Record participation in winter Study Abroad programs
We are happy to welcome back 121 students this semester after their completion of study abroad programming during winter session. This record-setting number of winter-term students studied various topics from social justice and peace studies in Ireland to global citizenship and healthcare in South Africa, and many things in between. N'Deye Sock, a senior Communication Studies and Media Arts & Design double major, participated on a new program to Guatemala led by Shaun Mooney, and cited this experience as "life-changing and fulfilling." The program, titled Guatemala: Exploring the Culture, History, and Landscapes, was open to all students but specifically designed for students in the Centennial Scholars Program, with 15 out of the 17 participants identifying as a first-generation student.
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JMU students in Guatemala featured on @MayanKitchenCooking.
Another new program, titled France: Famous Americans in Paris, was led by French professor, Dr. Peter Eubanks. This course focused on the writings of scholars like Thomas Jefferson, Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and many more who once considered Paris home, and allowed students to complete the HUM 200 general education course.
In all, there were nine programs (another record-setting number for winter-term), that traversed 13 countries around the world. Faculty or staff interested in leading a program next winter session can learn more on our website, and can email with additional questions.