Johnathan Bush image


Assistant Professor, Applied Math
Year Started at JMU: 2024
Contact Info

Research Description

My research interests include data analysis, topology, and geometry. I am motivated by problems in applied and computational topology (particularly topological data analysis), metric geometry, and combinatorial topology. I use and develop tools from topology, geometry, and machine learning to attack these problems.

  • PhD in Mathematics, Colorado State University, 2021
  • MS in Mathematics, Colorado State University, 2018
  • BA in Mathematics, University of Montana, 2016
Select Publications
  • "The topology of projective codes and the distribution of zeros of odd maps," with Henry Adams and Florian Frick. Accepted to appear in Michigan Mathematical Journal, 2024.
  • “Toroidal Coordinates: Decorrelating Circular Coordinates With Lattice Reduction,” with Luis Scoccola, Hitesh Gakhar, Nikolas Schonsheck, Tatum Rask, Ling Zhou, and Jose A. Perea. 39th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), 2023.
  • “Representations of energy landscapes by sublevelset persistent homology: an example with n-alkanes,” with Joshua Mirth, Yanqin Zhai, Enrique G. Alvarado, Howie Jordan, Mark Heim, Bala Krishnamoorthy, Markus Pflaum, Aurora Clark, Y Z, and Henry Adams. Journal of Chemical Physics, 154:114114, 2021.
  • “Operations on metric thickenings,” with Henry Adams and Joshua Mirth. In: Sivak, D., & Vicary, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of Applied Category Theory Conference, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 328:1-15, 2020.


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