Chapter Information
Chapter Designation Kappa Beta
Council Interfraternity Council
Founding Year 1858
Year Established at JMU 2014
Current President James Harriot
President's Email
New Member Dues
Current Member Dues
Delta Tau Delta on Facebook Delta Tau Delta on Instagram Delta Tau Delta's website
Philanthropy and Service
Total Volunteer Hours Hours Per Member Total Dollars Raise Dollars Raised Per Member
1,206 15 $200.00 $2.43
New Members Active Members Total Members
125 125
New Member GPA Active Member GPA Organization GPA
2.776 3.013 2.965


2019 Excellence Awards

Philanthropy and Service

Member Development

2018 Excellence Awards

Chapter of the Year

Academic Achievement
Philanthropy and Service

Citizenship and Social Responsibility

Member Development

2017 Excellence Awards

Clive Hallman Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award ‑ Matthew Branigan

Fraternity Man of the Year ‑ Joshua Whitaker

Philanthropy Work

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation


Truth, Courage, Faith, and Power

Organizational Standing & Records

Current Standing: On Probation and In Good Disciplinary Standing

Type of Case: Organizational Record
Process: Formal Investigation
Date Reported: 03-26-2024
Investigation Initiated: 03-27-2024
Investigation Concluded: 05-06-2024
Alcohol (Responsible); Hazing (Not Responsible)

Incident(s) Description:
In the course of investigating a report of alleged hazing, it was determined that at an event on 3/21/24 the following behaviors occurred: alcohol provided to underage members; alcohol consumed by underage members.

Disciplinary Probation (through May 2025) including once-a-month review meetings between a FSL staff member, Administrative Office Staff Member, Advisory Board member and the President and/or designated Executive Team member(s) in attendance. During these meetings, chapter leaders receive additional support on stewarding chapter culture change and maintenance of alcohol use practices

Membership Re-commitment process (due by September 7, 2024): Process managed by Headquarters team. Once the chapter completes the below sanctions, they will need to re-commit to the new direction of the chapter. A list of all chapter members who sign the re-commitment documentation is to be provided via an updated roster to the FSL team and to reflected in the roster in the Be Involved student organization platform

New Member Education Workshops (Executive Board workshop completed by August 1, 2024 virtually with headquarters staff. 80% of full chapter membership completed by September 7, 2024 with headquarters staff)

Structured review of risk prevention policies and procedures before the first social event with alcohol by Headquarters staff from which the chapter will produce an event management checklist for the FSL team

Comply with any outcomes determined by the headquarters administrative team

Type of Case: Organizational Record
Process: Formal Investigation
Date Reported: 04-27-2023
Investigation Initiated: 08-31-2023
Investigation Concluded: 11-03-2023
Hazing (Responsible)

Incident(s) Description:
In the course of investigating a report of hazing, it was determined that during Spring 2023 the following behaviors occurred: new members were required to swipe members into dining facilities; new members were prohibited from wearing certain clothing items; new members were required to attend a particular number of study hours; new members were required to work the entrances of events; the organization failed to follow university policy on the length/duration of the new member process.

Disciplinary Probation through December 2024, including once-a-month review meetings between a FSL staff member, Administrative Office Staff Member, Advisory Board member and the President and/or designated Executive Team member(s) in attendance. During these meetings, chapter leaders receive additional support on stewarding chapter culture change and maintenance of non-hazing member practices

Submit a clear new member program to the FSL office - December 1, 2023

Comply with any outcomes determined by the headquarters administrative team

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