JMU's School of Professional & Continuing Education invites you, a former JMU student, to complete your degree through the Adult Degree Program.

You may be able to submit an Intent to Re-Enroll form if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You are an undergraduate student.
  2. You have at least one graded (including withdrawals) semester at JMU.
  3. You left JMU in good academic standing and with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  4. Fewer than two years have passed since your last graded (including withdrawals) semester.
    Please complete the re-entry form to re-enroll with the Registrar's Office.

You will need to contact our office to determine if you are eligible to submit a Re-Entry Application if you meet any of the following criteria:

  1. You left JMU on academic suspension or your cumulative GPA was below 2.0.
  2. More than two years have passed since your last graded (including withdrawals) semester.
    Please complete the Contact Us form to connect with an enrollment advisor.
Application Deadlines
  • Fall I: July 1
  • Fall II: September 1
  • Spring I: November 1
  • Spring II: February 1
  • Summer: April 1

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