Undergraduate Advising Resources
Advising Information for Faculty
If you are an applied teacher (and full-time faculty), you will need to set up an advising meeting with your students before they register for classes. Students will receive an email from Mary Jean Speare regarding advising and registering for classes, as well as a document entitled "Preparing for Advising." In preparation for your meeting, please look at your student's transcript and Academic Requirements Report. Students whose primary teacher is an adjunct faculty member will have a full-time faculty member in that area as advisor, in which case, that person should meet with the student.
If you need information about the advisee tab in MyMadison, please review the video linked above as "Faculty Advising Tutorial."
When reviewing the transcript, as well as making sure your student is getting at least a C- in all music classes, please check the following requirements that often keep students from graduating on time:
- Is your student consistently registering for keyboard until that requirement is complete?
- Are they enrolling in and getting credit (grade of CR) each semester for MUS 195?
- Are they taking and passing Gen Ed requirements?
- Are they registering for the correct credit hours of applied lessons? This is a problem if you have a performance major who enrolls in 2-credit lessons instead of 3.
Please encourage your students to keep track of their own courses using the Academic Requirements Report on MyMadison, as well as the 4-year plans in the Undergraduate Handbook.
See more information on General Education requirements.
If you have a graduating senior, please make sure that they have applied to graduate through MyMadison and check the status of that application with your student.
If you have any advising questions, please reach out to Mary Jean Speare at spearemj@jmu.edu.