Undergraduate INTENT TO ENROLL

To be completed by Undergraduate students who have missed one or more semesters at JMU
Deadlines for Submission * Fall Semester - July 1 * Spring Semester - November 1 * Summer Session - April 1


Mailing Address:
State:   Zip: 
Intended term of return:
Please check the appropriate box for the following questions:
  1. Were you on academic suspension when you left JMU?       
  2. Is your cumulative GPA less than 2.0?       
    Multiple paragraph personal statement citing the reason for departure, interim activities, and academic plan upon re-entry
  3. Have more than two years passed since your last graded (including Withdrawals) semester?   
    If the answer is yes, you will be reactivated for the purposes of applying to graduate only. You will not be permitted to enroll in classes.
  4. Do you have a degree from JMU?       
    If you answered yes: Students cannot pursue a second bachelor's degree at JMU after the completion of a first bachelor's degree. You may apply to be a non-degree seeking student through the Professional and Continuing Education or apply to The Graduate School to pursue a master's or doctoral level degree.
  5. Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty or no contest to, any offense other than a moving traffic violation?       
    If yes, please list the date, jurisdiction, and original charge(s), and outcome below:
  6. Have you ever been subject to disciplinary action by JMU or ANY school, college, or university?       
    If yes, please fill in the box below to include the name of the institution, an explanation of charges, and all outcomes including but not limited to date of probation/suspension/dismissal/sanction.
  • If you answered yes to questions 1 or 2, your form, along with a typewritten personal statement citing the reason for departure and interim activities, must be mailed to the Director of Academic Student Services, 71 Alumnae Drive - MSC 7506, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. Please note: no faxed or emailed submissions are accepted.
  • If you answered yes to question 3, you must apply for reentry, regardless of how you answered questions 1 or 2. (https://www.jmu.edu/acstudserv/re-entry/)

If you answered no to the first three questions above, send your completed form to the Office of the Registrar in one of the following ways: Mail: 738 South Mason Street - MSC 3528, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; Fax (540) 568-5616; Email: clientservices@jmu.edu

JMU is unable to guarantee on-campus housing for reentry students. Please contact Off-Campus Life at (540) 568-6071 for information about off-campus housing. However, if you would like to be considered for on-campus housing, please contact the Office of Residence Life at (540) 568-4663.

If you have attended other schools during your absence from JMU, please have each institution send an official transcript of your work to the Office of the Registrar, 738 South Mason Street - MSC 3528, Harrisonburg, VA 22807.

Please note that by signing below, you are bound by the James Madison University Honor Code. Any violation of this honor code, including omission of necessary information on this form, may result in revocation of enrollment.

Step 1. Would you like to be contacted by the Dean of Students office

Step 2. Check the box below

Step 3. Type in your name

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