Important COVID-19 Vaccination Information
NewsStaff, Faculty and Graduate Assistants,
On February 5, I sent an email to faculty and staff cautioning that you should only click on a link to schedule a COVID vaccine if you receive an email directly from the Central Shenandoah Health District (CSHD). The email also communicated that CSHD is the primary point of contact for scheduling and administering the vaccine.
The purpose of this correspondence is to let you know that the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) vaccination procedures continue to evolve and improve. As such, I want to share the following:
- IMPORTANT: All JMU employees should pre-register individually for a vaccination by clicking on this link:
OR you may call:
(877) VAX-IN-VA
(877) 829-4682
It is essential that you pre-register so that VDH and CSHD have the critical personal information that will allow them to place you in the queue for a vaccine. (If you have already registered, you may go to the website or call the phone number to confirm your registration.)
(IMPORTANTE: Descubra cómo vacunarse visitando o llamando al 1-877-829-4682. Servicios de traducción y teléfonos de texto (TTY) disponibles.)
- To make sure that all JMU faculty and staff are offered vaccinations as they become available, JMU will provide VDH with lists of employees based on their job roles. The data will include first name, last name, role title, JMU email address and department. This process essentially serves as a back-up to ensure our employees’ names are submitted to VDH.
If JMU submits your name to VDH, it does not imply a directive by JMU or VDH that you must receive the vaccination, nor does it complete your registration.
- You can expect to receive additional vaccine-related emails from me. These emails will keep you informed of developments that may impact you directly.Therefore, please monitor your email closely and urge your friends and colleagues to do the same.
You are advised to visit the CSHD website,, for further details on local COVID-19 vaccination efforts.
While visiting the site, you should sign up for the CSHD newsletter to receive the most current vaccination information.
If you have questions, you may reply to this email.
Rick Larson
Assistant Vice President for HR, Training and Performance