Join the Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society
We have a student chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, a national mathematics honors society that promotes scholarly activity in mathematics among students.
To promote mathematics, the National Pi Mu Epsilon Council sponsors an annual conference in conjunction with the Mathematics Association of America's (MAA) annual MathFest. Traditionally, this conference occurs the first weekend of August. Undergraduate members of Pi Mu Epsilon are encouraged to give a 15 minute presentation on a mathematical topic of interest.
In its quest to promote mathematics, Pi Mu Epsilon also sponsors a journal devoted to topics in mathematics accessible to undergraduate students. Papers from students and faculty appear in this refereed forum. The journal also presents a Problem section where a reader can find challenging mathematical problems.
A person meeting any one of the following four sets of qualifications may be elected to membership by a chapter. This election shall be irrespective of sex, religion, race, or national origin:
- Undergraduate students who have completed at least the equivalent of two semesters of calculus and two additional courses in mathematics, at or above the calculus level, all of which lead to the fulfillment of the requirements for a major in the mathematical sciences. In addition, such students must have maintained a grade point average equivalent to that of at least 3.0 on a 4 point scale, both for all courses that lead to fulfillment of requirements for a major in the mathematical sciences, and also for all courses that lead to fulfillment of requirements for an undergraduate degree.
- Graduate students whose mathematical work is at least equivalent to that required of qualified undergraduates, and who have maintained at least a B average in mathematics during their last school year prior to their election.
- Members of the faculty in mathematics or related subjects.
- Any persons who have achieved distinction in a mathematical science.
The PME faculty advisor is Hasan Hamdan.