Chapter Information
Chapter Designation Theta Omicron
Council College Panhellenic Council
Founding Year 1851
Year Established at JMU 2012
Current President Kristen Mihich
President's Email
New Member Dues
Current Member Dues
Alpha Delta Pi on Facebook Alpha Delta Pi on Instagram Alpha Delta Pi's website
Philanthropy and Service
Total Volunteer Hours Hours Per Member Total Dollars Raise Dollars Raised Per Member
New Members Active Members Total Members
6 235 235
New Member GPA Active Member GPA Organization GPA


Academic Achievement
Philanthropy and Service

2018 Sorority of the Year
Outstanding Contributions to Council - Courtney Williams

Academic Achievement
Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Member Development
Philanthropy and Service

Philanthropy Work

Ronald McDonald House Charities


Scholarship, Leadership, Service to others, and Sisterhood

Organizational Standing & Records

Current Standing: In Good Disciplinary Standing

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