Shapovalov, Y. A. (2024). “We’re on this Journey Together”: Instructor Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Across Disciplines. Innovative Higher Education49(1), 49-69.

Miller, A., & Vanhove, A. (2024). Experiencing the pull and push: Influences on independent contractor motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Scopus.

McCready, A. M., Selznick, B. S., & Duran, A. (2023). Will anything change? Examining historically White fraternity members’ development of openness to diversity in contemporary times. Research in Higher Education64(7), 1011-1030.

Jach, E. A., Selznick, B. S., & Trolian, T. L. (2023). Transforming Applied Learning Opportunities to Online Education: A Synthesis-To-Practice Approach. American Journal of Distance Education, 1-17.

Vanhove, A. J., Graham, B. Z., & Thornton, G. C. (2023). Moderators of sex- and race-based subgroup differences in assessment center ratings: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 31(1), 63–91. Scopus.

Selznick, B. S. (2023). " I Alone Can't Stop the Spread": Mid-Level Conduct Professionals Sensemaking through COVID-19. Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs39(1), 47-68.

Vanhove, A. J., Graham, B. Z., Titareva, T., & Udomvisawakul, A. (2023). Classification performance of supervised machine learning to predict hrm outcomes: a meta-analysis using cross-classified multilevel modeling. 2023 Academy of Management Proceedings.

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Musyoka, K. M., & Sloan, M. F. (2023). Historical and emergent leadership models in the north-west and south-east. In S.K. Dhiman, J.F. Marques, J. Schmieder-Ramirez, & P.G. Malakyan (Eds.), Handbook of Global Leadership and Followership: Integrating the Best Leadership Theory and Practice (pp. 543–566). Springer.

Vanhove, A. J., Graham, B. Z., Titareva, T., & Udomvisawakul, A. (2023). Classification performance of supervised machine learning to predict HRM outcomes: a meta-analysis using cross-classified multilevel modeling. 2023(1).

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