JMU Math & Stat students place in COMAP Competition

This is how astronomically loud a rocket launch really is: Dr. Caroline Lubert is featured in Popular Science for her work measuring aeroacoustic noise from rocket launches like the upcoming Artemis I launch. 



JMU students and faculty work with Harrisonburg Fire Department

Data to the Rescue: Partnering with the Harrisonburg Fire Department: Dr. Nelson and Dr. Thelwell worked with JMU students to help the Harrisonburg Fire Department to determine the optimal location for a new fire station based on incident and response data. 



Haynes Scholars Community featured in Madison Magazine

Connections STEM from Community: The Haynes Scholars Residential Learning Community helps new Dukes in Myriad Ways. Drs. Arnold, Oh, Taalman, and Thelwell have been mentoring first-year JMU STEM majors in exploratory mathematics research. Read about the program at the JMU website or in the most recent issue of Madison Magazine.


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