Associate Professor, Pure Math
Year Started at JMU: 2014
Contact Info
Website: https://educ.jmu.edu/~webbjj/
Research Description
I am a number theorist who studies classical modular forms and their applications to other objects such as integer partitions, and L-functions.
- PhD in Mathematics, 2011, University of South Carolina, Columbia
- BA in Pure Mathematics, 2001, Dartmouth College
Select Publications
- Calculating bases of modular forms using the graded algebra structure. (with M. Lam, N. McClelland, and M. Petty) Monatsh Math. 188 (2019), no. 1, 121-130.
- On spaces of modular forms spanned by eta-quotients. (with J. Rouse) Adv. Math. 272 (2015), 200-224.
- The partition function modulo prime powers. (with M. Boylan) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 365 (2013), no. 4, 2169-2206.